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You Are Here:Home»Trail Report: Land O' Lakes, Wisconsin - December 31, 2016
Trail Report: Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – December 31, 2016
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 10-16 inches
Date of Report: December 31, 2016
Area Report:
The snowmobile trails in the Northwoods got a fresh coating of snow–6 inches or so depending where you are. The Frosty Club trails are being groomed daily and are in pretty good shape. Traffic is extremely heavy so it doesn’t take long for moguls to develop. Traffic will thin out tomorrow or Monday for sure. There is more snow in the forecast. This will go down as one of the best Holiday weeks for riding in a few years. Lakes are marked but stay by the barrels. I tried to cross Lac Vieux Desert last night but it was dark and snowing so hard I got lost on my own lake.
News and Reports:
Wednesday mornings the Frosty Club will meet at 9AM at the BP in Land O Lakes for a ride. Destination Unknown!
Snowmobile Information:
HAPPY NEW YEAR and GO PACK GO! Probably light traffic tomorrow night at 7:30 pm.