We had another great weekend! Some groomers were back out yesterday but many are starting today/tonight into tomorrow. We will report an up to date trail report by tomorrow once we have been able to make contact with all groomers and clubs. Stay tuned!
Trails held up pretty good with the cold weather and nightly grooming, a warm up coming the next 2 days and then back to cold so we should be good for the weekend. Maybe some snow on the way but not calling for much, some corners are getting icy so slow down and stay in your lane please.
Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Monday, 1/31/22:
On the last day of January, it’s 18 degrees out this morning with clear and sunny skies. We do have a warmup coming with possible above freezing temps tomorrow, but cooling down for the rest of the week with little snow in the forecast. We had heavy traffic this weekend, but with daily grooming, our trails held up pretty well. Last night, we groomed trails 15N, 6E, 2W, 51, and 8W. Early this morning, we groomed 8E and 15S. Our trails are in very good shape for mid-week riding.
Enjoy our trails, be safe, and check for an updated report on Wednesday, 2/2/22.
More than 300 miles of groomed snowmobile trails lace Barron County, including the popular Tuscobia State Trail with 76 miles heading east from Rice Lake to Park Falls; the Wild Rivers Trail heading north from Rice Lake’s city limits leads 97 miles to Superior.
Barron County snowmobile trails are open as of noon January 25th. We’ve received over 8 inches of light snow so far, however some field crossings remain rough with exposed rocks and stumps. Ride with caution. Wild Rivers, Tuscobia and Cat Tail State Trails are in excellent condition.
Snow Cover: Ice base thinning from the 7 inch. – Snow fatigued
Date of Report: January 31, 2022
Area Report:
January 31, 2022 – 7:28am 15 degrees – High 28
What a weekend of riding & riders in Vilas County! Heavy, Heavy traffic in Eagle River & the whole County. Trails are showing wear & there are all conditions on the trails. Taking the middle of the road they range from Good to Fair to Poor. What we need to improve conditions is lots of new SNOW! Base is less than 7 inches. Some areas it’s getting very snirty & is soft & even mushy in many areas. So…START DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE if you haven’t already. The plus right now is that temps are dropping into the low teens or single digits or even below zero at night. Flurries yesterday brought maybe 1/2 inch of fluff.
The Groomer Tracking System AP (GTS) shows everything groomed except Granpa Grahm & Chanticleer to Eagle Lake which are spurs off 10E AND Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp. Long night for the drivers. Saw one go by grooming 10E at 1am this morning. When you see them move over to let them by. Give ’em a thumbs up!!!
Catfish & Eagle lake trails marked & OPEN. To be safe stay by the orange reflective barrels. DO NOT think the entire lake is safe. There have been several sleds going into the water this winter. ALL were no where near a trail or the barrels.
Sure would like trail photos so I can post to the report to let other riders see the real time conditions. Send them to info@baysidelodgingrentals.com
Please KEEP DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE! Trails Need More Fresh SNOW
See ya on the trails!
Holly Tomlanovich THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update
News and Reports:
2/1 – Directors meeting at World Snowmobile HQ
2/2-3 – Groomer Show – St. Germain – 9am-4pm Wednesday – 9am-2pm Thursday
2/5-6 – World Series of Snowmobile Racing & Legend Laps
2/11-13 – Pond Hockey
2/14-18 – Weekday Away to Park Falls & Washburn
2/17 – Member meeting 6:30pm – Eddie B’s
2/25-26 – Arctic Derby Dash
2/26 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) – Twelve Pines, Hwy 70E of Eagle River 6pm
Snow Cover: Soft mushy snow – Ice base holding in most areas
Date of Report: January 30, 2022
Area Report:
January 30, 2022 – 7:45am – 16 degrees – High of 18 – Snow Flurries 6 miles east of Eagle River!!
Holy Moly! Heavy traffic this weekend. Many riders. Many large groups. Trails everywhere have different conditions. Areas of soft mushy SNOW & hard icy sections. East of Eagle River on 10E the one way heading away from Eagle River on south side of Hwy 70E is SNOW covered. SNOW soft but pretty deep until you get way out where wide corners have burn throughs. Heading west on 10E to town on the northside there are areas of snirt especially where the trail under tree cover. Snirt when you cross roads. Road routes everywhere burning through. Riding through Eagle River & past the cool Ice Castle there is soft mushy SNOW cover. From Hwy G crossing north of town on 10W/13N trail was wash boardy with all the traffic. Trails all the way up to the Log Cabin in downtown Conover improve from the wash board. Some corner blow out. Tons of traffic.
The Groomer Tracking System AP (GTS) shows everything groomed except Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp north of Eagle River that runs between Trails 10W/13N& 17N & a small section of Granpa Grahm aka 1S that heads to Eagle Waters. Long night for the drivers. When you see them move over to let them by. Give ’em a thumbs up!!!
Catfish & Eagle lake trails marked & OPEN. To be safe stay by the orange reflective barrels. DO NOT think the entire lake is safe. There have been several sleds going into the water this winter. ALL were no where near a trail or the barrels.
Sure would like trail photos so I can post to the report to let other riders see the real time conditions. Send them to info@baysidelodgingrentals.com
Please KEEP DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE! Trails Need More Fresh SNOW
See ya on the trails this afternoon!
Holly Tomlanovich THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update
News and Reports:
2/1 – Directors meeting at World Snowmobile HQ
2/2-3 – Groomer Show – St. Germain – 9am-4pm Wednesday – 9am-2pm Thursday
2/5-6 – World Series of Snowmobile Racing & Legend Laps
2/11-13 – Pond Hockey
2/14-18 – Weekday Away to Park Falls & Washburn
2/17 – Member meeting 6:30pm – Eddie B’s
2/25-26 – Arctic Derby Dash
2/26 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) – Twelve Pines, Hwy 70E of Eagle River 6pm
Trails are still holding up great here in the Western UP. It’s been staying below average temps and off and on snow pretty much all week. Next week is calling for a couple of weak fronts and Tuesday could hit ubove freezing temps. However that will be short lived because we’ll be back in to single digits starting Wednesday.
Keweenaw snowmobile club has been running day and night grooming operations covering the entire trail system daily. Superior Snowmobile Club has been going out nightly and covering most of their trail system daily.
All trails are open except Trail 3 from Lake Linden to Dollar, the Frieda Loop, and trail 109 south out of Twin Lakes.
Don’t forget the Masters Racing Circuit is holding the Winternationals Hillclimbs in South Range is coming up February 5th & 6th. Also I’ll be there with a groomer for those who would like to see what we use to give you that perfect ribbon.
January 29, 2022 – 8:05am – 3 degrees on it’s way to 18 degrees
No new SNOW yesterday or overnight. Snow this afternoon. Lake Effect clipper coming from the far northwest over Lake Superior from Canada. Looks to be a couple of inches.
Didn’t ride yesterday. Did volunteer at the Lac du Flambeau Northern Hornshoe Groomer Barn feeding the over 100 MS Fundraising Ride. Talked to lots of riders who said the trails in ALL of Vilas county were in GOOD condition. In Eagle River area the Women on Snow are riding with large groups. Ride Right. Ride Safe. Even in the corners. Riding this afternoon from home on 10E to Conover for dinner at the Log Cabin. Report tomorrow morning.
Here are the GROOMED TRAILS:
10/13 from the groomer barn heading through Eagle River past the Ice Castle & on down to Trail Alt 13/3 to Three Lakes Trails connect & turn around.
Back up Trail Alt 13/3 toward Eagle River. Just south of Eagle River turning right & connecting to Trail 10E.
Trail 10E along with the 9mile spur groomed to the Three Lake Trails connect & turn around. GRANPA GRAHM which is Trail 1S & Chanticleer Inn trail that leads to the south entrance of EagleLake trail NOT GROOMED
Trail 10/13 from the groomer barn heading north out of Eagle River groomed all the way north to the Conover Trails connect. Turning left/west on 10/13 crossing the Wisconsin River Bridge. All the way to the intersection of 10/13.
Trail 13 heads north & groomers groomed ALL the trails that head to Bauer’s Dam area & connect with Conover.
Trail 10 & Trail 7 from that intersection head west to connect with Sayner & St. Germain trails.
Catfish & Eagle lake trails marked & OPEN. To be safe stay by the orange reflective barrels. DO NOT think the entire lake is safe. There have been several sleds going into the water this winter. ALL were no where near a trail or the barrels.
Sure would like trail photos so I can post to the report to let other riders see the real time conditions. Send them to info@baysidelodgingrentals.com
Please KEEP DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE! Trails Need More Fresh SNOW
See ya on the trails this afternoon & tonight!!
Holly Tomlanovich THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update
News and Reports:
1/27-30 – Women on Snow – Eagle Waters Resort – Rangeline Rd off Hwy 70E
The Three Lakes Brule River Trails system is in excellent condition. The cold weather has helped to preserve our trails. A few icy corners might be encountered. We are on a regular grooming schedule. All of our system is currently open and in very good condition. Lakes are now marked. Stay close to the barrels for safe ice. Please stay on the trail and between the markers. Please remember to drop a few dollars in our donation boxes at your favorite trail stop. Every little bit helps.