Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Western UP, Michigan – February 10, 2022

Reporter:Western U.P. Snowmobile Report

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 12-22

Date of Report: February 10, 2022

Area Report:

Western U P Snowmobile Trail Report


We received another 12 inches of new snow in the last few days.  Snow is in the forecast today, temps will drop for this weekend.  Single digit on Saturday and teens for Sunday.  You may encounter drifting and icy corners so please ride with caution.


Please stay on marked trails riding on unmarked trails can result in the clubs losing easement for that trail.

Gogebic Range Trail Authority Groomer Report  February 10, 2022

We have received a foot of dry lake effect powder in the last two days and have had another 4-10in in the 6 days prior. Trails have drifting and blowing snow on or across them. All 3 groomers are running nightly thanks to our incredible team of volunteers. Trails are rated very good to excellent. We are day 1 of a busy superbowl weekend, corners will get icy, ride right, STOP at the STOP signs. Even if it is unplowed….our law enforcement teams sit on busy roads next to trails waiting for folks to ignore stop signs.

Gogebic Area Groomers Report  February 10, 2022

Gogebic Area Groomers are reporting all trails are groomed and are in good to very good condition.  Use caution on corners they may be icy.  Please stay on trails and be safe

U.P. Thunder Riders Trail Report  February 10, 2022

Snowmobile season is in full swing, which means both riders and groomers are out on the trails. Here are a few things to keep in mind when enjoying the trails while grooming is taking place.

Be courteous to the driver – these volunteers do their best to keep snowmobile trails in riding condition.

Groomers use the entire width of the trail and have the right of way.

When a groomer is visible you must immediately move off the trail.

We hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable snowmobile season and remember to follow Ride Right safety tips –

Caution – Trail 3 south of Watersmeet. Logging Operation will be crossing Trail 3 in between US 45 south of Watersmeet and the Wisconsin Border. Be sure to STOP at all stop signs you do not want to run into a logging truck, they win.

Trail Report – : Iron County, Michigan – February 10, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 12-18 inches

Date of Report: February 10, 2022

Area Report:

Trails are holding up good… we’ve had about 6 inches of new snow over the past week.  Snow is in the forecast for today as well… calling for 2-4 inches today. So if you are coming north this weekend to ride you’re in good shape.  Both clubs are grooming daily and the trails are nice and smooth.  😉

Trail #2, Trail #107, Trail #15 N. ,Trail #116, Trail #113, Trail #18 are all in very good condition.

Trail #15 S. – fair to good condition.  Trail #111 – is in good condition.  There is a few miles of road riding on this trail.. but with the new snowfall I think it should be covered this weekend.

Trail #16 – there is some logging going on between the intersection of 16 & 116 heading east toward Crystal Falls.

We’re almost halfway through February guys.. be sure to book your U.P. ride while the riding is good and the temps remain cool. If wondering about Michigan’s restaurants and bars… all remain open this season so plenty of stops along the trails to grab a bite to eat and warm up before heading out again.

As always, watch for groomers and their operators as they are out both during the day and at night as well… and don’t forget to give them a “BIG” thumbs up when you pass by… remember they’re the reason your ride is so nice and smooth.  😉

Happy Trails Y’all

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – February 10, 2022

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Open

Snow Cover: Ice base thinning from the 7 inch. – SNOW coming in tonight

Date of Report: February 10, 2022

Area Report:

February 10, 2022 – 6:15am 14 – High of 23 today – 19 tonight

Good news this morning.  There is a SNOW front moving in from the northwest across Manitoba, Canada & North Dakota headed for Vilas county & all of northern Wisconsin.  SNOW total are 4-6 inches for Vilas county!!!  SNOW should arrive late afternoon today!!  Holy moly sure hope the weather guys are right!

Trails right now are all over the place as to conditions.  Good, Fair & Poor.  The new SNOW will help a lot!  Are you DANCIN’?!?!

The Groomer Tracking System AP (GTS) shows groomers left the Groomer Barn along Hwy 45N near the Snowmobile Derby Track last night for nearly a full grooming season. 2 sections NOT groomed are Trail 70/17/7 heading west to St. Germain & south to Sugar Camp PLUS Club Trail Uncle Kent that start off Hwy G & connects to Trail 10W north of town. It takes long nights to accomplish this. Give them a thumbs up & remember to pull over to let them by.

Catfish & Eagle lake trails marked & OPEN. No reports of surface slush.  Stay by the orange reflective barrels.  DO NOT think the entire lake is safe.  Several sleds have gone in the water this season far from the barrels.


See ya on the trails!

Holly Tomlanovich
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update

News and Reports:


  • 2/11-13 – Pond Hockey –  Chanticleer Inn trail
  • 2/14-18 – Weekday Away to Park Falls & Washburn
  • 2/17 – Member meeting 6:30pm – Eddie B’s – across road from Trail 10/13 in town
  • 2/25-26 – Arctic Derby Dash -along Trail 10/13 in town
  • 2/26 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) – Twelve Pines, Hwy 70E of Eagle River 6pm – Trail 10E or take Catfish Lake Trail

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
AWSC – The Legislative Voice of Wisconsin Snowmobilers
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Ely, Minnesota – February 9, 2022

Ely, MN Chamber of Commerce

Reporter:Ely Chamber of Commerce/Explore MN Visitor Center

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 17″

Date of Report: February 9, 2022

Area Report:

The new snow we got late last week improved our trail bases quite a bit, and there is more snow in the forecast for the next few days.  Expect some slushy areas on lakes, so please follow the staked trails when traveling on the lakes.

Taconite State Trail: The entire trail from Ely to Hwy 73/Side Lake is groomed and in very good condition. Watch for exposed rocks in a few of the big hills going west from Hwy 53. SLOW DOWN in the ten-mile segment from Ely to Purvis Lake, the trail is narrow here. And be aware on the Taconite just east of Hwy 169, there is some slush on either side of the junction with the trail north to the Y-Store. 7-21 inches of snow with a 1-6 inch base.

Arrowhead State Trail: The trail is groomed and in very good condition. There is active logging on and around the trail north and south of the Hwy 115 crossing, so use caution in that segment.  8-23 inches of snow with a base 1-7 inches

Putnam-Fishing Lakes Trail: The trail is groomed and in very good condition. Watch for occasional rocks throughout the trail, mainly on the hills.

Soudan Underground Mine Lake Vermilion State Park Trails: These trails are groomed and in good condition. Watch for occasional rocks on the hills.

The Ely Area trails have all been groomed and in excellent shape along with the Tomahawk trail. Some slush on smaller lakes. Riders should follow the stakes.

Bear Head Lake State Park received some beautiful white fluff and it has not yet been molded into a cross country ski track.  Campground loops and the Beach Trail were groomed last on Saturday, January 22nd.  The Norberg Loop was groomed for the first time this season on January 28th with varying results from very good to fair dependent upon location.  Snow depth is 15-18 inches.  Skiing conditions:  Poor with a base of 1-3 inches.  Snowmobiling conditions are excellent, trails are groomed with a 2-4 inch base. 

Trail Report – : Antigo/Langlade County, Wisconsin – February 9, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 4-9

Date of Report: February 9, 2022

Area Report:

The Langlade County snowmobile trails are in overall good condition with clubs grooming at least weekly.  There are thin patches scattered throughout the trail system and some icy corners are present as well.  Please use caution on corners.  It is anticipated that conditions will improve later this week with snow expected in the forecast and continued cold conditions. 

The trail segment from intersection 93 south to Northwoods Inn is closed indefinitely. 

Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – February 9, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 8-10 inches

Date of Report: February 9, 2022

Area Report:

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Wednesday, 2/9/22:

It’s 30 degrees out this morning with light snow falling. Our weather forecast is for milder temps through Friday with 3-6 inches of snow forecast starting Thursday evening.

Last night, we groomed 15N and 6E to Old B, 2W to Keego Road and 8W to Day Lake Road. Early this morning, we groomed 8E, 15S, and 11.

With the light snow we received the last few days, we continue to groom on our daily schedule and the trails are in good to very good condition. The upcoming snow will certainly help improve the trails for the weekend.

Enjoy our trails, be safe, think snow! Check for an updated report on Friday, 2/11/22.

– Landy Roepke, Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Manager

Please contact us to request this year’s snowmobile map and keep an eye on our webcam to see current snowfall in Boulder Junction.

Join us for these upcoming winter events:

February 20th – Boulder Junction Snowmobile Breakfast at Boulder Beer Bar

Help support the Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club’s Fundraising Efforts: Tractor for the Trails

Trail Report – : Rhinelander, Wisconsin – February 9, 2022

Reporter:Hodag SnoTrails

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: Good on most trails, thin on exposed areas

Date of Report: February 9, 2022

Area Report:

The trails are in overall “fair to good” condition.  There is some variation out there from fair to good.   All of the fire lane type trails are very good, snow covered and flat.  The exposed trails (like Trail 8 – along the highway) are thin with bare spots and snirty areas.  There isn’t enough snow to fill in deep holes so there are some bumps that can’t be filled without pulling all of the base off the trails.  The tight corners are down to the ice base, so be aware of those while riding.  There are definitely “good” trails to be experienced, just will find “fair” trails in the mix.   

The lakes are all marked and not showing any signs of slush.  There are multiple roads across Boom Lake so use extreme caution when traveling on that route.  The big ice fishing jamboree on Boom Lake is this weekend, so there will be lots of activity on the lake.  The snow cover on the lake is low, so the ice fisherman can travel about anywhere so there can be truck tracks and / or plowed roads in multiple locations.

There is one trail closure on the Hodag Sno-Trails system: Trail H4 from Boom Lake to the intersection just north of River Rd. This is basically the “land” route to not running Boom Lake.  The trail is closed at this point.  We have been just notified that this is a permanent closure.  Running the lake is the reroute.  

Keep an eye out for grooming activity at anytime.  

The trails are holding up with the volume of traffic and lack of fresh snow.  We do need fresh snow, but don’t use that as an excuse not to ride.   

Get out and have some fun, it’s a limited season in length.

Trail Report – : Crivitz, Wisconsin – February 9, 2022


Trail Conditions: Open

Snow Cover: Trails are being groomed on a regular basis

Date of Report: February 9, 2022

Area Report:

Iron Snow Shoe Trails are in fair- good condition.  Some corners & high traffic areas are showing snirt.  Snow mix predicted for Wednesday – Friday this week.  Trails are all open & being groomed regularly.
NEW PARK & RIDE off of boat landing 3 road in the Twin Bridge Water Ski Team parking lot. 

Enjoy our trails with gas, food and lodging right on trails.  Please ride safe & stay on the designates trails.

Area Events:  High Falls WinterFest, Fish-O-Rama, Radar Run this Sat Feb 12th 

This event is just off the snowmobile trail. 

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – February 9, 2022

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Open

Snow Cover: Varied base – Depth 13 inch to few inches

Date of Report: February 9, 2022

Area Report:

February 9, 2022 – 6:58am – 30 – High of 31 – 10 tonight

Cloudy all day with a little SNOW mid morning. A schiff of SNOW overnight.  Just enough to make it white.  Small system today mid morning with maybe 1/2 inch. Another weak system Thursday night. The day time highs will drop into the low teens or single digits this weekend.  Below zero or single digits at night. 

As has been reported trails are all over the place.  Ranging from Good to Poor.  Conditions change quickly.  Found best riding is north & northwest under tree cover.  Icy corners.  Open field areas are thin & have burned through areas.  Sun is out longer in February & does damage.  Also found trails along road have Good riding if they run along the southside of the road.  Example: 10E has a one way section where the trail runs east on south side & is Good.  Across the road where 10E runs west back to town has lots of snirt & burn through areas.  So plan riding around this.  Off 10E heading toward Three Lakes is better than head west.

The Groomer Tracking System AP (GTS) shows groomers left the Groomer Barn along Hwy 45N near the Snowmobile Derby Track last night & groomed ALL but Trail 1 that runs south to the boat launch & the Eagle Lake trail.  It takes long nights to accomplish this. Give them a thumbs up & remember to pull over to let them by.

Catfish & Eagle lake trails marked & OPEN. No reports of surface slush.  Stay by the orange reflective barrels.  DO NOT think the entire lake is safe.  Several sleds have gone in the water this season far from the barrels.


See ya on the trails!

Holly Tomlanovich
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update

News and Reports:


  • 2/11-13 – Pond Hockey –  Chanticleer Inn trail
  • 2/14-18 – Weekday Away to Park Falls & Washburn
  • 2/17 – Member meeting 6:30pm – Eddie B’s – across road from Trail 10/13 in town
  • 2/25-26 – Arctic Derby Dash -along Trail 10/13 in town
  • 2/26 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) – Twelve Pines, Hwy 70E of Eagle River 6pm – Trail 10E or take Catfish Lake Trail

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin – February 8, 2022


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 3-6

Date of Report: February 8, 2022

Area Report:

February 8, 2022

Hello Riding Friends!

It is that time of year and the cool temps have caused some maintenance issues as well as some volunteers down with health issues so this last week many volunteers and machines were stretched thin and clubs were sharing, because Sawyer Counties team work is awesome they are able and willing to transport machines! Many repairs have been going on since Sunday and a couple of those units are back up and running or will be today/tomorrow. Also, a few new volunteers were in the groomers this weekend volunteering their time and learning the ropes. And, not to sound like a broken record but thank you again to this group of volunteers!!

Groomers were back out Sunday and Monday and have started grooming things back up after the crazy weekend. They will continue their grooming scheduled throughout the week. They are working with what we have and doing a fine job at that.

The forecast shows some warmer weather this week, around the 30 degree mark, which is hopefully good because with those temps sometimes Mother Nature brings snow. Snow is in the forecast starting tonight with a bit (hoping around an inch), snow forecasted also for Wednesday, Thursday (1-3″, 80%) and Friday. All of that little bit accumulates to we will take it! We did get a bit this Sunday, some areas only about 1/2″ and others such as in the north about 2″. So hopefully those temps are just warm enough to give us some fresh snow and then they will drop again to the singles and teens through the weekend with negatives in the night and set and preserve that new snow. Do your snow dance!

The overall consensus from all groomers, clubs and riders are that most of the areas from the south east corner to the north are all rideable and in fair to good condition. Some areas will no doubt be better than others and some poorer than others. There are thin and icy spots and some gravel coming through, mostly on the heavily traveled main trails. The more protected, wooded trails are better riding. The lakes are also really good! The warm weather can create some moguls on the lakes closer to the stakes where traffic is heavier, not much can be done other than moving back from the stakes a bit while still staying on trail. But overall the lake trails are great! Many trails are hard packed and with that you can find some overheating, many factors can go into overheating, size of the rider, style of riding, lack of ice scratchers and finding that snow for lubrication. If you find this as a concern be sure to get into a bit of the loose snow (while staying on the trail) to help you cool down.

All in all trails are getting thin but holding up and rideable with fair to good ranges. A lot can happen with even just a small about of snow so fingers crossed for some good fortune! We will update closer to the weekend as we watch the weather.