Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin – February 3, 2025


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 0-5″

Date of Report: February 3, 2025

Snowmobile Information:

Put on about 100 miles yesterday, Sunday. Ended up at Sunken Horse on the flowage. Today that group is riding north from Birches to the Wine Hut at White Cap. We had about 3″ of snow yesterday morning here. This morning it is snowing pretty good, but only about 1″ due. The 3-5″ is south of us going from a line Merrill to Sturgeon Bay. We are holding. Slight chance of snow every day this week, but Mother Nature is crankier than my ex-wife, and Punxsutawney Phil is a big fat weasel, so I am boycotting weather reports. Trail 17, the main grade, is rough on the south end Mattke to Wishow. If you utilize Fence Lake, at Frying PanTrail, you can access 17 and head north. Good riding all the way through the Raven, and fairly decent to the Powell Marsh. Out in the open in the marsh it is gravel. You can bypass that by utilizing the lake routes, and jump off of Flambeau, pick up 23, River Rd, up to 182. 182 is thin going west, and bumpy to Springstead. 182 east to 17 south of Mercer, has more snow but bumpy. Road routes WERE liking these wimpy snows. Trail #1, Stearns Lake Rd, and East Boundary, was really good up to 51 yesterday. They must have plowed this morning, and there are a lot of bare stretches now. Our club trails, from H down to Moss, Crawling Stone, and the Fence Lake Landing, are also good. The truck ruts between H and 47 are still there, but less pronounced and filling in some. I keep running into riders from our club, that are finding decent snow. You get good reports, bad reports, and ugly reports, all from the same areas. I have been doing these reports for five years, and get good feedback, and people like the humor, but a young friend posted some reports, and she said people got angry. I did not get details, but fuchi que pesto people, as my friend Willy would say, “That just aint right.” Northern Hornshoe meeting tonight at Sheri’s pub, and we will get an update on our Deere with a sore stomach. Mercer Sno-goers meeting at Sunken Horse tomorrow night. I am blessed that I have friends that are active in snowmobiling at club level, state level, and national level. They are in MS, AWSC, KAOS, and Next Gen Riders. There are a lot of other things I don’t know about. It can be quite humbling to hear their activity level, and be just awestruck the work that goes in. When a county opens, or stays closed, these are not light decisions. Mark

Trail Report – : Antigo/Langlade County, Wisconsin – February 3, 2025


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 1-4

Date of Report: February 3, 2025

Area Report:

Langlade County Snowmobile and winter ATV trails are closed until adequate snowfall is received. Antigo received 4+ inches of snow on Monday, February 3, 2025, but snowmobile clubs need to assess the trails and groom the 550+ miles of snowmobile trails before an update can be provided.

Please keep checking back for updates. For instant trail report text messages, text “Recreation” to 888777 for when Langlade County motorized trails open and close.

Trail Report – : Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin – February 3, 2025


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 0-5

Date of Report: February 3, 2025

Area Report:

We received some snow overnight Sunday into Monday morning. Clubs will be out today assessing the snow and likely panning some trails. This is the first week all winter that we have multiple days forecasted for possible snow, so keep your fingers crossed and we will update conditions as soon as we hear from our trail captains.

⚠️LCO – TRAIL 31 CLOSED Ice heave across whole lake from west side of Chicago Bay to the Whitefish Creek/Golden Shores area. ⚠️


Just to recap the heaves reported:
⚠️Nelson Lake – Hard Rock Cr to main Lake. Is not marked, club will monitor it this week.
⚠️Round Lake – across from Busse to Linden boat launch. Does run across the trail and there are caution signs at the heave near the marked trail area.
⚠️Long Lake – Little Bear to Boy Scout land. Is marked
⚠️ Chippewa Flowage – Sisko’s Pine Point Resort by landing. They have stakes warning ⚠️ Second heave reported going south in narrows towards Cranberry Lake on east side of Flowage. Not staked, will check it this week
⚠️Grindstone – in front of Williams Bay. Not staked
⚠️Lake Namakagon- between Garden Lake & Namakagon, just off of Duck Point

Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – February 3, 2025


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 2-5″

Date of Report: February 3, 2025

Area Report:

At 8:00 am it is 21 degrees out with light snow predicted until mid-day followed by cooler
temps and the next chance of snow coming Wednesday evening.
Due to cooler temps and scattered light snow the past few days, we ramped up our grooming.
We are still down to one groomer and our New Holland T6 has been going out non-stop
through out the weekend. We have been focusing on our north bound trails that connect to
Land O Lakes, Presque Isle, and Manitowish Waters. We groomed 15N/6E last night and 8E
early this morning.
Our trails are rideable and are in fair to good condition with some poor spots along the way.
Any amount of snow will help preserve the trails. Our road and town routes are still snow
covered and rideable.
If you are in the area this upcoming weekend, we are holding a “Trailside Brat Fry” at our
groomer shed on Saturday, 2/8, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Look for an updated trail report on Thursday, February 6th.

Landy Roepke
BJSC Trail Manager

News and Reports:

Upcoming Events: 

December – February 6: Snowmobile Northwoods Weekend Getaway Sweepstakes

December-March: Gooch’s Pizza fundraiser, stop in and support him and the club by ordering a pizza!

February 8: Trailside Brat Fry 11am-2pm at the Groomer Shed off trail 15 *weather permitting*

February 16: Breakfast Fundraiser from 8:30-11am at The Guide’s Inn

February 20: Spaghetti Feed 4-7pm at The Rustic Roadhaus

March 1: Cabin Fever starting at 4pm at Gooch’s 2

Find all event details on our website at!

Snowmobile Information:

Now is the time to renew or start a new membership! You can find all the information on our website here: or contact the club directly at

Trail Report – : Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin – February 3, 2025


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 0-6″

Date of Report: February 3, 2025

Snowmobile Information:

Put on about 100 miles yesterday, Sunday. Ended up at Sunken Horse on the flowage. Today that group is riding north from Birches to the Wine Hut at White Cap. We had about 3″ of snow yesterday morning here. This morning it is snowing pretty good, but only about 1″ due. The 3-5″ is south of us going from a line Merrill to Sturgeon Bay. We are holding. Slight chance of snow every day this week, but Mother Nature is crankier than my ex-wife, and Punxsutawney Phil is a big fat weasel, so I am boycotting weather reports. Trail 17, the main grade, is rough on the south end Mattke to Wishow. If you utilize Fence Lake, at Frying PanTrail, you can access 17 and head north. Good riding all the way through the Raven, and fairly decent to the Powell Marsh. Out in the open in the marsh it is gravel. You can bypass that by utilizing the lake routes, and jump off of Flambeau, pick up 23, River Rd, up to 182. 182 is thin going west, and bumpy to Springstead. 182 east to 17 south of Mercer, has more snow but bumpy. Road routes are liking these wimpy snows. Trail #1, Stearns Lake Rd, and East Boundary, is really good up to 51. Even Plummer Lake Rd was good last night. The plows are not pushing back to the dirt line. Our club trails, from H down to Moss, Crawling Stone, and the Fence Lake Landing, are also good. The truck ruts between H and 47 are still there, but less pronounced and filling in some. I keep running into riders from our club, that are finding decent snow. You get good reports, bad reports, and ugly reports, all from the same areas. I have been doing these reports for five years, and get good feedback, and people like the humor, but a young friend posted some reports, and she said people got angry. I did not get details, but fuchi que pesto people, as my friend Willy would say, “That just aint right.” Northern Hornshoe meeting tonight at Sheri’s pub, and we will get an update on our Deere with a sore stomach. Mercer Sno-goers meeting at Sunken Horse tomorrow night. I am blessed that I have friends that are active in snowmobiling at club level, state level, and national level. They are in MS, AWSC, KAOS, and Next Gen Riders. There are a lot of other things I don’t know about. It can be quite humbling to hear their activity level, and be just awestruck the work that goes in. When a county opens, or stays closed, these are not light decisions. Try to thank first, then ask questions later. Out of coffee, done chattering like a chipmunk. Mark

Trail Report – : Ashland County, Wisconsin – February 3, 2025

Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 3-6inches

Date of Report: February 3, 2025

Area Report:

Snowmobile Report – February 3, 2025
In Ashland County we are still dealing with early season conditions and a number of trails are closed due to lack of snow.
Ride with caution!
Trails closed are:
Trail 2,
Trail 4/16,
Trail 13/21 north of Mellen,
Trail 9/25 north of intersection of trail 9/25 and trail 90 (God’s Country intersection)
Do not ride around closed trail signs!

Please respect farmers land. Stay on trails that are open.
Make a stop at these locations that are on the trail section that is open
Copper Ridge and Drop Tine Bar & Grill
Northern Lure and Lena’s Bar & Grill
D&D , Ridge Runner, Butternut Cafe and Midway Bar & Grill
Clam Lake
Clam Lake Junction and Elkhorn Lodge

Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – February 2, 2025


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: White and fluffy

Date of Report: February 2, 2025

Area Report:

Another weekend with Heavy traffic on the Frosty Club trails. The trails held up well with the groomers being out every night except for Thursday which got too warm. While I was working breakfast at Sunrise Lodge today I heard nothing but praise for the Frosty Club trails. Hats off to the Groomer boss Bob and groomers Rob, Anthony, Silas, Matt, and Jeff. A job well done. Temps look good for this week with a little snow possible each day so it is a Great time to ride.

News and Reports:

Meat Raffle at Brew’s Pub Saturday.

Bent’s Camp Radar Run next Saturday—-run what you brung!

Snowmobile Information:

We still have a few Cass raffle tickets available. Stop in at The Alley or Sunrise Lodge to get yours ASAP.

Trail Report – : Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin – February 2, 2025


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 2-4″

Date of Report: February 2, 2025

Snowmobile Information:

We had a good weekend riding as long as you avoided 17 in the open areas. MS riders had a great time, found decent riding, and awarded Northern Hornshoe, and Mercer Sno-goers, an award for Community Partners of the year. One friend called my wife, and asked if there would be snow in two weeks. My subscription to the psychic hotline expired, my crystal ball is in the shop, and Ebay keeps pushing back my snow order. We had about 1.5″ here last night, Mother Nature went Hogan’s goat on me overnight. as our 3-5″ looks to track south today and tomorrow. I let Jeff and Kim know, last night, the week looks good.They rearranged their whole world, and even pushed arrival up to Thursday. Spray with Fantastic and Poof Snow is gone. Unless the forecast changes back, I am a dead man. I will be found in a shallow snow bank, with little size #6 boot prints all over my butt. I am going to try and hook up with Rodney and the girls at Birches today. I can do a real trail report tonight after I update my last will and testament  Mark

Trail Report – : St. Germain, Wisconsin – February 2, 2025

Reporter:Bo-Boen Reporter

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 2-6

Date of Report: February 2, 2025

Area Report:

Trails here in Vilas County are open.
A couple of inches of snow fell overnight putting a little more snow on the trails. Snow cover is still considered low. You can still get out and ride. Trails are in fair shape.
Club Maps are available at many of our businesses. You can also check out the Vilas County Map It App at
Ride your side.
Please note that Oneida County Trails are not open.

News and Reports:

Visit for membership info, events, and more!

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