Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – January 9, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6-10 inches

Date of Report: January 9, 2023

Area Report:

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Monday, 1/9/2023

At 8:00 a.m. it’s 8 degrees out with sunny skies this morning. Our next chance of snow will be on Wednesday. We groomed 15N and 6E last night and 8E, 11, and 15S early this morning. With the reduced traffic this weekend, our trails are in good condition. So far this season, we have seen over 4000 sleds go past our town trail counter.

If you are in our area this week, enjoy our trails and stop in and support our local businesses. Look for an updated report on Wednesday, 1/11/23.

Landy Roepke, BJSC Trail Manager


Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – January 9, 2023

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10″+

Date of Report: January 9, 2023

Area Report:

Snowmobile Clubs and County staff have cleared a majority of snowmobile trails after the December storm event. Most of these trails have been groomed at least once. All trails officially opened as of January 6th. Please be advised that trail 8 east of the John Waggoner Rd to Sawyer County line, has not been groomed. Tuesday 1/10/23 this portion is expected to be groomed. Trails in the Birchwood area were groomed twice this past week, excluding trail 239 due to wet conditions in a swamp crossing. Trail conditions should be excellent in all areas that grooming has been completed. Please ride with caution as we continue to finalize trail opening efforts and stay on designated trail surfaces. 

Trail Report – : Cable, Wisconsin – January 9, 2023

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 8-12″

Date of Report: January 9, 2023

Area Report:

We are OPEN!

News and Reports:

We are OPEN! Trails are cleared, rolled, and groomed! Thank you to all our groomers for all your hard work after days of heavy snowfalls and clearing lots of fallen trees. Garden Lake has been staked. Lake Namakagon is not staked. There will be large equipment on Trail 31 into Sawyer County for the next couple of days so please avoid. USE EXTREME CAUTION IF RIDING ON THE LAKE.

Snowmobile Information:

Snow is softer due to warmer temperatures the last few days. Garden Lake has been staked. Lake Namakagon is not staked: due to snow cover, ice depth continues to be variable.  Use Extreme Caution if riding on the lake. There will be large equipment on Trail 31 into Sawyer County for the next couple of days so please avoid.

Trail Report – : Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin – January 9, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6-10″

Date of Report: January 9, 2023

Snowmobile Information:

I will rate our Northern Hornshoe Trails at good, to the shady side of excellent yet. Yesterday was choppily on 17 due to the groomer being benched for the Saturday run. Thanks to George for the quick repair to the stem bolts. We Hornshoed the trails back in place last night. Groomer Mike reported more gravel showing up in the Powell marsh so watch the grade just south of the bridge to the tree line north. There were a lot of bumps from Mattke Road to East Boundary on 17, those should be good this morning. Lakes are marked, except Fence. Moss is good. The bigger lakes, ( Flambeau, Pokegema, Long Interlaken, Crawling Stone) are all getting a lot of traffic, so the slush spots are now frozen solid, and I advise riding casual over them. Until we get some snow, or wind, it is like hitting a railroad track. Met a couple on Saturday near Sayner with two new Ski-doos that had screens as big as my moms first TV, that were staying in Lac du Flambeau at the casino because they heard the trails were great. Boozhoo. Yesterday we rode Cruisers, Sayner, Mercer, Boulder, and Land O Lakes trails, and it was amazing. Thank You for all the hard work. We need snow in spots, but you guys work magic. Ride Safe. Mark

Trail Report – : Lake Gogebic | Bergland, Michigan – January 9, 2023

Reporter:AJ’s Walleye Lodge

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: Good

Date of Report: January 9, 2023

Area Report:

A busy weekend in the Lake Gogebic Area, but we are off to a quiet start to the week, but there is snow in the forecast mid week on Wed, Thurs and Fri.   Temperatures are forecasted in the 20’s and low 30’s.     Groomers in the Lake Gogebic Area have been out grooming all trails and reporting trails to be in good to excellent condition.   Nothing major to report with the exception of 8W toward Wakefield there is an open water hole.   Groomers have put in a culvert but extreme caution is recommended.      Groomers will be out grooming on a daily basis.   For up to date grooming information – download the GroomerTracker App and be sure to join a club where you ride!


Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – January 9, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 9-11 inches – Base 1-5 inches+

Date of Report: January 9, 2023

Area Report:


Temps have bounced back up to high 20’s low 30’s during the day.  20″s at night.  Partly sunny today then cloudy for the next 3-4 days.   Snow tomorrow night. Looks to be maybe an inch.

Rode yesterday & found travels much better than I expected.  Heading west on Trail 10E from my home, which runs alongside Hwy 70E of Eagle River, trail 10E was totally SNOW covered.  Thin under a section running from Catfish Lake Rd to the Hockey Arena. The road sections (Taylor Lk Rd & Pine Ln) SNOW along the edge.  Back on trail at the Bloom Rd was SNOW covered all the way to Loon Lk Rd crossing & connect with Trail Alt13.  10/13 “the grade” was Excellent from there to the Dairy Queen crossing.  Rest of 10/13 was SNOW covered all the way to Hwy G crossing with exception of road crossings.  10/13 from there to Adams Rd was in the best shape I’ve seen in several years.  Adams Rd had SNOW along the edge.  Took the 10/13 across the swamp which was tight & SNOW covered.  That continued all the way to the Conover connect.  Heading back south to Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp.   Manske Swamp SNOW covered & hard.  Trail 17 heading back toward Eagle River was thinner but had SNOW.  Shorter ride as we had a sled blow a belt & had to be towed.   All in All trails were GOOD with loose SNOW.

Grooming last night:

Trail 10/13 south through Eagle River
Trail 10E complete grooming – all spurs
Trail Alt13 to Three Lakes turn around

Trails 70/17/7/13 all heading west & south

Trail 10/13 north through Eagle River to Trail 17N intersection
Trail 17N
Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp
Trail 10/13 across Wisconsin River Bridge & north on the 13’s to Bauer’s turn around

Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are open & marked.   Take it slow.  Hard rough & some shiny ice. Always stay by the orange reflective barrels to be safe.

Some reminders when you ride. Have a Map or Phone App. Please no off trail riding & stop at driveways. Trail 10/13 heading north out of Eagle River from 17N intersection to Hwy G crossing due to landowner closure.  There still is off trail riding.  PLEASE STAY ON new re-route or the risk is NO trail out of town to the north.


Next ride Tuesday.  Heading west!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates


News and Reports:

Sno-Eagles – Eagle River Events – check for more events
January 12-15 – Vintage World Championship Race – WCDC Track
January 19 – Member meeting – Buckshots’s Downtown – 6:30pm
January 21 – SNO(Saturday Nite Out) – Braywood – Catfish Lk Rd of Hwy 45S – 5pm -ALL Welcome
January 19-22 – World Championship Snowmobile Derby
January 27-29 – Weekend Away to Mole Lake Casino
January 28-30 – Women On Snow

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – January 9, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 9-11 inches – Base 1-5 inches+

Date of Report: January 9, 2023

Area Report:

January 8, 2023 – 7:10am – 10 – High 28


Temps have bounced back up to high 20’s low 30’s during the day.  20″s at night.  Partly sunny today then cloudy for the next 3-4 days.   Snow tomorrow night. Looks to be maybe an inch.

Rode yesterday & found travels much better than I expected.  Heading west on Trail 10E from my home, which runs alongside Hwy 70E of Eagle River, trail 10E was totally SNOW covered.  Thin under a section running from Catfish Lake Rd to the Hockey Arena. The road sections (Taylor Lk Rd & Pine Ln) SNOW along the edge.  Back on trail at the Bloom Rd was SNOW covered all the way to Loon Lk Rd crossing & connect with Trail Alt13.  10/13 “the grade” was Excellent from there to the Dairy Queen crossing.  Rest of 10/13 was SNOW covered all the way to Hwy G crossing with exception of road crossings.  10/13 from there to Adams Rd was in the best shape I’ve seen in several years.  Adams Rd had SNOW along the edge.  Took the 10/13 across the swamp which was tight & SNOW covered.  That continued all the way to the Conover connect.  Heading back south to Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp.   Manske Swamp SNOW covered & hard.  Trail 17 heading back toward Eagle River was thinner but had SNOW.  Shorter ride as we had a sled blow a belt & had to be towed.   All in All trails were GOOD with loose SNOW.

Grooming last night:
Trail 10/13 south through Eagle River
Trail 10E complete grooming – all spurs
Trail Alt13 to Three Lakes turn around

Trails 70/17/7/13 all heading west & south

Trail 10/13 north through Eagle River to Trail 17N intersection
Trail 17N
Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp
Trail 10/13 across Wisconsin River Bridge & north on the 13’s to Bauer’s turn around

Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are open & marked.   Take it slow.  Hard rough & some shiny ice. Always stay by the orange reflective barrels to be safe.

Some reminders when you ride. Have a Map or Phone App. Please no off trail riding & stop at driveways.  Trail 10/13 heading o


Temps have bounced back up to high 20’s low 30’s during the day.  20″s at night.  Partly sunny today then cloudy for the next 3-4 days.   Snow tomorrow night. Looks to be maybe an inch.

Rode yesterday & found travels much better than I expected.  Heading west on Trail 10E from my home, which runs alongside Hwy 70E of Eagle River, trail 10E was totally SNOW covered.  Thin under a section running from Catfish Lake Rd to the Hockey Arena. The road sections (Taylor Lk Rd & Pine Ln) SNOW along the edge.  Back on trail at the Bloom Rd was SNOW covered all the way to Loon Lk Rd crossing & connect with Trail Alt13.  10/13 “the grade” was Excellent from there to the Dairy Queen crossing.  Rest of 10/13 was SNOW covered all the way to Hwy G crossing with exception of road crossings.  10/13 from there to Adams Rd was in the best shape I’ve seen in several years.  Adams Rd had SNOW along the edge.  Took the 10/13 across the swamp which was tight & SNOW covered.  That continued all the way to the Conover connect.  Heading back south to Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp.   Manske Swamp SNOW covered & hard.  Trail 17 heading back toward Eagle River was thinner but had SNOW.  Shorter ride as we had a sled blow a belt & had to be towed.   All in All trails were GOOD with loose SNOW.

Grooming last night:

Trail 10/13 south through Eagle River
Trail 10E complete grooming – all spurs
Trail Alt13 to Three Lakes turn around

Trails 70/17/7/13 all heading west & south

Trail 10/13 north through Eagle River to Trail 17N intersection
Trail 17N
Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp
Trail 10/13 across Wisconsin River Bridge & north on the 13’s to Bauer’s turn around

Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are open & marked.   Take it slow.  Hard rough & some shiny ice. Always stay by the orange reflective barrels to be safe.

Some reminders when you ride. Have a Map or Phone App. Please no off trail riding & stop at driveways.  Trail 10/13 heading north has a re-reoute at the trail 17N intersection due to a landowner closure.  Appears some still have a need ride off trail. If this section is closed there will be NO easy way to head north. 


Next ride Tuesday.  Heading west!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates


News and Reports:

Sno-Eagles – Eagle River Events – check for more events
January 12-15 – Vintage World Championship Race – WCDC Track
January 19 – Member meeting – Buckshots’s Downtown – 6:30pm
January 21 – SNO(Saturday Nite Out) – Braywood – Catfish Lk Rd of Hwy 45S – 5pm -ALL Welcome
January 19-22 – World Championship Snowmobile Derby
January 27-29 – Weekend Away to Mole Lake Casino
January 28-30 – Women On Snow

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Phelps, Wisconsin – January 9, 2023

Reporter:Phelps Snowmobile Club

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 8″-10″

Date of Report: January 9, 2023

Area Report:

Good news is that we were able to free the stuck groomer.  a big thanks you to Dan and the creww working on this.  Gromming will start back up on a regular basis.  Trails are in good to fair conditions.  More snow is needed.  Highs this week are in the upper 20’s to low 30’s.  Pretty warm for this time of year.  Slight chance of snow Tuesday and Wednesday(1″-2″).   Be careful, ride to the right, stay on the marked trail, and don’t drink and drive.

News and Reports:

Don’t forget The trailside cookout this Saturday January 14.  Help us celebrate our 50th anniversary along with the Conover Sno-Buddies.  We will be set up at the intersection of Trail 6 and Trail 45(the highline) from 10:00-2:00.  Free food and beverage, donations appreciated.  Hope to see you there.

CLUB MEETING, JAN 12, 2023 – Come and celebrate the season with the club. The January 12th club meeting will be
held at The Habit in Alvin. A chicken dinner is on the menu once again, The Habit is known for excellent chicken.
Please RSVP to Sheryl Ward NO LATER THAN January 5, 2023, as we need to give an accurate count for food prep.
Text/Call 262-334-1221, or email
Time & Place: 5:30 pm cocktails, 6:30 pm dinner … The Habit, 8416 County A, Alvin
On the Menu: Salad bar, buffet style chicken, mashed potatoes, desert
Cost: $20.00 per person – includes dessert, tax, and tip. Cash Bar Available.
Plan ahead, mark your calendar, and join the club for an upcoming Dinner Meeting – February 9th at The Great Escape
in Phelps, and Mar 9 th at the Sand Lake Pub (Cash Raffle drawing). Watch the monthly newsletter for additional
information. Out of town members are always welcome and encouraged to attend.

Trail Report – : Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin – January 8, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 9-10 Inches

Date of Report: January 8, 2023

Area Report:

ry 8, 2022

Crews have been busy and made great progress.  You will find that most trails have been cleared and groomed.  The few in pink are cleared and passable, not yet groomed, but will be groomed between Friday and Sunday this weekend. You can check the GTS app for updates on the most recent groomed trails.  The trails in yellow indicated they have been groomed with in the week, again the GTS app will show which have been in the last 72 hours.  If they are in yellow, they are now on the grooming schedule for the season.

There are a few trails not highlighted, which means they are roads and not groomed trails.  You’ll be able to indicate that they are roads based on the short area they cover, and they look like a connector trail. The other bigger artery trails that are not highlighted mean they have not been cleared and are not passable. These would be trail 5 between Moose Lake and Trap N Fish (#13) – this is currently being worked on. Trail 27/5 south of the Tuscobia – will be worked on next week. Trail 40 looped with 311 and 162 just north of Loretta – also work on next week. And lastly (only 4 all together) is trail 11 or famously known as “The 9 Mile Loop” – also currently worked on and halfway done.

Staked Lakes:

  • Chippewa Flowage
  • Nelson
  • Lost Land
  • Spider Lake
  • Moose Lake
  • Lac Courte Oreilles
  • Grindstone
  • White Fish
  • Sand
  • Round Lake
  • Osprey **Please note to ride with caution in the swamps between Round and Osprey as there are some soft spots
  • Barker


  • Tiger Cat
  • Callahan
  • Mudd

**These lakes are staked but temporarily closed (trail 18) due to an open area getting off the lake. Volunteers have packed it and will check it again on Monday after the few days of cold.

Not Staked:

  • Lake Hayward – no ETA at this time as there is an open spot near the on/off. Club will monitor.
  • Lake Chetac – will be staked next week.

Thank you to all the volunteers, clubs and businesses that rolled up their sleeves!