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Trail Report – : Keweenaw Peninsula / Houghton-Hancock, South Range, Copper Harbor, Michigan – January 2, 2022
Reporter:Stretch Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 6" - 8" Base
Date of Report: January 2, 2022
Area Report:
Now that the holidays are over we can get a better hold of our trail system. With the cold temps and less traffic things should shape up real good for this upcoming weekend. We’ll be seeing highs in the teens and single digits for the next week plus there’s a chance 6″-12″ of snow the first part of this week. That will help get things in excellent conditions I’m hoping.
North in the Keweenaw things are looking real good with groomers running night and day. Most of our water holes are freezing over and snow covered. Trail 3 south from Houghton/ Hancock is in very good shape having more snow and grooming day and night make for excellent conditions. Things do get a little thinner around Greenland and Mass City but all trails are rideable with no problems getting into town.