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Trail Report: Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – March 3, 2017
Trail Conditions: Poor
Snow Cover: 6-8
Date of Report: March 3, 2017
Area Report:
Trail report for March 3, 2017-Trails are poor. With the light snow the last couple of days and the lows at zero or subzero our trails are still ride-able. There are icy corners bare spots and dirt in some areas and logging areas have very low snow but out of town in the woods it still is pretty good. It’s expected to warm up Saturday and Sunday so that may degrade our trails – we will just have to wait and see. We can always use more snow and cold weather!!! Please be careful out there! Remember be safe, ride right, and enjoy the ride.
Jim (Hammy) Hamilton
BJSC President
Join us this Saturday!
March 4: Snowmobile Club Cabin Fever Party