Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – January 16, 2025


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 4-6 inches

Date of Report: January 16, 2025

Area Report:

Trails open tomorrow, Friday, January 17th at 8am!! 

Early season riding condition, be safe and have fun!


News and Reports:

Upcoming Events: 

December – February 6: Snowmobile Northwoods Weekend Getaway Sweepstakes

December-March: Gooch’s Pizza fundraiser starts, stop in and support him and the club by ordering a pizza!

January 18: Food sales at Wittig’s Point Resort Ice Fishing Tournament 11am-2pm

January 19: Breakfast Fundraiser from 8:30-11am at the Boulder Beer Bar

February 8: Trailside Brat Fry 11am-2pm at the Groomer Shed

February 16: Breakfast Fundraiser from 8:30-11am at The Guide’s Inn

March 1: Cabin Fever starting at 4pm at Gooch’s 2

Find all event details on our website at!

Snowmobile Information:

Now is the time to renew or start a new membership! You can find all the information on our website here: or contact the club directly at

Trail Report – : Ely, Minnesota – January 16, 2025

Ely, MN Chamber of Commerce

Reporter:Ely Chamber of Commerce/Explore MN Visitor Center

Trail Conditions: Poor

Snow Cover: 4-8 inches

Date of Report: January 16, 2025

Area Report:

Taconite State Trail, Arrowhead State Trail, Putnam/Fishing Lakes Trails, and Lake Vermilion Soudan Underground Mine State Park Trails

With the new snow we got this past weekend, we have been able to get groomer equipment out on the trail system in most places and get an initial groom in. Where the trails go through swamps and exposed areas, they are showing grass and ground after the first grooming pass. But overall trail conditions are much better than they were before grooming.

We will be grooming as much of the Arrowhead and Taconite State Trails as possible before this coming weekend. As mentioned in previous trail reports, the two segments of the Taconite from Big Aspen to Pfeiffer Lake and from the Blackbear trail to the junction with the Arrowhead are rough and have areas of shelf ice. These two segments may remain ungroomed until we get more snow, but stay tuned for further updates over the next couple days.

The Putnam-Fishing Lakes Trail and Lake Vermilion Soudan Underground Mine State Park trails remain ungroomed. Stay tuned for further updates over the next couple days.

We still need more snow throughout our trail system, especially in the swamps and beaver ponds. Use caution especially when riding through these areas as we are still finding shelf ice and even open water in places. Watch for hummocks and stumps in swamps and ponds.

There is active logging in a number of locations throughout the Grant-in-Aid and State Trail system. In those areas, slow down and give trucks and logging equipment space.

Trail conditions will be changing quite a bit over the next few days, so continue to monitor trail conditions online at

Snowmobiling conditions:0-3 inches. Conditions: Poor  Groomed: No

Bear Head Lake State Park:  

On Friday, January 17th, we hope to set track with the limited amount of snow we received this week. This trail provides rolling topography through birch and pine stands. You may see a variety of wildlife ranging from deer, wolves, ruffed grouse, and pine martens.

Snowmobiling conditions: Trail Base: 1-2 Inches Good. Base: 1-2 inches

News and Reports:

Join us on February 1, 2025, for our annual FunRun, which supports our local trails.  For more details on the event, please visit www.snowmobilefunrun. com.  Early registration is $25/person.  Same-day registration is $30.  Great prizes and the event happens snow or no.

Trail Report – : Minocqua, Wisconsin – January 16, 2025


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 4-6

Date of Report: January 16, 2025

Area Report:

http://We know that most of you are wondering when the Forest Riders Trails will open. The short answer is “not until we get more snow”. Trails in Oneida County are overseen by the Oneida County Snowmobile Council – which consists of the 9 clubs in the Country plus a representative from the Oneida County Forestry Department. Decisions on trail opening are made by this Council, and require a super-majority of the clubs to vote to open the trails. All trails in the county must open and close together. Currently there is not enough snow to safely open the trails. Opening the trails before there is sufficient snow creates the risk of damaging the land the trails run through. For our Forest Rider trails – we have over 100 land-use agreements with different land-owners, and have a responsibility to manage the trails in a way that respects these lands. Losing usage of land from even 1 land-owner could significantly impact the ability to keep trails open. Opening the trails without enough snow also risks damage to your snowmobiles, and to our grooming equipment. Our all-volunteer team of Forest Riders trail maintenance and groomers has been doing everything possible to prepare the trails in advance for opening once we have more snow. Our trails have been packed by our groomers and groomer-team members have run snowmobiles across all swamp areas to pack them down and form a good base. Once a decision has been made to open Oneida County trails there will be a PSA announcement. Clubs will have 24 hours after the announcement to do final trail preparations. We will also post on the Minocqua Forest Riders Facebook page and website. Minocqua Forest Riders Facebook Minocqua Forest Riders website

Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – January 16, 2025


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: lightly snowing

Date of Report: January 16, 2025

Area Report:

The Frosty Club trails as well as the rest of the Vilas county trail system will open Friday at 8am. Trails will not be great so please slow down and be safe. At least we can get to the businesses and the Michigan trails which have a free riding weekend this weekend. Been a long time comin’

News and Reports:

Comedy Night Sunday at the Gateway Lodge. Get your tix at the Gateway in advance or at the door. Look forward to laughing with you there.

Candlelight Bowling next weekend at The Alley. Call or stop in to the Alley to reserve your space.

Trail Report – : Minocqua, Wisconsin – January 16, 2025


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 4-6

Date of Report: January 16, 2025

Area Report:

Vilas County are opening there trails at 8:00 am Friday the 17th, remember that there are some bare spots and ruts that need more snow to fill in, we have a ice base with little snow on top so its going to be very slick so go slow. Temps tomorrow will be in the 30s and come Sunday the bottom falls out with single digits for highs and double digits below zero at night for 3-4 days. I have not seen anything about Oneida County yet but will keep you posted .What we need is 6 inches of heavy wet snow

Trail Report – : Sayner, Wisconsin – January 16, 2025

Reporter:SaynerStar Lake Barnstormers

Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: Minimal

Date of Report: January 16, 2025

Area Report:

Here we go!!  The Vilas county snowmobile trails OFFICIALLY OPEN at 8:00 am, Friday, January 17!!

It’s certainly been a long wait.  Please keep in mind that our snow cover is very thin and the trails are going to be icy, especially in the corners.  The Barnstormers will maintain trail conditions the best we can, but without additional snow, there won’t be much we can do.  As long as everyone is aware that we don’t have ideal conditions yet, we can get out and finally enjoy some riding!

There are ongoing logging operations on trails 15 and 11.  Remember that logging personnel have the right of way.  They also have the right to shut down trails, so please be respectful.

While you’re out there, remember to stop by the amazing businesses that keep us operating.  Check out our upcoming events:

Saturday, Jan 18:  Snowmobile Breakfast @ Stillwaters.  8:00 – 11:00 AM

Saturday, Feb 8:  Chili Dump @ Murmuring Waters.  2:00 – 5:00 PM

Sunday, Feb 16:  Pizza Fundraiser @ Hillside Tavern.  4:00 – 8:00 PM

Trail Report – : Phelps, Wisconsin – January 17, 2025

Reporter:Phelps Snowmobile Club

Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 5″-7″

Date of Report: January 17, 2025

Area Report:

The Vilas County Funded Trail system will open at 8:00 am on Friday January 17, 2025.  Trails are in early season riding conditions.  trails have been panned but plan on seeing some rocks sticking up.  There is an ice base with powder on top.  Corners are very slick, and your braking and acceleration is not what you are used to for this time of year.  With low snow amounts, it is imperative that you stay on the marked trails.  Not all our trails are on public lands.  Assume that all trails are on Private property.  Please help us we cannot afford to lose any landowners.

Trail Report – : Hurley, Wisconsin – January 16, 2025

Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 0-4

Date of Report: January 16, 2025

Area Report:

It is currently 28 degrees. It is snowing, with light accumulation, and it will continue throughout the weekend. 

Snowmobile Information:

Here it is, January 16th, 2025, and we’re finally open to snowmobile traffic! There’s a fresh 3″ layer of heavy, wet snow overnight, and our groomers are out. Our trails are nothing better than early-season riding. We’re not going to tell you to just leave your machines on the trailers and spend your money now that you’re in town. Riding anytime, but especially now, is a choice. If you feel conditions are not what you’d like to put your snowmobiles through, then don’t. For those who want to navigate the rocks and bare spots, we thank you for safely trying, and for your understanding. We want nothing more than for you to have the chance to get out and enjoy our slice of heaven. Please ride safe, be responsible, respect our landowners, and ride right! The following trail listing is current as of today. “Open” means we have run groomers on the trail noted. “Closed” does not mean you cannot ride a trail, but we have not put our larger equipment in these areas, so use extreme caution. Only trail 11a is 100% gates locked and closed to traffic all season due to logging. Enjoy your time in Northern Iron County and thank our businesses with your patronage.
2a. OPEN
7. OPEN (Clement Swamp not groomed)
8b. OPEN
8e. OPEN
8 Palmquist. OPEN
8w. OPEN
13. OPEN
13c. OPEN
15. OPEN with some active logging
17. OPEN
17a. OPEN
77. OPEN

Trail Report – : Conover, Wisconsin – January 16, 2025


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 3-5”

Date of Report: January 16, 2025

Area Report:

Vilas County snowmobile trails are set to open at 8am Friday January 17th. 

The trails will be early season conditions. There is little snow on top of the ice base. This will make corners very slick. Please ride with caution. There won’t be enough snow to groom yet each day. Ditch crossings and rutted trails won’t have enough snow either to cover them. 

News and Reports:

Trail 12 where it runs along Cty K by Dublins has some deep ruts from ATV traffic that we can’t fill with snow yet. We are out posting signs in that area. 

Snowmobile Information:

Dec 22nd – Annual Poker Run Starts and goes till March 1st

Feb 11th – General Membership Meeting at R&R Twin Lake Pub  5:30-8pm

Mar 1st – Poker Run Draw Party at R&R Twin Lake Pub  1-4pm

Mar 11th – General Membership Meeting at Bauer’s Dam  5:30-8pm

Mar 15th – Groom-to-Ride Raffle Drawing at Track Side, Eagle River  1-5pm

Mar 17th – St Paddy’s Day Corned Beef Dinner at Club 45  4-8pm

May 25th – Log Cabin Trail Fundraiser  3-7pm