Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 6-9 inches of snow
Date of Report: January 18, 2022
Area Report:
Hello Riders!
Groomers have been out around the county since Monday morning. They have done a great job at flattening the trails back out and pulling snow from the edges. Many of the trails have been reported to be fair to good due to some rock exposures. Fire lanes report to be good. Some forest trails will have some rocky areas and icy corners. Trails that take you on or near the road are thin with lots of rock exposure or tar. The southern corner near Birchwood reports to be fair to poor. The majority of the county reports to be fair- good but all with the common denominator that more snow is needed. Trails are flat but are in need of more snow. It is currently snowing but not much of an accumulation, if there are any changes we will report. Lakes are in great condition!
As always please remember to ride safe; stay on the marked trails, do not trespass, stay on your side of the trail, stop at all stop signs, yield at driveways, even when there isn’t a sign, if you find yourself behind rider and would like to pass, please do so at safe speeds and on straight always, if you have a group pushing from behind pull over to the farthest right and allow them to pass. Please be courteous to all riders! We are all sharing this sport together and that makes us connected, please be kind.