Reporter:Holly t
Trail Conditions: Early Season
Snow Cover: 0-8 snow depth – very, very icy
Date of Report: February 13, 2023
Area Report:
February 13, 2023 6:10am – 27 degrees – High 40
Poor to Good
If you rode yesterday & riders did there was every condition out there possible. We did not ride yesterday as we were getting ready for a cross country ride to Mercer, WI this morning. Going to be a real adventure. Will post some of the adventure ride tomorrow with my report.
A friend did ride & he sent me a report. Yesterday morning rode to Conover on 10W/13N out of town. At connect
to took 13N to Conover & reported great The Conover one way is closed for the season & gated. That’s up near Bauers Dam. He headed to Sayner on 10W/7. In the AM trails were holding up ok. Sun & temps were burning through some in open areas. Soft snow. 10/13 in town trail bad. Slush & burn through. Did not ride west on trail 70W or south on Trail Alt 13S. In & out of town is hard as road are bare for the most part. Woods riding should still be ok. Freezing over night is causing very very icy in the AM & late at night. Please if you are venturing out SLOW DOWN & use extreme caution & RIDE RIGHT.
As for grooming, the Groomer Tracking Systems shows
East trails – 10E to Three Lakes connect to include 9Mile trail. Other spurs NOT groomed
North trails – 10W/13N from groomer barn to Conover connect. 17N to Trail 1 intersection. 3N aka Manske swamp.
Northwest trails – Wisconsin River Bridge section of 10/W/13N. The 2 way of the 13 trails heading north to Bauer’s Dam. 10W/7 trails west except the Uncle Kent trail that takes you to Hwy G
South trails – Alt 13S to Three Lakes connect.
Not sure where the season is headed. Snow in the forecast but going need a lot to help. Good it’s cold at night. START DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE!!!
Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are marked. Please stay by the orange reflective barrels. Surface is very hard still with moguls. With the warm up surface slush. SLOW DOWN. Remember not all lakes are safe.
Again, off trail riding is a big problem. PLEASE STAY ON THE TRAIL & Take the Snowmobilers Pledge.
See ya on the trails if you are ridin’, today!
Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates
News and Reports:
February 13-15 – Weekday Away Ride to Mercer – It’s a Go!
February 15 – Vilas County Alliance Monthly meeting – Hillside Restaurant, Phelps – 6pm
February 16 – General Members meeting – Sweetwater 6pm – Hwy 45N
February 24-26 – World Series of Snowmobiling – WCDC Derby Track
February 25 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) Braywood Restaurant – 5pm – Catfish Lk Rd off Hwy 45S
For other Eagle River events check out –
Snowmobile Information:
Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County. Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number. Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!