Reporter:Western U.P. Snowmobile Report
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 12-22
Date of Report: February 10, 2022
Area Report:
Western U P Snowmobile Trail Report
We received another 12 inches of new snow in the last few days. Snow is in the forecast today, temps will drop for this weekend. Single digit on Saturday and teens for Sunday. You may encounter drifting and icy corners so please ride with caution.
Please stay on marked trails riding on unmarked trails can result in the clubs losing easement for that trail.
Gogebic Range Trail Authority Groomer Report February 10, 2022
We have received a foot of dry lake effect powder in the last two days and have had another 4-10in in the 6 days prior. Trails have drifting and blowing snow on or across them. All 3 groomers are running nightly thanks to our incredible team of volunteers. Trails are rated very good to excellent. We are day 1 of a busy superbowl weekend, corners will get icy, ride right, STOP at the STOP signs. Even if it is unplowed….our law enforcement teams sit on busy roads next to trails waiting for folks to ignore stop signs.
Gogebic Area Groomers Report February 10, 2022
Gogebic Area Groomers are reporting all trails are groomed and are in good to very good condition. Use caution on corners they may be icy. Please stay on trails and be safe
U.P. Thunder Riders Trail Report February 10, 2022
Snowmobile season is in full swing, which means both riders and groomers are out on the trails. Here are a few things to keep in mind when enjoying the trails while grooming is taking place.
Be courteous to the driver – these volunteers do their best to keep snowmobile trails in riding condition.
Groomers use the entire width of the trail and have the right of way.
When a groomer is visible you must immediately move off the trail.
We hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable snowmobile season and remember to follow Ride Right safety tips –
Caution – Trail 3 south of Watersmeet. Logging Operation will be crossing Trail 3 in between US 45 south of Watersmeet and the Wisconsin Border. Be sure to STOP at all stop signs you do not want to run into a logging truck, they win.