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Trail Report – : Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin – September 6, 2021
Reporter:Toulish1 Trail Conditions: No Snow
Snow Cover: Imaginary
Date of Report: September 6, 2021
Area Report:
This morning it is 54 degrees, and the fall tinge is in the air. Wanted to test out my link, and put out the word that winter is coming, and snowmobile clubs need you. From brush clearing, to bridge and road repair, to signing and grooming, a great group of volunteers make it happen every year. It is a great way to learn how the trails you ride on, are put there to be enjoyed.You also meet a lot of great people around the state.The Northern Hornshoes are currently selling raffle tickets at various establishments, and we will also have a booth at the Wild Rice Festival in Lac Du Flambeau September 18, 2021, and also at the Minoqua Beef Festival September 25. Stop and see us. There will be club membership information available. Mark