Fence Lake Trail is still closed as of today. With the cold temps tonight, we will see what happens with our slush areas. Groomer Tom reported 17 North from H to the Powell Marsh is in good condition. Caution is advised out in the open tundra where the wind whistles down the plain. Trail 5 into the casino is good. Groomer Scott reported 17 south from H to Woodruff is in good winter driving condition. A few thin spots – especially fore and aft of the bridge, but the minimal snow we had has had a positive effect. Trail 1 north, Stearns Lake Road, and Boundary Trail, has a thin ice covering, but enough sleds are mooching snow off of the banks that the edges have adequate base for slides and cooling. We ran that back from Gooches Sunday, and it was OK before the snow Tuesday. Cold temps tonight should help. Dress warm, and ride safe. Mark
Conditions across the county are varied. Good news first, the north central part of the county has gotten quite a bit of lake effect snow and trails are in great condition. Groomers are reporting that their trails are in excellent condition in the north. Not so great new second, the southern part of the county is hurting for some snow. There has been heavy traffic (which we love to see!) and not a lot of fresh snow so the trails are suffering. Trails are rideable but there may be exposed rocks, so ride with caution. Just a reminder to all to please respect private landowners and stay on the trail. Stay on the trail or stay home!
Some trouble spots to note:
The Wally Polk Trail/Trail 40 near Port Wing and Herbster is closed. Flag road is a suitable re-route.
Trail 1 to Red Cliff/the Casino is temporarily closed due to a landowner issue. We have a reroute, just waiting for one more landowner permission. We will update as soon as we have it.
Namakagon Trail Groomers: NTG ~ All trails were groomed 1/16 & 17. We have a 2-4″ base. Some areas have rocks exposed. Trails are fair to good condition. We NEED snow ~ please start dancing!! 🙂
Barnes Barnestormers: Due to the lack of snow, high traffic and warm temperatures I’m downgrading the Barnes trails as poor to good. The trails around town are mostly snirt and gravel. They are better as you head north, with good snow on trail 18 and north. The south end of trail 31 going to Sawyer County is poor, with little snow coverage. We will continue to groom what we can, hopefully more snow coming.
Washburn Valhallers: All Washburn area trails in addition to the Moquah Spur will be groomed for the weekend. This added snow helped so all trails should be in great shape for the weekend.
South Shore: South shore trails will be all groomed by Thursday and in good shape, need more snow by the lake. Trail 3 and 66 are in very good condition.
Not much has changed from last week’s report. We did receive about 3″ of new snow in the past couple days, but it was lacking moisture. It helps, although we really need some heavy wet snow that will stick on the trails.
Most of our trails remain flat with minimal snow cover. The worst section is the 2 mile stretch coming into Sayner from the south. This gets hit extremely hard with traffic and is impossible to keep smooth. Overall, though, you’ll find many miles of great riding in the Barnstormer’s system. Just be very cautious of the corners as they are icy.
Please support all of the clubs by participating in their fundraisers! Here’s a list of what’s coming up for the Barnstormers. You can also get more info at http://www.saynerbarnstormers.com.
January 29, 2022: Jesse Roman Memorial Vintage Snowmobile Show @ Sayner Pub. 9:00 – 4:00
February 12, 2022: Chili Dump @ Murmuring Waters. 2:00 – 5:00
Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Wednesday, 1/19/22:
It’s 7 degrees out this morning with some snow forecast for later today and cold temps for the rest of the week.
Our groomers were out last night grooming 8W and 2W. 8E and 15S were groomed early this morning. 15N & 6E were not groomed last night, but will be groomed later today.
The light snow yesterday helped freshen our trails and overall are in good shape.
Enjoy our trails, be safe, and check for an updated report on Friday, 1/21/22.
Snow Cover: 3-4 inches new SNOW – 7 inch hard base plus 13 inches crusty SNOW
Date of Report: January 19, 2022
Area Report:
January 19, 2022 – 7:45am 7 degrees – High of 27 today
New SNOW. 3-4 inches yesterday. Wet & packy. Great for grooming. The temps dropped last night while grooming so the trails should be in great shape & smoooooth. Going riding this afternoon. Report tomorrow. Going into the freezer for Thursday. High of 7 & low of 13 below. Then popping back up into the teens during the day & below zero for the next week. Chance of SNOW on Saturday. Stay tuned.
The Groomer Tracking System AP (GTS) shows ALL trails groomed except Trail 10E to include ALL the spurs and Trails 10W up north in the section that has 3 trails that head toward Bauer’s Dam were groomed last night. Check out a paper map for the details.
Catfish & Eagle lake trails were marked & are NOW OPEN. To be safe stay by the orange reflective barrels. Note the spur from the northside Eagle Lake boat launch that leads to Eagle Waters is NOT OPEN at this time.
Sure would like trail photos so I can post to the report to let other riders see the real time conditions. Send them to info@baysidelodgingrentals.com
Please KEEP DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE! Never enough SNOW!
See ya on the trails again on Wednesday!!
Holly Tomlanovich THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update
News and Reports:
1/20 – Member meeting 6:30pm – Buckshots Downtown
1/21-23 – Sno-Eagles Weekend Away to North Star Casino, Bowler
1/27-30 – Women on Snow – Eagle Waters Resort – Rangeline Rd off Hwy 70E
Douglas County is 100% open. Most trails have been groomed and are in fair to good riding conditions. As Grooming reports come in the Trail Conditions will be updated. Please stay on marked trails. It is critical that we respect the landowners who allow us to utilize their property. Be sure to check with neighboring counties to ensure their trails are open before you ride.
South West Quadrant (Maintained by Cozy Corner Trails Club)
Open Trails:
Trail 5 – Groomed Last Week
Trail 5A – Groomed Last Week
Trail 925 – Groomed Last Week
Trail 835 – Groomed Last Week
Trail 930 – Groomed Last Week
Trail 9 – Groomed
Trail 935 –
South East Quadrant (Maintained by 4 Seasons Recreation Club, Jackpine Riders, and Get-er-Done)
Open Trails:
Trail 5 – Groomed Last Week
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail north of Solon Springs) – Groomed Last Week
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail south) – Groomed Last Week
Trail 27B – Groomed
Trail 27C – Groomed Last Week
Trail 41 S – Groomed Last Week
Trail 41 B – Groomed Last Week
Trail 217 – Groomed Last Week
Trail 727 – Groomed Last Week
Trail 17N – Groomed Last Week
Trail 7 – Groomed
Trail 27 – Groomed
Trail 3 – Groomed Last Week
Trail 41 (WRT to the warming Shack) – Groomed Last Week
Trail 541 – Groomed Last Week
Trail 17s Groomed Last Week (South of Lower Eau Clair Lake) – watch for logging across the county line
North East Quadrant (Maintained by Brule River Riders)
Open Trails:
Gandy Dancer Trail – Groomed Last Week
Saunders Grade Trail – Groomed Last Week
Wrenshall Grade Trail – Groomed Last Week
Trail 0 – Groomed Last Week
Trail 28 – Groomed Last Week
Cross Town Connector Trail – Groomed Last Week
Trail 4/41 – Groomed Last Week (watch for logging)
Trail 4 – Groomed Last Week (watch for logging)
Thank you to all of the members of the Northwest Trails Associationfor the tremendous amount of work it takes to open and maintain the trail network.
Cross Country Ski Trails
Douglas County Trails – Packed and Tracks were set 1/13/2022
After Hours Trail – Open, skate deck groomed, classic deep and well set up 1/15/2022.
Superior Municipal Forest – Groomed for skate skiing. Yellow and Purple both have fresh ski and track set, in good to excellent condition as of 1/18/2022
Pattison State Park – Groomed and tracked as of 1/7/2022. Some areas with thinner snow.
Still cold but still no snow. We need to start doing the snow dance around here. We are ready to go for when we get the snow. Just have to be patient I guess.
We received a couple of inches of snow yesterday afternoon and have received another 3 to 4 inches today so far. I believe the total for today was 4 to 6 inches so I think we’ll be really close. Groomers are grooming daily and the trails are in good to very good condition. Just a few icy spots in the corners on the southern trails… but all in all trails are in good condition and holding up well.
Trail #2, Trail #116, Trail #16, Trail #113, Trail #18, Trail #107 – Good to Very Good condition
Trail #15 N. – Fair to Good condition
Trail #15 S. – Fair condition
If you’re not here snowmobiling this week or weekend… you’re going to wish you were. 😉 Temps are staying cool.. but not too cold… good riding weather. At this time you can ride just about any direction you want to go… traffic hasn’t been to high so trails are holding good.
Sounds like many of the local motels have availability for during the week and on the weekends. Bars and restaurants remain open and are looking to see some familiar faces coming in the doors. 😉
After a HUGE snowmobile weekend in Frosty Land traffic has subsided and the groomers are working their magic. 2-3 inches of snow today and then colder temps so things should set up nicely.
News and Reports:
A huge Thank you to Tom and The Bear Trap for sponsoring the Trails side party Sat. The food was outstanding and the turnout was spectacular. Thanks also to The Alley family for all of the time they volunteered to make this event so successful
Many Thanks to Cindy Blair, Don, Kiwi, and everyone else who made the 1st ever Treasure Quest bigger and better than we could have hoped for. They put in a lot of work and it showed when the event went off smoothly. Thanks also to The Alley for hosting the after party….I have never seen so may sleds there. Awesome!
Lynn and the Gateway Lodge crew pulled off a wildly successful Comedy night. Aron Houdini was hilarious and magical. Another Frosty fundraiser that exceeded expectations.
Snowmobile Information:
Ride Right and Ride Safe….I am going riding right now!
Groomers have been out around the county since Monday morning. They have done a great job at flattening the trails back out and pulling snow from the edges. Many of the trails have been reported to be fair to good due to some rock exposures. Fire lanes report to be good. Some forest trails will have some rocky areas and icy corners. Trails that take you on or near the road are thin with lots of rock exposure or tar. The southern corner near Birchwood reports to be fair to poor. The majority of the county reports to be fair- good but all with the common denominator that more snow is needed. Trails are flat but are in need of more snow. It is currently snowing but not much of an accumulation, if there are any changes we will report. Lakes are in great condition!
As always please remember to ride safe; stay on the marked trails, do not trespass, stay on your side of the trail, stop at all stop signs, yield at driveways, even when there isn’t a sign, if you find yourself behind rider and would like to pass, please do so at safe speeds and on straight always, if you have a group pushing from behind pull over to the farthest right and allow them to pass. Please be courteous to all riders! We are all sharing this sport together and that makes us connected, please be kind.