Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 24 – 30 inches
Date of Report: February 24, 2022
Area Report:
As you all know who follow this report we received a lot of snow this week… 18 inches at least between the 2 snowfalls. That’s the good news… now for the bad news… the Iron Range Trail Club which grooms the western trails is down to just 1 groomer instead of 3 groomers. Two of their groomers are currently down for repairs…. they are doing the best they can with the (1) groomer. On the bright side our eastern club – Chippewa Sno-Kats are operating at full compacity at this time… so it sounds like the trails on the eastern side of Iron County may be in better riding condition then the western side until the groomer situation is cleared up.
So with that said the following trails should be in good to very good condition – Trail #18, Trail #113, Trail #2 coming from Iron Mountain to the intersection of #116, Trail #16 and Trail #111.
Unknown condition for Trail #2 from #116 – to Watersmeet, Trail #107, Trail #15 N. and Trail #15 S. and Trail #116. I will update this report when I have new information to share regarding the Iron County Trail System. Again please let me mention the trails on the east side of the county are being groomed on their normal grooming schedule. The groomers are down on the west side of the county… not the east side.
Thank you for your patience and understanding…
Happy Trails!!