Trail Conditions: Excellent
Snow Cover: 6-9 inches of snow
Date of Report: February 23, 2021
Area Report:
Right off of County Hwy F Enbridge is doing some work and had some equipment that is stuck on the trail off of Hwy F in Stone Lake. The trail is closed and there is equipment out there and it will have to be out there until the equipment is removed and the area restored. They are putting up safety fencing and lights. Thank you.
Trail Conditions: Excellent
Snow Cover: 6-9 inches of snow
Date of Report: February 23, 2021
Area Report:
Just a quick note, our area received a couple of inches of fresh snow Sunday evening! As you saw groomers have been out running through the weekend and after the busy weekend. A bit warmer this week, but trails will hold up just fine through it and we will have another great week and weekend of riding! We’ll update again closer the the weekend!