Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Walworth County, Wisconsin – February 22, 2023

Reporter:Ryan Strand

Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 1-2

Date of Report: February 22, 2023

Area Report:

Freezing rain, mostly sleet and a little snow since about 9am this morning. We have a couple inches of slop mess for walworth county. No chance in any trails opening here. The good news is you should only have to travel a county or two north to ride. Sorry we don’t have better news but this storm just gave us the big mess and all the snow stayed just north.  Will post back once conditions change yet again. Thanks! 


Trail Report – : Minocqua, Wisconsin – February 22, 2023


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 5-6 now

Date of Report: February 22, 2023

Area Report:

Trails right now have 3-4 inches on top of ice so very slippery, good news is right now it is snowing and forecast is a foot of new snow overnight and tomorrow morning till mid afternoon, i believe the groomers might wait till sleds pack them down first. Friday night will be very cold around 0 degrees so trails should be perfect for grooming. The  corners might still be icy so slow down and stay on your side.

Trail Report – : Hurley, Wisconsin – February 22, 2023

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 4-6

Date of Report: February 22, 2023

Snowmobile Information:

Currently 18 degrees in Hurley, WI  Our trails are in GOOD condition.  We are anticipating 9-13 inches of fresh snow to fall by Friday.   Trails will be upgraded as conditions change. Please watch for updates.  Don’t miss out on all the fun this weekend!  

Trail Report – : Conover, Wisconsin – February 22, 2023


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 6-10″

Date of Report: February 22, 2023

Area Report:

Trails have a light fluffy snow on them. Enough for cooling the engine and for the slides to be lubricated. 

Under that snow is a sheet of ice. Slow down in corners and hills. Try to use the whole trail and stay to the right as much as possible. Having the sleds pack down the snow across the full trail will greatly help in getting the air out of the snow and create a nice firm base for grooming. 

As of now, we are not going out grooming until Friday. With the icy base, the grooming equipment can get into trouble in a hurry. Then it has to be pulled out, creating another mess. Talking with the trail boss, he feels it is better to wait until the snow has finished falling and the sled traffic has packed it down. 

Took a ride today around Conover, up to Land O Lakes and back down. Some trails were bumpy, but not that bad. Road routes do have some snow on them, but are more icy than trails. Most roads had been winged back by the town crews before the rain we received 2 weeks ago. So be careful near the edge of roads.

Also, as we do get the snow, driveways and roads will be plowed which could leave a high berm of snow to cross. Be careful out there. 

News and Reports:

  • A reminder to ride between the orange blazers. Along Hwy K West, there were several 100 trees removed this summer to place new electric poles. Most of the stumps are still there. If you were to hit one, it could ruin your trip quickly. Ride Right ➡️ Ride Safe.
  • To see where the Groomer is at, check out  Groomer Tracker  Half the cost of the app comes back to Conover Sno-Buddies to support grooming operations.

Snowmobile Information:

Our annual Poker Run starts December 24th and ends on March 4th. You can pick up game cards to be stamped at several locations in Conover, Eagle River, Phelps, and Land O Lakes. Draw party is March 4th. No need to be present to win.

February 25th – We Ride for Jacob Event at Dublin Sports Bar from 11am-5pm. Proceeds go to Jacob Sieg Memeorial Scholarship. 

March 17 – Fundraiser at Club 45. Annual St. Patricks Day Corned Beef dinner. Money raised at this benefit go to the Sno-Buddies for trail maintenance. Come out and enjoy a Corned Beef dinner provided by the Payne Family.

Trail Report – : Antigo/Langlade County, Wisconsin – February 22, 2023


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 6-10

Date of Report: February 22, 2023

Area Report:



These trails will open to ATVs on March 1, 2023. ATVs are not allowed on snowmobile trails when the temperature is above 28° F. UTVs are not allowed on the Langlade County Snowmobile trail system due to the weight and width of these machines.

The Langlade County Snowmobile clubs, sponsors, and operators of the existing trails have put in many volunteered hours brushing, signing, and grooming to provide snowmobile trails for your use. Please support the snow clubs, thank them for their efforts and patronized their business sponsors.

All lake and river trails in Langlade County are considered unsafe and should not be utilized until they have been clearly marked by a local snowmobile club. As always, the Langlade County Forestry & Recreation Department recommends riders stay on clearly marked trails. Please respect private property; the use of trails across private lands is a privilege. Always exercise caution when riding a snowmobile.

Due to rain and warm weather over the past two weeks ice is present throughout the entire trail system, caution is strongly advised especially on corners and hills. Due to icy conditions, some trails may remain un-groomed until conditions improve for grooming equipment.

For questions regarding specific trail conditions please contact the local snowmobile club or visit their social media pages.

For more information, please contact Al Murray, Forest Administrator, or Cody Brauner, Langlade County Snowmobile Coordinator at 715-627-6300.

We hope that you enjoy the Langlade county trail system this winter and thank you for supporting the economy and businesses of Langlade County!

Al Murray
Langlade County Forest Administrator

Trail Report – : Lake Gogebic | Bergland, Michigan – February 22, 2023

Reporter:AJ’s Walleye Lodge

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: Good

Date of Report: February 22, 2023

Area Report:

The Lake Gogebic Area has received  6-8” of new snow over the past 2-3 days and it has really helped out tremendously on our trails.  The new snow mixed with what we had and it set up nicely with cold temperatures overnight.    Trails in the Lake Gogebic Area reported to be in good to very good condition and groomer Dave has reported that the South end of the Lake and Marenisco are in excellent condition!  We are forecasted to receive about 8” over the next 36 hours and if that happens groomers will be out in force to get all the trails set but we should be in excellent condition!   The only challenge area in the pipeline area above Timberline Sports which receives the most traffic.   New snow will certainly help that corridor out!

Here’s the skinny from our groomers:

  • Trail 102: was groomed this morning!
  • Trail 8 west – will have a groomer going down tonight and they will check to see what utility company has got accomplished and will report tomorrow on status that that trail opening.
  • Trail 8 East: will be groomed tonight.
  • 13 North: will be groomed tonight.
  • 1 south – grooming today and will also be grooming the ditch line.

So far this season we have received over 170” of snow – and winter is far from over!   Come on us and ride – we’ve got the best conditions around!  Thanks to all of you who visit and support our area and our businesses, and thanks to all who work hard to make the Lake Gogebic Area one of the very best snowmobile destinations in the country! 

Trail Report – : Tomahawk, Wisconsin – February 22, 2023

Reporter:Tomahawk Chamber of Commerce

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 2-4″

Date of Report: February 22, 2023

Area Report:

LINCOLN COUNTY: Zones 2, 3, 4, CLOSED. Zone 1 partially open. ONEIDA COUNTY: Open.

Recent light snow has created ridable conditions again; however, trails are icy beneath and may be thin in high-traffic areas. Please use caution. More snow is in the forecast this week and groomers will be out to assess.

Zone 1 Trails remaining closed are as follows: Trail 86 from Intersection #25 to the Taylor County Line. Corridor 21 from Hwy M north of Homestead Road to the Taylor County Line.

ATVs are only allowed on designated trails when temperatures are below 28F. No UTVs.

As always, we remind riders to stay on marked trails. Off trail riding is trespassing and could result in closure or loss of trails and citations and fines for those who participate.

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – February 22, 2023

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 8+

Date of Report: February 22, 2023

Area Report:

Washburn County snowmobile trails still remain open at this time. Area Clubs & County Staff are reporting fair conditions after the weekend. There is snow forecasted for the rest of the week covering all of Washburn County. Grooming efforts will continue after the snowfall throughout the weekend. Please ride with caution and stay on designated trail surfaces. Be aware of active grooming equipment throughout the trails. 

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – February 22, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 4-5 inches news snow – over hard slippery ice

Date of Report: February 22, 2023

Area Report:

February 22, 2023 7:59am – 11 degrees  – High 22

Winter Storm Warning

The 4 inches of SNOW yesterday & a bit more over night.  The trails are SNOW covered with slippery ice underneath.  Making for dangerous conditions. Was going to ride yesterday but changed our mind.  Now tomorrow riding for sure!  If you do go out today & ride SLOW DOWN & RIDE RIGHT. 

Eagle River & all of Vilas County is under a Winter Storm Warning.  SNOW should move in around 5pm continue into later Thursday.   Weather service say 9-12 inches.   Sure hope they are right. With it is coming high winds, so there will be drifting.  Have ridden in these kind of conditions & don’t recommend unless you are an experienced rider.  Quick changing conditions can be dangerous.

Temps will be in the 20’s during the day & 10’s to single digits at night until Saturday.  So whatever we get in SNOW isn’t going anywhere.

Grooming will start with panning today. Following the SNOW storm more panning or rolling depending on the SNOW depth. Followed by regular grooming.

Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are still marked.  Very icy under the new SNOW. Surface is very hard thick ice. 

Another short report.  Cross your fingers.


See ya on the trails!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates

News and Reports:


February 24-26 – CANCELLED World Series of Snowmobiling – WCDC Derby Track
February 25 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) Braywood Restaurant – 5pm – Catfish Lk Rd off Hwy 45S
March 4 – Mules UpNorth – Chef Rene’s at the Eagle River Inn – 6pm-9pm
March 7 – Sno-Eagles Board Meeting – 6pm – Snowmobile Museum – Hwy 45N
March 16 – Sno-Eagles General Member Meeting & Annual Election – 6pm – Eagle Waters Resort – Hwy 70E to Rangeline Rd
April 1 – Groom to Ride Raffle Drawing & Bucket Raffle – 1pm – WCDC – Hwy 45N
Check out for more area events

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!