Trail Conditions: Fair
Snow Cover: 1-5″
Date of Report: February 24, 2025
Area Report:
At 8:00 am it is 38 degrees out with sunny skies and a high of 45 degrees today followed by
above freezing temps until Thursday.
We got our John Deere back from repairs and we are now in full force again. Our entire trail
system was groomed Saturday through Sunday morning and 15N/6E was groomed last night.
Due to the warm up, we are suspending grooming until the weather improves.
Our trails are in fair condition with a 1”-5” base but will be deteriorating fast with above
freezing temps throughout midweek.
If you are in our area, we are hosting our annual Cabin Fever Party fundraiser at Gooch’s 2 on
Saturday, March 1 st from 4:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Plenty of food and raffles will be available.
Landy Roepke
BJSC Trail Manager
News and Reports:
Upcoming Events:
December-March: Gooch’s Pizza fundraiser, stop in and support him and the club by ordering a pizza!
March 1: Cabin Fever starting at 4pm at Gooch’s 2
Find all event details on our website at!
Snowmobile Information:
Now is the time to renew or start a new membership! You can find all the information on our website here: or contact the club directly at