Trail Conditions: Fair
Snow Cover: 2-4
Date of Report: January 23, 2025
Area Report:
Most of the county received a few inches of fresh powder. Not great snow, but it’s something. Trails are still in early-season condition. Most, but not all trails have been rolled/panned. Clubs are out working on trails, so watch out for grooming equipment.
Please respect the trails, take off slowly from stops and take corners with caution. We need to keep the snow base we have started. Many of our trails go across private property, stay on the trail.
Trail closures: are due to low snow conditions and private property concerns. Do not go around trail closed signs.
Be aware of rocks, frozen ruts and small brush in the trail corridor. Adequate snowfall and grooming operations would generally eliminate these hazards. Trail conditions change drastically from trail to trail, so please ride with caution.
News and Reports:
Club Reports
Apostle Island – no report
Barnestormers – Trails in fair condition
Corny Sno-Goers – no report
Drummond Dirt-Sno Jacks – Trail 63 North of Grand View is closed. Trail 4 is closed, from Delta to Ashland County. Do not ride these sections of trails
Namakagon Trail Groomers – All trails have been inspected and cleared of hazards. Panning operations will begin on Friday
Northern Adventures – no report
South Shore – no report
Waino – All trails were panned the last snowfall. A fresh 3” of light snow fell this week.
Washburn Valhellers – Groomer is back in service trails are being panned and packed. Trails closer to lake have little snow.
White River Ramblers – Trail 4 from Delta east to Ashland County is closed.