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You Are Here:Home»Trail Report - : Crivitz, Wisconsin - February 26, 2018
Trail Report – : Crivitz, Wisconsin – February 26, 2018
Reporter:ironsnowshoe Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 2 to 4 inches
Date of Report: February 26, 2018
Area Report:
WOW! What a weekend! Between the ice base that was on the trail and the little bit of snow and sleet that we received, everyone agreed that the trails were much better than expected. Friends and I rode almost 300 miles over the weekend…mostly in the Iron Snowshoe area. Then to top it off, another 2+ inches of snow came early Sunday, which made the riding even better!
The groomers were out yesterday, last night and early this morning. They report back that the trails are in the best condition they have been in all season.
Ride with caution…some icy corners…some water showing up here and there.
The bunny in the woods was found this weekend. However, there are still other bunnies to be found along the trail. If fact, I’m going to go put some more out today. Good luck.