Trail Conditions: Excellent
Snow Cover: 12-15
Date of Report: February 28, 2023
Area Report:
We received another 7 or 8 inches of snow yesterday… sunshine today! Possible snow again on Wednesday. Trails are being groomed daily as long as conditions remain this good… plenty of snow for grooming right now.
Trails were busy this past weekend with all the new snow from Thursday…. this week and weekend look good for riding… but the days are getting longer and the temps will slowly continue to rise as we go through the month.
Please remember to STAY RIGHT when riding the trails.. slow down for the corners… someone else may be coming around at the same time… and hold the speed down just a bit.. there may be some riders with less experience on the same trails you are riding. 😉
Trails over all are in Very Good Condition.
Very Good – Trail #2, Trail #116, Trail #18, Trail #113,
Good Condition – Trail #107, Trail #16, Trail #111, Trail #15 S.
Trail 15 N. will remain closed for the season between Trail #2 & Trail #111
Again, we thank everyone who has come up this winter to ride our trails.. it was an odd winter with not a lot of snowfall until recently… but currently trails are pretty awesome in any direction you ride up here. Again, we ask that you give the groomer operators enough room when you meet them.. being courteous goes a long way.
On behalf of all the business owners in Iron County and the Lodging Council we would like to “Thank” both snowmobile clubs and groomer operators for doing a wonderful job grooming this year again… especially considering the weather conditions we have had. You all really make a difference in our community and to the riders on the trails. Thank You!!
This report will be updated when conditions change!!
Happy and Safe Sledding Y’all!!