Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – March 2, 2022

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: Varied ice base – Need SNOW

Date of Report: March 2, 2022

Area Report:

March 2, 2022 – 6:42am 12 degrees – High today 25 – Low tonight 2 below – Snowing off & on

Trails are on average FAIR.  With that said there are all conditions out on the trails & the conditions change quickly.  Whether riding north, south, east or west sections are GOOD particularly in the undercover areas & south side of road trails.  POOR in the wide open area due to the evil sun.  FAIR in the rest.  Early morning & late evening there are icy conditions in corners.  Corners also have blow outs.  I call it ADVENTURE SLEDDING. 

Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) shows groomers back out grooming last night

One Heading SOUTH through town past the Ice Castle grooming Trail Alt 13 south to the Three Lakes Trail connect. 

Another groomer headed NORTH on Trails 10/13, these 2 trails run on the same section together all the way to the Conover Trail connect.  Then headed west on 10/13 across the section that crosses the Wisconsin River bridge heading west. After crossing the bridge & at the Trail 10/13 intersection grooming Trail 10W & the Uncle Kent club trail.

On the way back from grooming the NORTH section trails groomers turned onto Trail 3 aka Manske that head east & connects to Trail 17N & Trail 1.  Trail 1 takes you to the Eagle Lake Boat launch on the northside of Eagle Lake.  Turned around & head back on Trail 1 to the 17N connect & back to the to the Groomer Barn.

To help you out the the location of these trail pick up a paper trail map or use the GTS tracker or the MapIt Vilas County app.  A link to the download either is below.

The Clubs of Vilas County work very hard to secure easements from private landowners & folks we are losing many due to off trail riding.  So PLEASE NO OFF TRAIL RIDING.

Catfish & Eagle lake trails marked & OPEN. Stay by the orange reflective barrels. Surface slush with the sun is possible. DO NOT think the entire lake is safe. 

Please KEEP DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE!  And THINK COLD would be good too! 

See ya on the Trails!

Holly Tomlanovich
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update

News and Reports:


  • 3/12 – Mules UpNorth – 6pm-8pm – Chef Renes’ – 70W of Eagle River at the bridge – 3 miles
  • 3/17 – General member meeting at Chef Rene’s – 6:30pm – Hwy 70W of Eagle River
  • 3/26 – Groom to Ride raffle drawing – 1pmm – Trackside – Hwy 45N across from the Derby Track

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Antigo/Langlade County, Wisconsin – March 1, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 3-8

Date of Report: March 1, 2022

Area Report:

The Langlade County snowmobile trails overall are in fair to good condition in both Zone A and B.  Due to the lack of snow and relatively heavy trail use, there are thin spots throughout the trail system, mainly on the high traffic trails.  Icy spots and corners are also present throughout and snowmobiles should use caution and slow down, especially on corners and bridges.  

Due to planned construction activities; intersections 30 to 30A will be closed immediately.

The trail segment from intersection 93 south to Northwoods Inn is closed indefinitely. 

Download a Langlade County Snowmobile Map.

Trail Report – : Superior – Douglas County, Wisconsin – March 1, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 10-15

Date of Report: March 1, 2022

Area Report:

Douglas County received 12-16 inches of much needed snow across the county last Monday and Tuesday.  Most trails are in excellent condition.  It is starting to look a little like spring so get out and ride while you still can.

Douglas County Forestry does not maintain any trails across lakes.  If you would like information of specific trails, please contact the Snowmobile club in that area.

It is critical that we respect the landowners who allow us to utilize their property. Please Stay On The Trails.

Please share this info with anyone that you believe would be interested…our goal is to inform as many trail riders as possible.

Please check with neighboring counties to ensure the trails are open before you ride!

Click here for a link to a map of open trails

SW Quadrant –(Maintained by Cozy Corner Trails Club)
Trail 5  Groomed
Trail 5A Groomed
Trail 925 Groomed
Trail 835 Groomed
Trail 930 Groomed
Trail 9  Groomed (watch for Logging north of Cnty Road A)
Trail 935 Groomed

SE Quadrant –   (Maintained by 4 Seasons Recreational Club, Jackpine Riders, and Get-er-Done)
Trail 5 Groomed
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail north of Solon Springs) Groomed
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail south) Groomed
Trail 27B Groomed
Trail 27C Groomed
Trail 41S Groomed
Trail 41B Groomed
Trail 217 Groomed
Trail 727 Groomed Last Week
Trail 17N Groomed
Trail 7 Groomed
Trail 27 Groomed
Trail 3 Groomed
Trail 41 (WRT to the warming Shack) Groomed 
(watch for logging near Pierce Road.)
Trail 541 Groomed
Trail 17S (South of Lower Eau Claire Lake) Groomed Last Week
(Watch for logging across the county line)

NE Quadrant – (Maintained by Brule River Riders)
Open Trails
Trail 1:  Groomed
Trail 2 (TCC): Groomed
Trail 4:  Groomed
Trail 6:  Groomed
Trail 18:  Groomed
Trail 24:  Groomed
Trail B 24:  Groomed
Trail 27/27A:  Groomed
Trail 35 (WRT) Groomed
Trail 635: Groomed
Trail 235: Groomed

NW Quadrant- (Maintained by Drift Dodgers)
Gandy Dancer Trail Groomed from the state line to Patzau
Saunders Grade Groomed Last Week
Wrenshall Grade Groomed Last Week
Trail 0 Groomed Last Week
Trail 28 Groomed
The Cross town connector Groomed
4/41 Groomed (Watch for Logging)
Trail 4 Groomed

Please enjoy and Ride safe!

For Further information, Pease contact the Douglas County Forestry Department at 715-378-2219 or see our website, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM excluding Holidays.

Trail Report – : Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin – March 1, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 6-9 inches of snow

Date of Report: March 1, 2022

Area Report:

March 1, 2022

Groomers are back out after another great weekend!! The entire Seeley Hills to Bayfield County line down to Nelson Lake has been completed and will continue to be touched up as the week progresses. 
The Musky Sno Club had a part go out on their piston bully that was a struggle to find but with the help from many one was found in Tennessee and shipped quickly and the guys jumped quick to get that installed and back on the trails! So if you rode from Round Lake to the Lost Land Lake area you had quite the bumpy ride and we apologize.  Things are all groomed back up and ready to ride!  Sno Trails big Case tractor is down, but the Ranger groomer is working double duty to keep the trails in top shape!  Thanks again to all the volunteers who work all hours of the day and night to maintain our trail system!  
This week and weekend will get warmer but our trails remain excellent for the weekend. We even have some snow in the forecast Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Trail Report – : Crivitz, Wisconsin – March 1, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: Good Spring Riding

Date of Report: March 1, 2022

Area Report:

Trails are all open and being groomed.  Good spring riding.  High traffic areas are showing some snirt.  They are predicting snow on Saturday & Sunday.  

Trail Report – : Western UP, Michigan – March 1, 2022

Reporter:Western U.P. Snowmobile Report

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 12-22+

Date of Report: March 1, 2022

Area Report:

Western U P Snowmobile Trail Report



Looks like we are suppose to get more snow again this weekend.  They are calling for 90% chance of snow on Friday and Saturday.  This should keep the trails going into March which we haven’t seen for a few years.   Grooming is ongoing weather permitting. 


Please stay on marked trails riding on unmarked trails can result in the clubs losing easement for that trail.

Gogebic Range Trail Authority Groomer Report March1, 2022


For the first time in several years we are grooming a deep base of snow on our trail system in March. All of our trails have been groomed since the weekend. We are watching temps and taking measures to ensure we don’t compromise what we have left


Gogebic Area Groomers Report March 1, 2022


All trails in the Lake Gogebic Area are reported to be in good to excellent condition.    Groomers are out hitting them all daily.    Temps to warm up a bit to the 20’s.   Snow in the forecast for Tuesday and looks like some accumulating snow this upcoming weekend.    March is the time to ride and it looks like Mother Nature is cooperating with us!  Fingers crossed!


U.P. Thunder Riders Trail Report March 1, 2022


Trails are in good to very good condition.

Snowmobile season is in full swing, which means both riders and groomers are out on the trails. Here are a few things to keep in mind when enjoying the trails while grooming is taking place.

Be courteous to the driver – these volunteers do their best to keep snowmobile trails in riding condition.

Groomers use the entire width of the trail and have the right of way.

When a groomer is visible you must immediately move off the trail.

We hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable snowmobile season and remember to follow Ride Right safety tips –


Trail Report – : Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin – March 1, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 6-9 inches of snow

Date of Report: March 1, 2022

Area Report:

March 1, 2022

It was a beautiful weekend for riding, hopefully you got to hit the trails and enjoy the wonderful conditions.  There are some equipment breakdowns within the network and groomers are sharing equipment to help get things ready for the week ahead.  Check back for more comprehensive updates as we move further into the week.

Trail Report – : Tomahawk, Wisconsin – March 1, 2022

Reporter:Tomahawk Chamber of Commerce

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 4+

Date of Report: March 1, 2022

Area Report:

LINCOLN COUNTY ZONE 1 TRAILS are officially open. 
ONEDIA COUNTY trails are officially open.

Trails are groomed and in fair to good condition. 

Any trails designated for winter ATV are open while temperatures are BELOW 28°. No UTVs.

Please stay safe and respect landowners by STAYING ON MARKED TRAILS and between blazers only.

Happy sledding!

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – March 1, 2022

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: Ice base is varied – Need new SNOW

Date of Report: March 1, 2022

Area Report:

On average FAIR
Need new SNOW

March 1, 2022 – 7:15am 22 degrees – High today 30 – Low tonight 10

March 1st & we’re still riding!  With that said trails on average are FAIR.  There is GOOD riding out of town under cover.  There is also POOR riding in many areas especially wide open & spots in town.  The trails are now at Adventure Sledding condition.  There is SNOW in the forecast for tonight into tomorrow but it doesn’t look like much. SNOW off & on through the rest of the week with the best bet for SNOW accumulation is Sunday.  Stay tuned.

Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) shows groomers back out grooming last nightGrooming of trails heading NORTH overnight & grooming all but a one way section of 13N way up near the Conover turn around near Bauers Dam.  That would be from the Groomer Barn: 10W/13N, 17N, 3N aka Manske Swamp, Wisconsin River section of 10W/13N, 10W/7, Uncle Kent club trail off of 10W that comes out at Hwy G, 13N loop (except the one-way).

To be safe please Ride Right even in the corners & expect conditions to change quickly.  Please no off trail riding.  The Clubs of Vilas County work very hard to secure easements from private landowners & folks we are losing many due to off trail riding.  So PLEASE NO OFF TRAIL RIDING.

Catfish & Eagle lake trails marked & OPEN. Stay by the orange reflective barrels. Surface slush with the sun is possible. DO NOT think the entire lake is safe.  Several sleds have gone in the water this season far from the barrels.

Please KEEP DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE!  And THINK COLD would be good too! 

Sleds still in the shop so “See ya on the Trails” real soon!

Holly Tomlanovich
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update

News and Reports:


  • 3/1 – Sno-Eagles Board of Directors meeting – 6pm – VFW located west of town just beyond the intersection by Redman & Eliason Realty
  • 3/12 – Mules UpNorth – 6pm-8pm – Chef Renes’ – 70W of Eagle River at the bridge – 3 miles
  • 3/17 – General member meeting at Chef Rene’s – 6:30pm – Hwy 70W of Eagle River
  • 3/26 – Groom to Ride raffle drawing – 1pmm – Trackside – Hwy 45N across from the Derby Track

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Phelps, Wisconsin – March 1, 2022

Reporter:Phelps Snowmobile Club

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 20″

Date of Report: March 1, 2022

Area Report:

Plenty of snow here in the Phelps area.  Trails are icy in the corners and kinda snirty near the roads.  Cold weather is extending the season into march.  Come and enjoy the trails while the winter weather holds.  Please use cation when out on the trails and stay on the trails.  That is the biggest complaint we get.  The trails are there to ride so please stay on them or we may loss them.