Trail Conditions: Excellent
Snow Cover: 8-12
Date of Report: February 24, 2023
Area Report:
Snowmobile Information:
Trail Conditions: Excellent
Snow Cover: 8-12
Date of Report: February 24, 2023
Area Report:
Snowmobile Information:
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 6 to 8 Inches on trials
Date of Report: February 24, 2023
Area Report:
The area received around 8 to 12 inches from the last storm! Grooming started again on Thursday nite.Trail conditions should be good for the next few days.The next weather event is going to come through on Monday. Weather man is calling for a Wintery mix! Will keep you posted. enjoy and be safe!
Trail Conditions: Excellent
Snow Cover: 12-16
Date of Report: February 24, 2023
Area Report:
Snowmobile Report – February 24, 2023
We received 28+ inches of snow this week!!! Groomers in Ashland County are out working the many drifts on the trails. Once the trails are groomed they will be in EXCELLENT condition. Be prepared for icy corners, hills and intersections. BE CAREFUL! There is still ice underneath this fresh snow and drifts in areas. Please slow down, stay right, and be prepared for changing snow conditions. Logging will be taking place February 10th for 2 weeks on Trail 8 from Parker Rd to White Bass Road. Please use caution and ride safe. Only 200 feet of trail will be dozed on each side. Detour has been posted on Trail 12. Be aware of more traffic in that area due to logging in progress. Area affectied is by Agenda Rd and Blueberry Rd. Enjoy your ride and stay safe!
Snowmobile Information:
Please stay on the trail. A lot of Ashland County snowmobile trails are on farmers land, please be respectful so we don’t lose our easement to their property. Snowmobiles may not be modified, or operated, to amplify or otherwise increase the total vehicle noise above the originally manufactured snowmobile noise level.
As always please follow the snowmobile trail rules and regulations.
As always operate with everyone’s safety in mind and report any hazardous trail issues that are observed to the Ashland County Sheriff’s Department (715-682-7023 opt 1) so that it can be forwarded to the appropriate service.
The Tri-County Corridor is open from Superior to Ashland. There are still several areas on the eastern end that require attention but all known hazards have been identified and marked. Use caution when approaching ribbons, barricades, and cones.
Important reminders: There is no snowmobiling allowed from Ashland to Bad River/Odanah as snowmobiling is not permitted on reservation land. However, snowmobiling is allowed from Bad River east to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
If you would like to receive an Ashland County Snowmobile map, let us know and we will mail one out to you! Call us at 715/682-2500 or email us
Reporter:Washburn County
Trail Conditions: Fair
Snow Cover: 10+
Date of Report: February 24, 2023
Area Report:
Washburn County snowmobile trails still remain open at this time. Area Clubs & County Staff are reporting fair conditions after the weekend. There is snow forecasted for the rest of the week covering all of Washburn County. Grooming efforts will continue after the snowfall throughout the weekend. Please ride with caution and stay on designated trail surfaces. Be aware of active grooming equipment throughout the trails.
Reporter:Holly t
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 12+ inches snow – hard ice base
Date of Report: February 24, 2023
Area Report:
February 24, 2023 6:48am – 1 degree – High 17
Trails Good to Very Good
The trails are SNOW covered with slippery ice underneath. Groomer drivers are out panning, rolling & grooming. So be sure when you are riding SLOW DOWN & RIDE RIGHT. Trails Good to Very Good.
12 inches plus new SNOW in Eagle River! SNOW off & on all the way through the 10th of March. At night single digits at night all weekend. Then teens through the week. SNOW forecast Monday & Wednesday. Winter is back. Sno-Eagles grooming video
Lots of work on the trails by the groomers. Some of the work is being done during the day so be aware & remember to pull over when you meet a groomer. The drivers will direct you around them. Remember the equipment is heavy & needs to stay on the trail. Here is grooming, panning & rolling as of this morning:
From the groomer barn headed south on 10/13 grooming through Eagle River &
From the groomer barn headed north on grooming 10/13 &
Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are still marked. Drifting deep SNOW. Very icy under the new SNOW. Surface is very hard thick ice.
See ya on the trails!
Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates
News and Reports:
February 25& 26 – Arctic Cat Demo Rides – 10am both days – WCDC Derby Track
February 25 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) Braywood Restaurant – 5pm – Catfish Lk Rd off Hwy 45S
March 4 – Mules UpNorth – Chef Rene’s at the Eagle River Inn – 6pm-9pm
March 7 – Sno-Eagles Board Meeting – 6pm – Snowmobile Museum – Hwy 45N
March 16 – Sno-Eagles General Member Meeting & Annual Election – 6pm – Eagle Waters Resort – Hwy 70E to Rangeline Rd
April 1 – Groom to Ride Raffle Drawing & Bucket Raffle – 1pm – WCDC – Hwy 45N
Check out for more area events
Snowmobile Information:
Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County. Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number. Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!
Reporter:Phelps Snowmobile Club
Trail Conditions: Fair
Snow Cover: 15″-20″
Date of Report: February 24, 2023
Area Report:
Good morning,
We were blessed with 9″+ snowfall on Thursday. It is a light and fluffy and great for colling. It is not so great for packing in icy trails. The Phelps grooming operations will start up again tonight. We are waitng for you sledders to pack some of this snow down. Please use cation on the corners and hills as they are very icy under the new snow. 1″-2″ of snow are on the way for tonight and anoter storm systemm heading towards us come Monday. Temps should be great for riding this weekend. We have a report of an ice heave on the North Twin Lake Trail between downtown and the town landing near the Great Escape and the Phelps Conveinence Center. Please use caution there and everywhere.
“Ride Right”
News and Reports:
Phelps Cash Raffle until March 9th.
CA$H Raffle – The Phelps Snowmobile Club is holding a CA$H Raffle that will run throughout the snowmobile
season. The winners will be drawn at our last monthly dinner Meeting on March 9, 2023 at the Sand Lake Pub.
Ticket cost is $50. Only 250 tickets will be sold, and you do not need to be present to win. First prize is $3000,
second prize is $1500, third prize is $750, fourth prize is $500, and fifth prize is $250. Currently tickets are for
sale at the Sand Lake Pub, The Habit, Brule River Tap, Dublin’s, The Great Escape, and Hillside. Tickets are also
available by contacting a Board Member.
Snowmobile Information:
Trail Conditions: Unknown
Snow Cover: 12-18 inches
Date of Report: February 23, 2023
Area Report:
Well the storm seems to be over… we think received between 12 – 15 inches… but so hard to truly know with all the wind and drifting that came with the storm. I think it’s safe to say at least 12 inches and maybe a little bit more. So this is what we have all been waiting for and so “HAPPY” to see it here. I can’t really give you an accurate trail report tonight as most of the groomers and operators will be going out early in the morning to start to smooth down the new snow… but I can tell you by tomorrow evening I believe most of the Iron County Trail System will be in Good to Very Good condition again. The ice base is still there and under the snow.. so hold the speed down a little bit in the corners and sit back for hopefully a wonderful ride all weekend long! This storm front covered a large area so riding should be good no matter what direction you head this weekend!
Also, a reminder that Trail 15 N to the intersection of Trail #111 is temporarily closed this season because of a bridge issue… this is not a new closure it has been closed all season.
Again, a BIG “Thank You” goes out to the Iron County Snowmobile Club Members for grooming our trails and donating their time to keep our trails as smooth and safe as possible. Great group of people and we ALL appreciate what they do for our community and for our trails!!
Reporter:Tomahawk Chamber of Commerce
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 6″
Date of Report: February 23, 2023
Area Report:
LINCOLN COUNTY: Zone 1 mostly open. ZONE 3 reopening noon Friday 24th. Zones 2 & 4 reopening 8am Saturday 25th.
With over a foot of new snow, groomers are out packing and trail conditions are anticipated to be good. Corners and high-traffic areas may remain icy and drifting snow is likely. Please use caution.
Zone 1 Trails remaining closed are as follows: Trail 86 from Intersection #25 to the Taylor County Line. Corridor 21 from Hwy M north of Homestead Road to the Taylor County Line.
ATVs are only allowed on designated trails when temperatures are below 28F and after snowmobile trails have been open for 1 week. No UTVs.
As always, we remind riders to stay on marked trails. Off trail riding is trespassing and could result in closure or loss of trails and citations and fines for those who participate.
Trail Conditions: Open
Snow Cover: 8-10 inches
Date of Report: February 23, 2023
Area Report:
Lincoln County’s funded snowmobile trails(County Administrated Trails) in Zone 3 will reopen as of noon on Friday February 24, 2023. Lincoln County’s funded snowmobile trails(County Administrated Trails) in Zones 2 and 4 will reopen as of 8:00 AM Saturday February 25, 2023.
Trails in Zone 1 that are already open will remain open.
News and Reports:
Zone 1 Trails remaining closed due to a land ownership change are as follows:
On trails where winter ATV use is permitted, trails must be open to snowmobile use for 7 days before ATV use is allowed.
All trails are closed to winter ATV use when the temperature is above 28 degrees F.
Trails may be rough, icy or drifted in some areas.
Be aware of Trail Closed signs, stay on marked trails only and respect private land.
Local snowmobile clubs remind riders to stay off lakes and rivers unless an officially open trail has been clearly marked by a club. If a water body is not marked, it is considered unsafe
For up to date Lincoln County trail conditions, log on to: or call our Trail Hotline at 715-539-1033.
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 12-16 inches
Date of Report: February 23, 2023
Area Report:
Last night’s snowstorm brought anywhere from 10-12” of fresh snow! A few groomers have been out already, but the rest will be out tonight and in the morning as the snow sets.
This new snow has helped the lakes. There are a few bare spots and drifts from the wind, but for the most part lakes have some snow coverage again. Please do still ride with caution knowing it is slick under the new fluffy snow. When temps drop tonight things will set up and as riders pack it down the conditions will get better.
Birkie Week is upon us, just a heads up about the events of the weekend. There are no trails that close due to the Birkie other than in the town of Hayward. Railroad Street will close as well as parking for sleds at Marketplace through Sunday. If you choose to ride into town, you will dead end on Highway 27 or trail 63. You can ride to town to watch if you’d like but will need to park prior to Railroad Street and walk in. Lake Hayward is not staked, nor will it be open on Saturday as the skiers cross. There are some trails in the Seeley Hills that do cross the Birkie trail, there are no closings but on Saturday you may find some delays at these crossings. The delays are short; take a minute to wave and cheer these racers on! It’s an incredible feat they are accomplishing!
Thank you for your support, ride safe and have a wonderful weekend!