Reporter:SaynerStar Lake Barnstormers
Trail Conditions: Closed
Snow Cover: Minimal
Date of Report: January 11, 2024
Area Report:
The trails are awesome! Well……………if you feel like just going out and walking around.
If you want to snowmobile, not so much.
We have gone out and done some panning of the little snow we have. This helps to fill the ruts and to create a flatter base that will freeze to make for a better trail system once the snow does arrive.
There is more snow forecast for this coming weekend, but according to the National Weather Service, it’s only going to produce 2-4″ additional inches in this area. Folks, we need an 8″ dumping of wet snow in order to have something decent to work with. And, when that happens, please don’t think we can open trails the next day! The clubs will need a couple days to get things ready.
FYI, Vilas county has 11 snowmobile clubs. In order for the trails to open, all 11 clubs have to be ready to open at the same time. So, even if we had ours ready, we can’t open until everyone is ready. We’ll keep you posted.
In the meantime, you can still come up and enjoy the area. There is so much to do here, even if you can’t ride. We have incredible businesses that are open and ready to serve!
Don’t forget about our upcoming fundraisers! Visit
Jan. 20 – Breakfast @ Stillwaters. 8-11 AM
Feb. 3 – Chili Dump @ Murmuring Waters. 2-5 PM
Feb. 18 – Pizza @ Hillside. 4-8 PM