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You Are Here:Home»Trail Report - : Land O' Lakes, Wisconsin - February 19, 2020
Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – February 19, 2020
Reporter:Phil Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: Looks like winter
Date of Report: February 19, 2020
Area Report:
We received a couple of inches of snow yesterday and the temps have been cold (-20) tonight so the trails are very good shape….with the exception of trail 6 west of the airport thru the swamp to the cemetery. That is extremely rough and use caution for that couple of miles stretch. We hope to get the smaller groomer fixed today and we will take several passes thru that stretch to try to smooth it out. Our new tractor is just too heavy for that area and will not make it through. A warm sunny weekend so it is time to ride the Frosty Club trails! Some corners are icy so use caution.
News and Reports:
Candlelight bowling next Saturday night–Feb 28 at the Alley. Stop in and ask for more details.
Snowmobile Information:
Lakes are in good shape but be safe and stay by the barrels.