Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Antigo/Langlade County, Wisconsin – March 3, 2022


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 3-6

Date of Report: March 3, 2022

Area Report:


Zone A of the Langlade County snowmobile trail system will remain open.

The Langlade County Snowmobile Ordinance prohibits snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles from operating on the trails after the official closing date.

For more information, please contact Al Murray, Forest Administrator or Cody Brauner, Langlade County Snowmobile Coordinator at 715-627-6300.

Langlade County would like to thank the snowmobile clubs, sponsors, and operators of the trails, for all of the volunteered hours brushing, signing, and grooming of trails over this season to provide high-quality snowmobile trails in Langlade County. Please make sure to continue to support the sponsors and clubs.

We hope that you enjoyed the Langlade County trail system this winter and thank you for supporting the economy and businesses of Langlade County!

Langlade County Forestry & Recreation Department

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – March 3, 2022

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 4-8 inches

Date of Report: March 3, 2022

Area Report:

Washburn County Snowmobile Trails are open at this time.  Trail conditions are good with a 4 to 8 inch snow base.  We are heading into that time of year when you will find variable snow conditions on your travels.  Many trail segments are in excellent condition, but you will find open and sun exposed trail sections that are beginning to turn brown.  This also means you should ride with extra caution, as you are likely to encounter ice patches.

Trail Report – : Sayner, Wisconsin – March 3, 2022

Reporter:SaynerStar Lake Barnstormers

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: Minimal

Date of Report: March 3, 2022

Area Report:

Trails are remaining in overall good condition.  There is a potential for rain this weekend, so conditions will vary depending on what happens.  Right now the hills are getting icy.  Traffic has slowed down quite a bit, so we will be grooming less frequently.  Most sections of our system may only get groomed once or twice weekly.  Hilly sections will be groomed less due to icy conditions and not being able to navigate with the equipment.

If this weekend brings snow instead of rain, it’ll make a big difference in how long the season continues.  Rain instead of snow will most certainly put the end of season in view.

For right now, you can still find some great riding conditions.  We just can’t predict how long they’ll last.

LOGGING UPDATE:  Logging operations have started on portions of our trail 11.  They’ll be logging from Nebish Lake Road to Starrett Lake to Mystery Lake.  IMPORTANT:  Loggers have the right of way.  They have the authority to close our trail, so please be respectful; don’t get in their way and don’t give them reason to shut us down!

Please support all of the clubs by participating in their fundraisers!  Here’s a list of what’s coming up for the Barnstormers.  You can also get more info at

September 4, 2022:  Star Lake Mayoral Race.  3:00 – 7:00

September 5, 2022:  Meat Raffle @ Weber’s.  2:00 – 5:00

Trail Report – : Price County – Park Falls, Phillips & Prentice, Wisconsin – March 3, 2022

Reporter:Phillips/Park Falls Chambers

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: Very good

Date of Report: March 3, 2022

Area Report:

The trails in the Fifield/Pike Lake area are all open and groomed and in excellent condition   As always, the heaviest traveled trail between the Pike Lake Area and Oneida County line get the most traffic and show it.  Also as the sun is higher in the sky this time of year, the road routes are getting bare.   Plan your trips to minimize travel over roads.   

It was a busy week for snowmobiling around the area this past week. Trails continue to be in Good to Excellent condition area the Solberg Lake area. Open areas have been getting slushy when the sun comes out, but many of the trails in the woods are really in good shape. You may want to avoid the logging area on trail 102 between intersections 56 & 59 located northwest of Solberg Lk. All trails continue to be groomed as weather permits.

Prentice Bushbenders Trail report 03/02/22: Well the trails were really busy last weekend and with the warm weather they held up well. The groomer has been out everyday so the trails remain in overall good condition. Come out and ride while we can. Be safe and have fun.

Lugerville Chasers are hosting a Hospitality Day on Saturday, March 5 at the warming house located at intersection #52 on trails 121 & 141. Food (brats, hot dogs and more) will be served starting at 11 am until gone.

Looks like a great weekend for riding in Price County!

Trail Report – : Ashland County, Wisconsin – March 3, 2022

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 4-6 inches

Date of Report: March 3, 2022

Area Report:

Snowmobile Report – March 3, 2022
The Snowmobile Trails in Ashland County are Open.  Groomers continue to groom and trails are in GOOD condition.  Trail has a 4-8inch packed base.  Watch for machinery on Trail 21-13, south of Cayuga, trail being rebuilt by Forest Service.  Detour:  Snowmobilers go South on 181-183 intersection and can get on the trail by the little stub off 181 that goes to the trail.  Watch for logging where trail crosses Mud Line on Trail 12 (out of Butternut) and CAUTION, keep an eye out for chunks of dirt and rocks.   Please stay on the trail. Lots of Ashland County snowmobile trails are on farmers land, please be respectful so we don’t loose our easement to their property.  Order trail guide today!

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – March 3, 2022

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: Varied ice base – Need SNOW – All conditions

Date of Report: March 3, 2022

Area Report:

FAIR on Average
Expect ALL Conditions

March 3, 2022 – 6:28am – 14 below – High 24 – Low 1

COLD one overnight.  Temps will come up quickly. The day will include the evil sun. The sun caused the Ice Castle to become unstable so it is now down. Next chance of SNOW it tomorrow night.  On Saturday there is a chance of sleet so you better START THINKIN’ COLD! Snow Saturday night into Sunday.

As for the trails, we are now in the Adventure Sledding time of the year.  When riding there is every condition out on the trails.  In town trails are soft & breaking down in spots.  Heading south the trails are good in the section under tree cover. But the open areas are POOR.  East trail 10E has every condition.  Surprisingly the one way is pretty good.  There are some spots on the north side of the trail heading into town that are very snirty. North & West same conditions.  North has more undercover so it is better.  Roads are pretty bare with some having some ice.

Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) shows groomers back out grooming last night.  Groomed North & South.  Trails 10/13, 3N aka Manske Swamp, 17N, 1 to Eagle Lake & Alt 13S.

To help you out the the location of these trail pick up a paper trail map or use the GTS tracker or the MapIt Vilas County app.  A link to the download either is below.

The Clubs of Vilas County work very hard to secure easements from private landowners & folks we are losing many due to off trail riding.  So PLEASE NO OFF TRAIL RIDING.

Catfish & Eagle lake trails marked & OPEN. Stay by the orange reflective barrels. Surface slush with the sun is possible. DO NOT think the entire lake is safe.  Several sleds have gone in the water this season far from the barrels.

Please KEEP DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE!  And THINK COLD would be good too! 

See ya on the Trails!

Holly Tomlanovich
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update

News and Reports:


  • 3/12 – Mules UpNorth – 6pm-8pm – Chef Renes’ – 70W of Eagle River at the bridge – 3 miles
  • 3/17 – General member meeting at Chef Rene’s – 6:30pm – Hwy 70W of Eagle River
  • 3/26 – Groom to Ride raffle drawing – 1pmm – Trackside – Hwy 45N across from the Derby Track

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Minocqua, Wisconsin – March 2, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10

Date of Report: March 2, 2022

Area Report:

Trails right now are still in good condition, dont know about Saturday , calling for sleet freezing rain and rain , will wait another day to see if things change.

Trail Report – : Rhinelander, Wisconsin – March 2, 2022

Reporter:Hodag SnoTrails

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: Hanging tough

Date of Report: March 2, 2022

Area Report:

Well folks, it’s getting to that time.  ….Late season riding.  Currently, the trails are good, with some thin corners and exposed roadways will be bare.  Dirty snow at trail roadway intersections.  Some bumps won’t be able to be filled all the way due to lack of base.  Trails get “soft” with sunny days and warmer temps.

Now the good news….We are in March and still riding!!  Hodags will be continuing to groom on a regular basis as long as temperature and conditions warrant.  

The lakes are all marked and not showing any signs of slush. There are multiple roads across Boom Lake so use extreme caution when traveling on that route. The snow cover on the lake is low, so the ice fisherman can travel about anywhere so there can be truck tracks and / or plowed roads in multiple locations.

There is one trail closure on the Hodag Sno-Trails system: Trail H4 from Boom Lake to the intersection just north of River Rd. This is basically the “land” route to not running Boom Lake. The trail is closed at this point. We have been just notified that this is a permanent closure. Running the lake is the reroute.  

Conditions will change quickly at this point.  We will try to update as they change.

  Oneida County trails could stay open until March 31st….conditions permitting.  Time to ride!!

Trail Report – : Conover, Wisconsin – March 3, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10-16″

Date of Report: March 3, 2022

Area Report:

Sun was out again yesterday, it is taking a toll on the trails in the sun. Trails in the woods are holding up. There was limited trail grooming yesterday night. Mostly the higher traffic trails.

Along K, trail 8 west of US-45 has had some damage from tree crews cutting trees along power lines. Use caution when traveling in this area.

We are suppose to receive snow on Saturday. Reports are starting as snow, switching to a frozen mix, rain, and then back to snow. We will see what we get and what it does to the trails.  

Corners may be icy as snow gets banked up from sleds. Remember to slow down in corners in anticipation of it being icy. 

Trail 3 still has the gravel section where it is coming up through the snow. The patch is roughly 250 ft long . Please ride safe ride right and for the conditions.

News and Reports:

March 5th – Poker Run draw party at Twin Lake Pub from 1pm to 4pm. All cards must be registered by 2pm.

March 8th – General Meeting at Bauer’s Dam. 5:30pm Social Hour, Dinner at 6:30pm. Cost $12

March 17th – Corned Beef & Cabbage Benefit at Club 45. Serving from 4:30pm to 9:00pm Cost $15

Snowmobile Information:

Please stay on trails. We are starting to have some off trail riding on private property and on the xc-ski trail. We ask you respect the land owners and the other clubs trails.

Also noticed several corners where sleds have lost control in an icy corner and have left the trail. Please ride right, stay right!

And when you meet a groomer, we will stop and shut down bright lights signaling the riders that it is safe to pass. If you are traveling on a freshly groomed trail, be alert for a groomer ahead. He might be coming back the other direction. I had a near miss the other night when we surprised each other at the bottom of a hill. Please slow down. 

Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – March 2, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 9-10 inches

Date of Report: March 2, 2022

Area Report:

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Wednesday, 3/02/22:

It’s 13 degrees out with light snow falling this morning. Our forecast calls for milder temps into the weekend. Last night, we groomed 15N and 6E. Early this morning, we groomed 8E, 11, and 15S. For late season, our trails are in very good shape. With milder temps and a possibility of a wintry mix this weekend, now is the time to get out and enjoy our trails while they last.

Be safe out there and if you are in the area on Saturday 3/5, stop in at Gooch’ 2 and support our clubs largest fundraiser at our annual Cabin Fever Party!

Please contact us to request this year’s snowmobile map and keep an eye on our webcam to see current snowfall in Boulder Junction.

Join us for these upcoming winter events:

March 5th – Cabin Fever Party: Snowmobile Club Fundraiser at Gooch’s A-One Bar

Help support the Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club’s Fundraising Efforts: Tractor for the Trails