Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – March 23, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: Except all snow levels. Best far east & north in woods.

Date of Report: March 23, 2023

Area Report:

March 23 2023 1:18pm – 36 – High 37

All Conditions
Trails can remain open until midnight March 31st

Late report today as we went out for a last ride.  Trails out east on Trail 10 are still ample snow covered from Taylor Lk Rd/ERRA Hockey Arena heading east on the south side of Hwy 70E. Exception the highway bridge crossing and a section east of the bridge were you merge back onto the trail. After that snow covered except the road crossings all the way out.  At South Military rd & highway crossing it’s bare.  Once across,  trail along N. Military is snow covered.  South Anvil Lk Rd ice & snow covered all the way to Bald Eagle Lane.  Which is half bare.  Back in the woods & snow covered all the way the Forestry road that takes you the woods trail.  Left onto a snow covered trail up the hill about 1/2 way.  Burn through at top and some of the high hill.  Northside lots of sun.  Snow again that gets thin at the connect with Three Lakes trail.  Three Lakes trails are snow covered & get better & better farther out you go. Would not recommend returning on the northside 10 one way to town.  Ride Three Lakes trails to Three Lakes.  Take the grade Alt 13N.  Nice 50-60 mile ride.  If ya have a need to ride go east.

Heading north it’s a bit of a struggle but in the woods there’s snow.  WI River bridge section & 3N aka Manske good with snow & ice.  No report on 10W.

No Grooming last night

Remember as you ride & meet a groomer the equipment is NOT able to leave the trail due to it’s weight.  Pull over & stop.  Wait for direction from the driver.  Give ’em a thumbs up.  They groom so we can ride!

Please ride on the right side, slow down, limit alcohol & no off trail riding.

Catfish & Eagle Lake barrels have been removed for the season.

Take The Pledge, Protect Snowmobiling access for today’s and future snowmobilers (


Maybe this year we’ll ride ’til midnight on the 31st!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates

News and Reports:


March 24-26 – AWSC (Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs) Convention – Green Bay
March 25 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) – Honey Bear – 5pm gathering – 6pm dinner – Hwy 70W
April 1 – Groom to Ride Raffle Drawing & Bucket Raffle – 1pm – WCDC – Hwy 45N
April 4, 2023 – Sno-Eagles Board Meeting  – 6pm – Snowmobile Museum – Hwy 45N
April 20, 2023 – Sno-Eagles General Member Meeting- 6pm – Blue Heron – Chain o’ Lakes Rd off Hwy 45N

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Has all trail alerts. Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Tomahawk, Wisconsin – March 23, 2023

Reporter:Tomahawk Chamber of Commerce

Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover:

Date of Report: March 23, 2023

Area Report:




Trail conditions are currently in late season conditions. High traffic areas and those exposed to sun are bare and corners are icy. Wooded and shady stretches are better. This is likely the last weekend for riding.

FOR YOUR SAFETY, keep to marked trails on lakes and rivers! Some Oneida County markers have been removed from unsafe ice.

ATVs are only allowed on designated trails when temperatures are below 28F. No UTVs.

As always, we remind riders to stay on marked trails. Off trail riding is trespassing and could result in closure or loss of trails and citations and fines for those who participate.

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – March 23, 2023

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6+

Date of Report: March 23, 2023

Area Report:

Washburn County snowmobile trails are still open at this time. Area Clubs & County Staff have groomed the trails and they are reporting good conditions even after the recent warm, rainy weather. Please note that a section of Trail 25, from County Highway D heading north to Nice Lake Road is closed for the remainder of the season.*If you find trees or other debris in the trail please contact Washburn County Forestry at 715-635-4490.

Trail Report – : Ely, Minnesota – March 23, 2023

Ely, MN Chamber of Commerce

Reporter:Ely Chamber of Commerce/Explore MN Visitor Center

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 25 inch

Date of Report: March 23, 2023

Area Report:

Ely Area Trail Conditions

March 21st, 2023

Spring conditions exist on parts of the trails. There is ice in spots, especially in the corners. Conditions continue to be good due to ongoing snowfalls.

Continue to monitor conditions online at

There is active logging happening on a number of spots throughout the Grant-in-Aid and State Trail system. In those areas, slow down and give trucks and logging equipment space. No Motorized Vehicles other than snowmobiles are allowed on State Trails or Grant-in-Aid snowmobile trails.

Taconite State Trail: The Taconite is groomed and in fair to good condition. Use caution in the Ely to Purvis stretch, as it remains narrow in spots. We will continue to groom during this week and throughout the weekend.  Spring conditions exist throughout the trails. Watch for ice, especially in the corners.

Snow: 13-25 inches with a base of 1-5 inches. Groomed: Yes Condition: Fair to Good

Arrowhead State Trail:  The Arrowhead is groomed and in fair to good condition from Tower to International Falls. We will continue to groom this week and through the weekend. Spring conditions exist on parts of the trails. Watch for ice, especially in the corners.

Along with the DNR trail conditions website, continue to monitor these clubs’ websites ( & for the most current Arrowhead State Trail conditions.

Arrowhead Trail Snow: 1-30 inches of snow with a base of 1-5 inches. Groomed: Yes Condition: Fair to Good

Putnam/Fishing Lakes Trails: The entire trail is groomed and in good condition, and it will be groomed again before this weekend.

Lake Vermilion Soudan Underground Mine State Park Tails: The crosscut/cable bay trail is groomed and in fair condition.  The Miner’s loop has quite a bit of brush hanging into the trail and is in poor to fair condition.

Babbitt Birch Lake Plantation: Babbitt Birch Lake Plantation is groomed for classic skiing and is in excellent condition. The Babbitt golf course is groomed for classic and skate skiing and is in excellent condition.

Bear Head Lake State Park: Cross country ski track set on Saturday, March 18th with good results on the campground loops, Norberg Lake Loop, and the Beach Trail.

Norberg Trail winds its way through several large stands of white and Norway pines while showcasing our names sake, Bear Head Lake, and one of our designated trout lakes, Norberg. Norberg Loop is our most challenging groomed ski trail with several steep hills.

REMINDER: It is unlawful to walk, snowshoe, have pets, or destroy any part of the groomed ski trails in any manner.

Snowshoers are welcome to explore anywhere besides the groomed ski trails. Snowshoers have been enjoying Becky Lake and Blueberry Lake Loops.

Skiing Base: 2-5 inches. Conditions: Good Groomed: Yes

Snowmobiling conditions: Good. Groomed Yes.  Base: 1-5 inches. 

Trail Report – : Dickinson County, Michigan – March 22, 2023


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 3 to 5 Inches On Trails.

Date of Report: March 22, 2023

Area Report:

The groomers have stopped grooming for the remainder of the season.The trails are still in good to fair condition.Any area or trails that get direct sunlight,will be bare ground or pavement.Please watch for water across the trail! Lets try for one more ride this season!  Be Safe!

Trail Report – : Antigo/Langlade County, Wisconsin – March 22, 2023


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 2-6

Date of Report: March 22, 2023

Area Report:

Date of Report: March 22, 2023

Late-season riding conditions with thin spots and some wet areas, particularly in the lowlands and open areas. Wooded areas are in good condition with some thin corners. Please use caution when riding as trail conditions are expected to deteriorate rapidly with the warm weather.


The Langlade County Snowmobile Ordinance prohibits snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles from operating on the trails when considered closed.

Full trail report and map are available at

News and Reports:

Date of Report: March 22, 2023

Late-season riding conditions with thin spots and some wet areas, particularly in the lowlands and open areas. Wooded areas are in good condition with some thin corners. Please use caution when riding as trail conditions are expected to deteriorate rapidly with the warm weather.


The Langlade County Snowmobile Ordinance prohibits snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles from operating on the trails when considered closed.

Full trail report and map are available at

Snowmobile Information:

Date of Report: March 22, 2023

Late-season riding conditions with thin spots and some wet areas, particularly in the lowlands and open areas. Wooded areas are in good condition with some thin corners. Please use caution when riding as trail conditions are expected to deteriorate rapidly with the warm weather.


The Langlade County Snowmobile Ordinance prohibits snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles from operating on the trails when considered closed.

Full trail report and map are available at

Trail Report – : Conover, Wisconsin – March 22, 2023


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 8-12″

Date of Report: March 22, 2023

Area Report:

Well, the snow was a dusting then switched to rain as the temps rose this am. Temps are suppose to go below freezing tonight, then a high of 34 Thursday with cloudy skies till late in the afternoon. Then below freezing again, with a high of 39 Friday with clear skies and sunshine. 

Saturday is a high of 34 with cloudy skies. I’ll have to watch to see if there is any more snow in the forecast, right now there isn’t.

The latest the trails can be open is March 31st.

News and Reports:

  • A reminder to ride between the orange blazers. Be careful in corners as there is an ice layer under the snow. Ride Right ➡️ Ride Safe.
  • To see where the Groomer is at, check out  Groomer Tracker  Half the cost of the app comes back to Conover Sno-Buddies to support grooming operations.

Snowmobile Information:

Watch for posts this summer for more fund raising events and Sno-Buddies apparel for sale. 

Follow us on facebook at Conover Sno Buddies for updates. 

Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – March 22, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 12-16 inches

Date of Report: March 22, 2023

Area Report:

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Wednesday, 3/22/2023

12”-16” Base, Groomed and in Good Condition

At 8:00 a.m. it’s 31 degrees out with overcast skies and a high of 40 degrees for today. We had a dusting of snow last night.

We groomed 2W, 8W, and 15N to the Trail 6 intersection last night and Trail 8E to Nixon Lake Road and 15S to the Trail 11 intersection early this morning. Our drivers are reporting the trails are in very good condition.

Our road route through town is getting bare and there is a ½ mile section going west out of town on Trail 2W/8W between the S curves and the 2W/8W intersection that has new logging going on and it is mostly bare. This is a grin and bare it situation, but once past this area the trails are very good!

We have a slight daytime warmup coming this week, but will cool down at night and will allow the trails to remain rideable throughout the week.

We have 9 days left of the season, so get out and enjoy some good riding while you can.

Check in Friday, 3/24 for an updated trail report.

Enjoy our trails and local businesses this week and as always “Ride Right” and be safe.

Landy Roepke, BJSC Trail Manager

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – March 22, 2023

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6+

Date of Report: March 22, 2023

Area Report:

Washburn County snowmobile trails are still open at this time. Area Clubs & County Staff have groomed the trails and they are reporting good conditions even after the recent warm, rainy weather. Please note that a section of Trail 25, from County Highway D heading north to Nice Lake Road is closed for the remainder of the season.*If you find trees or other debris in the trail please contact Washburn County Forestry at 715-635-4490.

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – March 22, 2023

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6+

Date of Report: March 22, 2023

Area Report:

Washburn County snowmobile trails are still open at this time. Area Clubs & County Staff have groomed the trails and they are reporting good conditions. Please note that a section of Trail 25, from County Highway D heading north to Nice Lake Road is closed for the remainder of the season.*If you find trees or other debris in the trail please contact Washburn County Forestry at 715-635-4490.