Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin – January 16, 2022


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 2-6″

Date of Report: January 16, 2022

Snowmobile Information:

I will go with a fair report. Trail 17, the grade, is thin. From Woodruff to Stearns Lake Road, it is a klinker. From Stearns Lake to H is better, then from there to the Raven area is between the two. Trail 5 into the casino is good.Thin in spots but OK. 17 north from the 5 intersection is OK for two miles, then thin again. We ran trail 1, Stearns Lake Road, to Boundary Trail, up to 51, three days now. Thin but thanks to the bank runners, it keeps things going with enough snow. Our lake trails are good. Watch the middle of Fence Lake. Ice spots where water pushed up. I would avoid 17 until we get snow, and use 1 to 51. North from the Northern Hornshoe system is pounded, but runnable. The groomers are amazing. Amazing weekend with no snow, and high traffic. Boulder Club breakfast at Gooches was outstanding. Snow on the horizon for Tuesday. Ride safe. Mark

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – January 16, 2022

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 14+ inches snow – 7+- inch base – Fresh SNOW today!!!

Date of Report: January 16, 2022

Area Report:


2022 Eagle River Ice Castle – Trail 10W/13N right in town by the Railroad Depot!
Built by the Eagle River Fire Department, City of Eagle River
& the Many, Many Volunteers of our Community

January 16, 2022 – 6:50am 8 degrees – High of 17 today

Temps popped up & with that came SNOW.  Overnight just a schiff of not measurable SNOW.  SNOW today will move in around 8:30 this morning.  Weather guys forecasting much needed 1-3 inches. 

The hard base of 7 inches +- that is frozen hard & holding. All thanks to the cold weather. There is loose hard SNOW in most areas but crunchy with not much moisture.  SNOW depth is about 14 inches total  There a few icy corners.  Not as many as I expected.  All in all trails are Fair with many Good areas.  Was happy to see trails are SNOW covered with the exception of some of the approaches to crossing. Even through town was Fair right now 

Was great to see the groomer out grooming Trail 10E last night as we headed home from the Derby Track.  Haven’t been able to ride this weekend.  Volunteering at the Track. So my reports are from riders & groomer driver I spoke to.  All of ’em are surprised that the trails are holding.  Great it’s been cold. Lots of traffic with the Derby & President’s Weekend riders.

The Groomer Tracking System AP (GTS) shows even with sub zero temps, almost all trails were groomed last night. Here are the trails sections NOT groomed. Pick up a map to see exact locations

  • Trail 70W that heads west behind the Dairy Queen in town & connects to the St. Germain trails
  • Trail 17S/7 that spurs off of 70W near the Honey Bear Inn & Hwy H west of town. Trail 17 heads south & connects with the Sugar Camp trails along Hwy 17.
  • Trail 7 aka Paint Ball Field trail is a spur off of Trail 17S & comes out on Hwy H west of Eagle River near the Kathan Inn Bar & Grill.  It also connect to the west Sugar Camp trails
  • A Club trail called Uncle Kent’s trail. It is north & west of Eagle River & comes out on Hwy G.
  • Section of Trail 10W/13N from where it crosses Hwy G to Adams Rd.  This is also north of Eagle River.

Catfish & Eagle lake trails were marked & are NOW OPEN.  To be safe stay by the orange reflective barrels.  Note the spur from the northside Eagle Lake boat launch that leads to Eagle Waters is NOT OPEN at this time.   Work in progress. Stay tuned.
The re route on 10/13/7/17 which is west of Eagle River still has rough areas. The Sno-Eagles Club did some stump grinding to help smooth out the area a few weeks ago.  New re routes can take a whole season before they smooth.  Slow down & all will be great.                                  

Sure would like trail photos so I can post to the report to let other riders see the real time conditions.  Send them to 

Please KEEP DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE!  We need lots!

See ya on the trails next week!!

Holly Tomlanovich
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update

News and Reports:


  • 1/16 – 59th running of the World Championship Derby – Championship Race DayBadger State Games Torchlighting!  The Games begin!
  • 1/17 – 2021 Military Ride – Leaving from the World Championship Derby Complex
  • 1/20 – Member meeting 6:30pm – Buckshots Downtown
  • 1/21-23 – Sno-Eagles Weekend Away to North Star Casino, Bowler
  • 1/27-30 – Women on Snow – Eagle Waters Resort – Rangeline Rd off Hwy 70E
  • 1/29 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) – Log Cabin, Conover 6pm

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – January 15, 2022

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 14+ inches crunchy snow – 7+- inch hard base – Fresh SNOW needed

Date of Report: January 15, 2022

Area Report:


2022 Eagle River Ice Castle – Located next to Trail 10/13N by the Historic Railroad Depot
Built by the Eagle River Fire Department, City of Eagle River
& the Many, Many Volunteers of our Community

January 15, 2022 – 8:00 am 7 below zero – High of 16 today

COLD this morning.  Not much change in the report. Sort of good news is there is some SNOW forecast tomorrow. Only about an inch.  The next chance of SNOW is Tuesday.  Weather guys forecasting 2+.  Really need a loud SNOW DANCE!

As I’ve been reporting for a while now there is a base of 7 inches +- that is frozen hard & holding.  There is loose hard SNOW in most areas but crunchy with not much moisture.  SNOW depth is about 14 inches total  There a few icy corners.  Not as many as I expected.  All in all trails are Fair with many Good areas.  Was happy to see trails are SNOW covered with the exception of some of the approaches to crossing. Even through town was Fair.  But we really need more FRESH SNOW. 

The Groomer Tracking System AP (GTS) shows even with sub zero temps, almost all trails were groomed last night. Here are the 3 area trails sections NOT groomed. Pick up a map to see exact locations

  • 10E that head east & all spurs which is off the Alt13 “the grade” crossing Loon Lakes Rd.  This just south of Eagle River.
  • 10W/13N heading north out of Eagle River. From the Hwy G road crossing to Adams Rd.
  • Trail 1 that from the Eagle Lake trail boat launch to to where it comes out on Hunter Lane. This is northeast of Eagle River

Catfish & Eagle lake trails were marked & are NOW OPEN.  To be safe stay by the orange reflective barrels.  Note the spur from the northside Eagle Lake boat launch that leads to Eagle Waters is NOT OPEN at this time.   Work in progress. Stay tuned.
There is a re route on 10/13/7/17 heading west.  Did stump grinding to help smooth out the area.  New SNOW has helped that area a lot.                                    

Sure would like trail photos so I can post to the report to let other riders see the real time conditions.  Send them to 

We sure could use some fresh new SNOW.  KEEP DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE!

See ya on the trails!!

Holly Tomlanovich
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update

News and Reports:


  • 1/13-16 – 59th running of the World Championship Derby – Friday Night Thunder tonight!!!!
  • 1/17 – 2021 Military Ride – Leaving from the World Championship Derby Complex
  • 1/20 – Member meeting 6:30pm – Buckshots Downtown
  • 1/21-23 – Sno-Eagles Weekend Away to North Star Casino, Bowler
  • 1/27-30 – Women on Snow – Eagle Waters Resort – Rangeline Rd off Hwy 70E
  • 1/29 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) – Log Cabin, Conover 6pm

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours

Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – January 14, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 8-10 inches

Date of Report: January 14, 2022

Area Report:

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Friday, 1/14/22:

It’s 8 degrees out this morning with a chance of light snow today. Temps will be in the mid- teens through the weekend with little snow accumulation.

Our groomers were out last night grooming 15N and 6E.  8E and 15S were groomed early this morning.

All our trails are in good condition with the exception of 15S which has developed moguls south of Highway K and the intersection of Sayner’ trail 7. This trail is groomed daily but by the afternoon will be getting rough. So, get out early if you are taking this trail north or south.

Enjoy our trails, be safe, and check for an updated report on Monday, 1/17/22.

– Landy Roepke, Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Manager

Please contact us to request this year’s snowmobile map and keep an eye on our webcam to see current snowfall in Boulder Junction.

Join us for these upcoming winter events:

January 15th – Annual Wittig’s Point Tavern “Big Fish” Ice Tournament
January 16th – Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Breakfast at Gooch’s 2
February 5th – 14th Annual Frozen Tozen Ice Fishing Tournament
February 20th – Boulder Junction Snowmobile Breakfast at Boulder Beer Bar

Help support the Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club’s Fundraising Efforts: Tractor for the Trails

Trail Report – : Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin – January 14, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6-9 inches of snow

Date of Report: January 14, 2022

Area Report:

January 14
Hello Riders!
Groomers have been out all week smoothing everything down for the weekend! Groomers report trails to be in good condition. Some rocky areas in some heavily traveled corners but over all consensus is trails are in good-very good condition! A little snow would be helpful and make things freshened up but even without trails are good!
Have a safe weekend!

Trail Report – : Oconto County, Wisconsin – January 14, 2022

Reporter:Oconto County Tourism

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6-9

Date of Report: January 14, 2022

Area Report:

Logging is currently in process on both County and Federal Properties. When coming into a logging area, follow the signage and never go under or near logging equipment when they are in use. This s a very dangerous situation, and if it continues, the trail may be shut down or forced to be rerouted. Let’s all be safe and patient when we are on the trails. Logg g equipment has the right of way. 

Red Arrow Snowmobile Club –  1/12/22
Groomers were last out Monday we will groom again Thursday night. The trails are in good condition.

Chute Pond Snowmobile Club – 1/13/22
Chute Pond Snowmobile Trails are open and in good to very good “early season condition”- which means there may be rough spots, bare spots, dips, ungroomed areas by swamps or water holes. Please take it easy on the starts, stops, and corners- and in general, reduce your speed and be aware of the trail conditions. Grooming continues as needed and in many areas, our trails are in great shape- but in some areas, the surface will not be as smooth as mid-season riding. More specific details follow:

INT 311 to INT 320 is back open. Take it easy north of CTY W as you ride through the repaired trail.

There is a small trail change as you approach Animal’s in the ditch on Hwy T. Please follow the trail signs. Be aware that loggers are working along the Mountain Lakes Rd trail from Hwy 64 north to Star Lake Rd.

The north pipeline trail is open, has been groomed once, and is passable from Jack Pine Rd to Crooked Lake- but will continue to be a rough ride until we get more snow to fill in the dips. Adjust your speed accordingly.

Our groomer operators and volunteers have spent countless hours getting our trails ready, and grooming will continue, both day and night. Please watch for the groomers- then stop and wait for their signal that it is safe to move past them. Please respect the loggers, our trails, and other riders. Remember these are still early season conditions- and ride accordingly.

Gillett Sno Riders – 1/14/22
We will be out grooming this afternoon and through the weekend. Trails are in early season condition, overall they are in good condition, expect to see some thin spots in the field crossings.  The NST specifically is in good condition and has held up nicely to the traffic north of town.  There is parking at Zippel park located right on the trail. 

Paul Bunyan Riders – 1/12/22
The trails are open and in good condition.

BB Joyriders –  1/12/22

B&B Joyriders Trails are all open and in fair to very good, the groomers will be out again this weekday and night getting the trails ready for the weekend. We all could use more snow, maybe only 1” is coming this week. There are spots on the trail that we cannot groom yet, but we are getting close. There is a fishery on White Potato Lake Saturday 1/15. 

Lena – 1/13/22
Trails are open expect poor to fair rating with early season conditions. 

Oconto Falls – 1/13/22
Trails will be in “early season” condition with some rocks/ruts/dips due to minimal snow.  We do have a couple of areas of concern where extra caution should be taken. 
The trail between Garrity Rd and Elm Lawn Rd has not been fully groomed due to the area not being able to support the weight of the groomer.  There is also a spot west of Gray Lake Rd where the groomer broke through and there are some ice chunks sticking out.  This area will have extra markers and caution tape around it.  There is active logging in the county forest, and remember that logging equipment has the right of way, and there will be areas where the loggers plowed the trail.

Chase – CLOSED. 1/14/22
Trails will remain closed due to a lack of snow. 

Trail Report – : Antigo/Langlade County, Wisconsin – January 14, 2022


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 4-5

Date of Report: January 14, 2022

Area Report:

The Langlade County Snowmobile Trails System is in good to very good early season conditions in the northern/wooded trails and good to fair early season conditions in the southern/field trails. There are between 3 and 8 inches of base with most areas at 4-5 inches.  The swamps are freezing down well and are generally in good condition.  There are occasional thin patches and some icy patches throughout the trail system.  Riders are encouraged to use caution while riding. 

Trail Report – : Iron County, Michigan – January 14, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 15 – 20 inches

Date of Report: January 14, 2022

Area Report:

Talking with our snowmobilers they say the trails are currently in “Good to Very Good” condition.  The cold snap this past week really packed down the trails and with both clubs grooming daily TRAILS are great!!  Fresh snow is always a wanted.. but honestly this is the perfect time to come up riding… temps have come up a bit and the traffic is still a little on the low side.  Hope we see you all soon… Happy Sledding!!

All trails are groomed trails are smooth and you can go any direction your sled takes you.

Trail #2, Trail #16, Trail #18, Trail #113, Trail #107, Trail #15 N., Trail #116 – (Good – Excellent) condition

Trail #15 S. – (Fair to Good) condition – couple of icy spots but over all good condition

More snow coming in this next week it looks like… 🙂

We’ll keep you updated as the weather or trails change.  



Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – January 14, 2022

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 14+ inches crunchy snow – 7+- inch hard base – Fresh SNOW needed

Date of Report: January 14, 2022

Area Report:


2022 Eagle River Ice Castle – Trail 10/13N in town by the Historic Railroad Depot
Built by the Eagle River Fire Department, City of Eagle River
& the Many, Many Volunteers of our Community

January 14, 2022 – 7:55 am 5 degrees – High of 13 today

Temps in the teens for highs for the entire weekend. Next chance of SNOW is Sunday in the morning & Monday night.  Looks like less than a inch both days.  Tuesday forecast SNOW all day off & on with maybe 2 inches.  Could use more.  START DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE!!

The base of 7 inches +- that is frozen hard is holding.  There is loose hard SNOW in most areas but crunchy with not much moisture.  SNOW depth is about 14 inches  There are a few icy corners.  Not as many as I expected.  All in all trails are Fair with many Good areas.  Was happy to see trails are SNOW covered with the exception of some of the approaches to crossing. Even through town was Fair.  But we really need more FRESH SNOW.  A good 60 plus mile ride is taking 10E off Alt Trail 13S.  It connects with the Three Lakes Trails & takes you into Three Lakes.  Lots of woods riding.  A favorite of mine.

Update on grooming equipment.  For the last week plus the Sno-Eagles have only had 2 groomers out steadily.  The 3rd piece has been experiencing electrical problems & has not been out very much.  Report from Club VP is that all 3 groomers will be out this weekend!!  When you see ’em move over & stop.  Then give ’em a thumbs up!

The Groomer Tracking System AP (GTS) shows most trails groomed last night. Here are the trails sections NOT groomed. Pick up a map to see exact locations

  • Section of Trail 10/13N from Hwy G to where the trail comes out on Adams Rd – North of Eagle River – Not groomed. 
  • Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp – the trail that runs between Trail 17N & Trail 10/13N – north of Eagle River.  Hwy 45N
  • Club trail we call Uncle Kent that runs from Hwy G crossing to the west & connects to Trail 10W.
  • Trail 17S that connects to Sugar Camp trails heading south along Hwy 17
  • Trail 7 that heads west off of Trail 17S.  We call it the Paintball Field.  It connects to the Sugar Camp trails near Kathan Inn along Hwy H west of Eagle River.

Catfish & Eagle lake trails were marked & are NOW OPEN.  To be safe stay by the orange reflective barrels.  Note the spur from the northside Eagle Lake boat launch that leads to Eagle Waters is NOT OPEN at this time.   Work in progress. Stay tuned.
There is a re route on 10/13/7/17 heading west.  Did stump grinding to help smooth out the area.  New SNOW has helped that area a lot.                                    

Sure would like trail photos so I can post to the report to let other riders see the real time conditions.  Send them to 


See ya on the trails!!

Holly Tomlanovich
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update

News and Reports:


  • 1/13-14 – Badger State Winter Games Torch Ride from Wausau to Eagle River World Championship Derby Track
  • 1/13-16 – 59th running of the World Championship Derby – Friday Night Thunder tonight!!!!
  • 1/17 – 2021 Military Ride – Leaving from the World Championship Derby Complex
  • 1/20 – Member meeting 6:30pm – Buckshots Downtown
  • 1/21-23 – Sno-Eagles Weekend Away to North Star Casino, Bowler
  • 1/27-30 – Women on Snow – Eagle Waters Resort – Rangeline Rd off Hwy 70E
  • 1/29 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) – Log Cabin, Conover 6pm

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours

Trail Report – : Three Lakes – Brule River, Wisconsin – January 14, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 9-10”

Date of Report: January 14, 2022

Area Report:

Trails are in very good condition. The cold weather has made for a great base.  Swamps are all frozen along with the lakes. Please stay by the barrels when crossing the lakes.  Please give the groomer some room if you come upon them.