Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Phelps, Wisconsin – December 27, 2024

Reporter:Phelps Snowmobile Club

Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 2″-4″

Date of Report: December 27, 2024

Area Report:

The Vilas County Trail System remains closed.  More snow is needed.  As soon as weather cooperates, we will be opening the trails.  Please be patient and come on up and explore other activities in the meantime. 

Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – December 27, 2024


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 0-2″ (very little coverage)

Date of Report: December 27, 2024

Area Report:

At this time the trails still remain closed.

Thank you for the continued support,

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club

News and Reports:

Upcoming Events:  

December – February 6: Snowmobile Northwoods Weekend Getaway Sweepstakes

December-March: Gooch’s Pizza fundraiser starts, stop in and support him and the club by ordering a pizza!

January 18: Food sales at Wittig’s Point Resort Ice Fishing Tournament 11am-2pm

January 19: Breakfast Fundraiser from 8:30-11am at the Boulder Beer Bar

February 8: Trailside Brat Fry 11am-2pm at the Groomer Shed

February 16: Breakfast Fundraiser from 8:30-11am at The Guide’s Inn

March 1: Cabin Fever starting at 4pm at Gooch’s 2

Find all event details on our website at!

Snowmobile Information:

Now is the time to renew or start a new membership! You can find all the information on our website here: or contact the club directly at

Trail Report – : Ely, Minnesota – December 26, 2024

Ely, MN Chamber of Commerce

Reporter:Ely Chamber of Commerce/Explore MN Visitor Center

Trail Conditions: Poor

Snow Cover: 6-12 Inches

Date of Report: December 26, 2024

Area Report:

Ely Area Trail Conditions
December 26, 2024

Taconite State Trail, Arrowhead State Trail, Putnam/Fishing Lakes Trails, and Lake Vermilion Soudan Underground Mine State Park Tails: With the rain and warm temps our area received over the last week, our snowpack throughout the Ely-Tower-Virginia-Cook-Int’l Falls area has been substantially depleted. There is a lot of water, very little snow, and little to no ice in the swamps. All trees have been cleared off our trails since last week. Our trail crew, along with all the snowmobile clubs in our area, continue to pack swamps and trails to help increase the ice thickness and facilitate grooming as soon as the snow levels allow. The trail corridors are open but not groomed, and there is very little snow on them. There is also a lot of water in the swamps, and ice in the swamps is still thin to non-existent. For those reasons, trail use is not recommended.
The main message to anyone riding trails this week is to use extreme caution when riding through swamps and beaver ponds. Despite the colder temps we have had, swamps still only have anywhere from 2 to 8 inches of ice in them, and due to beaver ponds continuing to drain after ice formation, we have been seeing a lot of shelf ice as we pack trails and swamps. We are also seeing that many beaver ponds have substantially less water than usual, meaning more hummocks and stumps to watch out for. Also, the dams have turned into a large, steep berm in the middle of the trail. Watch out for these conditions, especially in the following areas: from Big Aspen to Pfeiffer Lake, from Black Bear Trail to the Y Store Trail on the Taconite State Trail, and on the Arrowhead just south of the Hwy 1 crossing at the Frazier Bay shelter, and in the Elephant Creek/Blackduck grade segment north of Elephant Lake.
Snow: 6-12 inches with little to no base. Groomed: No Condition: Poor
Babbitt Golf Course Trail: The course trail has been groomed.
Babbitt Birch Lake Plantation: As of Friday, December 20, the trail is freshly groomed all the way to the beach. We need more snow for the plantation trails. Be careful with your new skis, and watch out for rocks. A ski pass from the Minnesota DNR is required for the plantation ski trail.
Bear Head Lake State Park: Despite our best efforts, without any of the forecasted snow, a classic track was set in the campground loops and the Beach Trail on Friday, December 20th, with fair results. We need more snow to groom the Norberg Trail.
Reminder: Activities such as walking or snowshoeing that damage any part of the groomed ski trail are unlawful.
You can snowshoe anywhere in Minnesota’s state parks and recreation areas, except on trails that are specifically groomed for another activity, such as skiing or snowmobiling.
Skiing Base: 3-4 inches. Conditions: Fair Groomed: Partially
Snowmobiling conditions: Poor. Base: 2-3 inches

Along with the DNR trail conditions website (, continue to monitor these clubs’ websites ( & for the most current Arrowhead State Trail conditions.


Trail Report – : Keweenaw Peninsula / Houghton-Hancock, South Range, Copper Harbor, Michigan – December 24, 2024


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 6″ base

Date of Report: December 24, 2024

Area Report:

First off I’d like to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

In one months time I’ve recorded 93.5 inches of snow. Keep in mind that’s all in the Toivola area. Trail 3 from Mass City to Copper Harbor is in fair to good condition for the most part. However we have a 4 day warm up with rain in the forcast starting on Friday. Some of the side trails still have some open water so please ride with caution ⚠️.  I will keep an eye on conditions as they might change by this weekend and keep you updated.

☠️ Stretch 

News and Reports:


Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – December 23, 2024


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 0-2″ (very little coverage)

Date of Report: December 23, 2024

Area Report:

The trails remain closed at this time. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!

Thank you for the continued support,

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club 

News and Reports:

Upcoming Events:  

December – February 6: Snowmobile Northwoods Weekend Getaway Sweepstakes

December-March: Gooch’s Pizza fundraiser starts, stop in and support him and the club by ordering a pizza!

January 18: Food sales at Wittig’s Point Resort Ice Fishing Tournament 11am-2pm

January 19: Breakfast Fundraiser from 8:30-11am at the Boulder Beer Bar

February 8: Trailside Brat Fry 11am-2pm at the Groomer Shed

February 16: Breakfast Fundraiser from 8:30-11am at The Guide’s Inn

March 1: Cabin Fever starting at 4pm at Gooch’s 2

Find all event details on our website at!

Snowmobile Information:

Now is the time to renew or start a new membership! You can find all the information on our website here: or contact the club directly at

Trail Report – : Minocqua, Wisconsin – December 23, 2024


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 4-6

Date of Report: December 23, 2024

Area Report:

Those of you coming up north for Christmas week better bring the tip ups, good ice for ice fishing, as far as the trails go they will not be open till we get more snow and do not see anything in the week forecast . Keep doing the snow dance 

Trail Report – : Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin – December 22, 2024


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 6-10″

Date of Report: December 22, 2024

Snowmobile Information:

We had about 3-4 inches of snow the last couple of days. Still slow and we would need a good foot to charge up the system. The cool thing is, it has been cold. Lakes are firming up. I saw a truck out on Minoqua Lake yesterday. Our John Deere is still down. Keith, Nick, and John tore the front end off of it today. A lot of talk about splines and clutch packs in the front end. I was the designated wrench passer.I took a break, and went down to the storage unit to hack the ice banks down in front of the doors, where we store our Kubota and drag, and two great kids named Cristin, and Justin, showed up. I figured Keith sent them to help me. I was surprised they did not have shovels, but I handed them tools, and they whacked that icey snowbank like Grant took Richmond. When we were done, I told them I wish I had a key for the unit, I would show them the Kubota. They said, “How will you get the snowmobile out?” I said, ” What snowmobile?” Here they were there to meet a guy to buy a snowmobile for Justin’s dad to ice fish with. So, my wife said, like Tom Sawyer getting his fence painted, you cheesed those kids into doing your digging out. Love the north woods, and what a country! Mark

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – December 21, 2024

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 4-5 inches – more east & north

Date of Report: December 21, 2024

Area Report:

December 21– 9:10am – 8 – High 15


Still SNOW on the ground 6 miles east of Eagle River.  The Thursday into Friday snowfall brought 3-4 inches of wet SNOW 6 miles East of Eagle River.  Added to what was on the ground. With all that said need you to  START DOIN A SNOW DANCE!  Need way more SNOW to be able to open the trails.

Temps will be COLD for the next couple days with single digits at night. SNOW Sunday night into Monday morning.  Then temps will move up.

The Vilas County Parks & Rec Supervisor has been out last week & this week inspecting all 11 clubs trails. All inspections are complete & the trails are good to go. Waiting for more SNOW to open.

Sno-Eagles are using the roller & Argo to help drive the frost down & have been panning to build a hard icy frozen base.  As I have been reporting there is a re-route of the Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp that is still being worked on.  When all done I will post a map with the trail updates.   Trail 17 aka Hiawatha Trail has be rehab-ed.  No more going in that wet mushy section just before Kick Back & Hiawatha motel.  Alt Trail 13 that heads south to Three Lakes remains CLOSED.  Trail 17S that connects with the Sugar Camp trails remains the same but there is a short re route where Eagle River Sno-Eagles connect.  Another landowner closure.  Map of that to follow too.

If you haven’t already,  it’s time to renew your membership and purchase your discounted Trail Pass from the AWSC.  Sno-Eagles  AWSC Click on these links to do both


See Ya On The Trails real soon!  If ya have an itch to ride head up to the UP.  Way up to along Lake Superior. 

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
Remember……RIDE RIGHT

Eagle River Visitors Guide or Trail Map Click or Call 715.479.6400

News and Reports:


January 7, 2025 – BOD meeting 6 pm – World snowmobile HQ
January 9 – 12, 2025 – 24th Vintage World Championship Snowmobile Races @ WCDC
January 16 – 19, 2025 – 62nd World Championship Snowmobile Derby @ WCDC
January 23, 2025 – General Meeting 7 pm – LP Pizza & Pasta (Buckshots Downtown)
January 31, 2025 – February 2, 2025 – Weekend Away – Mercer WI
February 7, 2025 – February 9, 2025 – USA Pond Hockey – Dollar Lake
February 13, 2025 – Legend Laps – WCDC
February 21, 2025 – February 23, 2025 – World Series of Racing WCDC
February 20, 2025 – General Meeting 7 pm Chanticleer Inn – E. Dollar Lk Rd off Hwy 70E
March 4, 2025 – BOD meeting 6 pm – World snowmobile HQ
March 14, 2025 – March 15, 2025 – AMSIOL National Sno-Cross @ WCDC
March 15, 2025 – Groom to Ride @ Trackside – Drawing at 5pm

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!  

Trail Report – : Mercer Sno-Goers, Wisconsin – December 20, 2024


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 0-3 inches

Date of Report: December 20, 2024

Area Report:

We received 3-5 inches of snow yesterday and today. The snow was light and although it brightened up our trails it didn’t do much to add to our base. We still need heavy snow to build up our base to sustain the traffic we see on our trails up here. We are continuing packing swamps and trails to be ready for that one big storm we need to open. Keep the snow dances going and hope for cold weather. Although the weather doesn’t look good over Christmas, there is lots of hope in the forecast after the first of the year. Please don’t be too alarmed, we are all extremely skeptical after last year but it’s not uncommon for us to open after the new year. 

News and Reports:

Upcoming events:

Club Breakfast at Island View Lodge on January 11th from 8am-Noon

18th Annual Winter Blast on January 18th at the Groomer Barn from 8am-10pm

Club Breakfast at Around the Corner Pub on January 25th from 8am-Noon

Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – December 20, 2024


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: White

Date of Report: December 20, 2024

Area Report:

The Frosty Club area in Land O Lakes looks like winter, feels like winter, and is covered in white gold. The lakes are frozen with 8-10 inches of solid ice and the swamps are froze. The trails have been rolled and panned and have an excellent base. We just need some more snow on top and a better after Christmas weather forecast. Hopefully the upper 30’s do not happen and we will be open sooner than later. There is good riding in the UP. Soon here as well we hope.

News and Reports:

Snowmobile safety class Dec 27

Music Trivia Dec 27

Call 715 547 3684 for more details.