Trail Conditions: Fair
Snow Cover: Two Boot Scrapes to the hard deck but solid
Date of Report: January 18, 2025
Snowmobile Information:
OK, so I just got back from report patrol. Yesterday’s 38 degree temps with low traffic gave us a perfect storm. The puffy snow got warm, picked up moisture, then froze. It is 8 degrees right now, and overall our trails are early season to good. F Trail from Gunlock to 47 is sorta bumpy, with some dirt showing in spots, but good. 15 from Mattke Rd to East Boundary is thin where the sun got at it so gravel is poking up but overall pretty good. East Boundary all the way to H is great. Club trail from H down to 47 is rutted, so stay in the center. From 47 down to Moss Lake is good. Farther down to Crawling Stone good. Keep going toward Fence where you link up with Thorofare is a little suspect where the construction was. Back up to 15 where it picks up at H – very good into the Raven.Raven Lake area was very good in the new construction area. 5 into the Casino needs some work. Truck ruts, but perfect if you stay in the middle.15 north from 5 good all the way to the tundra in the Powell Marsh, then you can see it’s thin. I called no Joy and came about at that point. Overall I was very pleased with what we have working with not a lot. I had lasagna with the Cruisers last night. Very good, and I joined the club. A special thank you to Cruisers for the use of their Piston Bully after Hornshoe 1 got a sore stomach last week. I also had a great breakfast with Mercer Snow Goers Club this morning. This afternoon we have the Hornshoe Christmas Bash at 3:30 at Harrisons Pub, 3160 Pokegema Lake Trail, Lac Du Flambeau. The ladies wrapped a pile of gifts Thursday, so it looks to be a fun raffle. Between all the club activities, I will not have had to cook for two days. What a Country! Hey Let’s be careful out there – not a lot of snow, and it is going to be 10Thirtybelow. Hah! Mark