Trail Conditions: Excellent
Snow Cover: 16″ to 22″
Date of Report: January 20, 2022
Area Report:
Trail Conditions: Excellent
Snow Cover: 16″ to 22″
Date of Report: January 20, 2022
Area Report:
Trail Conditions: Excellent
Snow Cover: 6 to 8 Inches on trials
Date of Report: January 20, 2022
Area Report:
We just received another 4 inches of snow on tuesday and our Groomers have been working the trails since wed nite.On Friday by 5pm,all of our system will be groomed at least once! Enjoy our treasured trails and remember-The Right Side is Mine!!
If you would like an immediate trail report-Call Mark@ 906-396-1816.
Reporter:Ely Chamber of Commerce/Explore MN Visitor Center
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 15-17 inches
Date of Report: January 20, 2022
Area Report:
TRAIL CONDITIONS: The trail is groomed and in good condition, Watch for occasional exposed rocks on the hills. The small segment of trail between Ban Lake Rd and Crane Lake Rd (CR23) got its first groom through the swamp early this week and will be groomed again before the weekend. Snow: 8-23 Inches Snowmobiling: Condition- Good; Trail – Groomed; Base –1-8”
Bearhead Lake State Park
The Cross Country track was set in the campground and on the Beach Trail to the Trail Center on Friday, January 14. Two feet of snow is needed to groom Norberg Lake Loop.
Snowmobiling: Condition – Good; Trails – Groomed; Yes Base 2-4”
Lake Vermilion – Soudan Underground Mine State Park
TRAIL CONDITIONS: Snowmobiling: Condition – Poor to fair; Trails – Will be Groomed by the weekend; Base – 1-6” Watch for occasional rocks and brush hanging on the trail..
Putnam/Fishing Lakes – Bear Island State Forest
TRAIL CONDITIONS: Snowmobiling: Condition – Fair to Good; Trails –Fishing Lakes trail is groomed. Putnam Lake Trail to be groomed next week. Base 1-6” Fishing Lakes trail is groomed and in fair condition. Watch for rocks on both of these trails, mainly on the hills.
Taconite State Trail
.TRAIL CONDITIONS: The entire trail from Ely to Hwy 73/Side Lake is in good condition and will be groomed twice before this coming weekend. A few hills west of Hwy 53 still have exposed rocks. Snowmobiling: 7 to 21″ of snow. Condition – Good; Trails –Groomed; Base 1-7”
News and Reports:
Ely Fun Run Event – Saturday, February 5, 2022 – For event details call 218-365-3141 or email
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 0-5
Date of Report: January 20, 2022
Area Report:
Hello Riders!
The weekend is upon us! Our groomers have been out grooming all week. They have been able to keep things nice and flat. The snow is a bit sugary in some areas which prevents it from sticking together but overall most trails from the south east corner to the north have been reported to be overall good. Some are fair where there are rocks and icy corners. The trails near or on the roads are poor and “snirty”. But as always, do not judge the trail conditions by the ones next to the roads, in the woods there is more protection. We can have 3′ on a trail next to the highway and due to it being in the open and those are generally heavily connecting trails they always look dirty. We do need more snow, that is a fact but temps have stayed cold to preserve the snow and groomers have been active and able pull in what they can from the sides so trails are defiantly rideable.
The lakes are great riding!! And full of all your favorite destinations so routing rides that bring you on the lake will be a good ride.
Forecast shows some snow Monday, we hope we can get a clipper of that. We will report after the weekend as we always do.
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 10 – 16
Date of Report: January 20, 2022
Area Report:
After a very busy and extended weekend we got a few inches of snow to help put the trails back together. Trails are in good shape the new snow help tighten the trails back up mixed with the cold weather we have this week. The corners and a couple of the hills get thin after a busy day so ride safe and ride right and ride to the conditions.
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 10 – 16
Date of Report: January 20, 2022
Area Report:
Trails are in good to fair condition. We did get a couple inches of frsh snow which helped out a lot. The hills and corners will still get thin with heavy traffic . We will be out every night grooming to keep them flat . Remember ride safe and ride right!! No
News and Reports:
Reporter:Western U.P. Snowmobile Report
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 13
Date of Report: January 20, 2022
News and Reports:
Western U P Snowmobile Trail Report
We received about 4″ of new snow yesterday. Temps will be in the teens on Friday and Saturday with a chance of snow on Saturday. Sunday will only be in the single digits for temps.
Please when you see the groomers please pull over they have the right of way!
Please stay on marked trails riding on unmarked trails can result in the clubs losing easement for that trail.
Gogebic Range Trail Authority Groomer Report January 20, 2022
All GRTA trails are being groomed tonight. 11S was groomed last night into this morning and is being missed tonight, good powder ride for tomorrow though! Trails have improved dramatically with a day and a half of steady snow. We have a few more days ahead and cold temps along with three groomers running every night.
Gogebic Area Groomers Report January 10, 2022
Gogebic Area Trails are all in fair to good condition with the exception of 8E which is very thin – especially after Ewen. Have a groomer down and groomers are working round the clock to keep up. Thanks very much from the sister clubs who are helping out right now! Cold temps and daily snow are in our forecast this week!
U.P. Thunder Riders Trail Report January 20, 2022
Groomers are running daily and reporting all trials are in good condition. Ride Safe and stay on the RIGHT SIDE of the trail!
Trail Conditions: Closed
Snow Cover: 6-8 inches
Date of Report: January 20, 2022
Snowmobile Information:
Barron County snowmobile and ATV trails remain closed. We’ve received approximately 8 inches of light snow, however it hasn’t provided a reasonable base to create sustainable snowmobile trails. Hopefully additional snow will arrive in the coming days and allow us to open the trails for the season.
Reporter:Holly t
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: Hard thick base – 15-16 total snow
Date of Report: January 20, 2022
Area Report:
January 20, 2022 – 7:50am 6 below – High of 8 today
After the SNOW yesterday the temps dropped to single digits & below zero last night. On our way home from a Vilas County Snowmobile Alliance there was some Lake Effect SNOW. Not much maybe 1/2 inch. Going to be cold until late next week. With SNOW tomorrow night.
The Groomer Tracking System AP (GTS) shows a shorter grooming session last night. Picking up the trails they didn’t catch on Tuesday night. All trails are in GOOD shape. Switch up this morning. Here are the trails that were groomed last night.
Catfish & Eagle lake trails marked & are open. To be safe stay by the orange reflective barrels. Note the spur from the northside Eagle Lake boat launch that leads to Eagle Waters is NOT OPEN at this time.
Trails everywhere in Vilas County are on average GOOD condition. The new SNOW covered the areas that were showing snirt. Wet SNOW followed by deep freeze temps with grooming in between sure made some great trails. Even the blow outs are pretty much taken care of. No problem areas that we found anywhere. Next ride Friday or Saturday.
Sure would like trail photos so I can post to the report to let other riders see the real time conditions. Send them to
Please KEEP DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE! Never enough SNOW!
See ya on the trails!!
Holly Tomlanovich
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update
News and Reports:
Snowmobile Information:
Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County. Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number. Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Reporter:Matt Winters
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 18″-22″
Date of Report: January 19, 2022
Area Report:
For the most part our trails are in good to excellent condition. After last weekends heavy traffic they took a beating but held up reasonable well considering the amount of traffic. Expect to encounter a few icy corners and maybe a few light choppy spots but nothing out of the ordinary after a busy weekend. We were finally able to get our equipment thru the last stubborn swampy patch that didn’t want to freeze. The lakes are frozen quite well but expect to encounter some heavy drifting. Be safe and have fun.