Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Ashland County, Wisconsin – March 9, 2022

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 4-8 inches

Date of Report: March 9, 2022

Area Report:

Snowmobile Report – March 9, 2022
The Snowmobile Trails in Ashland County are Open.  Groomers continue to groom after the ice storm this weekend.  The report is the trails are in  GOOD condition with a 4-8inch packed base.   Due to the ice storm, be caution on all the trails, looks out for trees and brush. Watch for machinery on Trail 21-13, south of Cayuga, trail being rebuilt by Forest Service.  Detour: Snowmobilers go South on 181-183 intersection and can get on the trail by the little stub off 181 that goes to the trail.  Watch for logging where trail crosses Mud Line on Trail 12 (out of Butternut) and CAUTION, keep an eye out for chunks of dirt and rocks.   Please stay on the trail. Lots of Ashland County snowmobile trails are on farmers land, please be respectful so we don’t loose our easement to their property.  Order your trail map today!

Trail Report – : Dickinson County, Michigan – March 9, 2022


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 3 to 5 Inches

Date of Report: March 9, 2022

Area Report:

With the rain we got last Saturday and the warm temps and then freezing,our trails have degraded a bit.We will not be grooming until we get more snow.Please watch for water pooling on trails.Also, you will find alot of ice on the trails.With the ice and hard trails,cooling with be an issue.Road crossings and open areas will be bare.   Ride safe!

Trail Report – : Sayner, Wisconsin – March 9, 2022

Reporter:SaynerStar Lake Barnstormers

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: Minimal

Date of Report: March 9, 2022

Area Report:

Mother Nature hasn’t been kind to us this past week.  The “ice storm” last weekend wasn’t nearly as bad as expected, but the snow that was supposed to follow didn’t produce much of anything. 

Temps have dropped back down and will remain fairly cold the rest of this week.  There is still good riding the further away you get from towns.  You’ll put your carbides to the test trying to get to the good spots, but riders are telling me it’s worth it!

The forecast for more snow later this week has been reduced and we are looking at temps in the 40s next week.  There is no official word yet, but this could easily be the final weekend.  Come on up and take advantage of it!

LOGGING UPDATE:  Logging operations have started on portions of our trail 11.  They’ll be logging from Nebish Lake Road to Starrett Lake to Mystery Lake.  IMPORTANT:  Loggers have the right of way.  They have the authority to close our trail, so please be respectful; don’t get in their way and don’t give them reason to shut us down!

Please support all of the clubs by participating in their fundraisers!  Here’s a list of what’s coming up for the Barnstormers.  You can also get more info at

September 4, 2022:  Star Lake Mayoral Race.  3:00 – 7:00

September 5, 2022:  Meat Raffle @ Weber’s.  2:00 – 5:00

Trail Report – : Antigo/Langlade County, Wisconsin – March 9, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 3-6

Date of Report: March 9, 2022

Area Report:


Zone B will also reopen to ATVs at 8:00 a.m. March 10, 2022. ATVs are not allowed on snowmobile trails when the temperature is above 28° F. UTVs are not allowed on the Langlade County Snowmobile trail system.  Click here to view a map.

Please note that Marathon and Shawano County Trails and Zones 2, 3 & 4 in Lincoln County are closed.

The trails are in late-season condition. Most of the trail system is in good shape with some bare/icy spots. Snowmobilers are encouraged to be aware of changing trail conditions and use caution.

For more information, please contact Al Murray, Forest Administrator, or Cody Brauner, Langlade County Snowmobile Coordinator at 715-627-6300.

The Langlade County Snowmobile clubs, sponsors, and operators of the existing trails have put in many volunteered hours brushing, signing, and grooming to provide snowmobile trails for your use. Please support the snow clubs, thank them for their efforts, and patronize their business sponsors.

All lake and river trails in Langlade County are considered unsafe and should not be utilized unless they have been clearly marked by a local snowmobile club. As always, the Langlade County Forestry & Recreation Department strongly recommends riders stay on clearly marked trails. Please respect private property; the use of trails across private lands is a privilege. Always exercise caution when riding a snowmobile.

For questions regarding specific trail conditions please contact the local snowmobile club or visit their social media pages.

We hope that you enjoy the Langlade county trail system and thank you for supporting the economy and businesses of Langlade County!

Langlade County Forestry & Recreation Department

Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – March 9, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6-8 inches

Date of Report: March 9, 2022

Area Report:

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Wednesday, 3/09/22:

It’s 22 degrees out with partly cloudy skies this morning. Due to light traffic and our trails being in very good condition, we did not groom last night or early this morning. We will be back to our full grooming schedule tonight to prepare our trails for mid-week riding. With warm temperatures arriving on Sunday and mid to high forties all of next week, we are probably down to our last week of snowmobiling for the year.

Get out and enjoy our area trails while you can!

Landy Roepke, Trail Manager

Please contact us to request this year’s snowmobile map and keep an eye on our webcam to see current snowfall in Boulder Junction.

Trail Report – : Bayfield County, Wisconsin – March 9, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 6-12

Date of Report: March 9, 2022

Area Report:


Our trails survived the ice storm and trails are still in really good condition. Clubs have gotten out and cleaned up the trails but be alert for low hanging branches and brush on the trail. The sun is getting strong and the 10 day forecast shows warming temperatures so the end of the season is on the horizon but not here yet. So come and ride while you can! Just a reminder to all to please respect private landowners and stay on the trail. Stay on the trail or stay home!


Some trouble spots to note:

  • The Wally Polk Trail/Trail 40 near Port Wing and Herbster is closed. Flag road is a suitable re-route.
  • A portion of Trail 17 in Sawyer, Douglas and Bayfield County is closed due to a stream opening up across the trail.


Namakagon Trail Groomers: After the ice storm we have about 85% of the trails opened and 60% groomed. Working on the rest this week. Trails are in good condition with 5-7″ base. Ride with caution! And watch for Low hanging branches.


Barnes Barnestormers: Started grooming yesterday did the town and 31 north, both are in great condition. To warm today going to do Moore road tomorrow and 31 south Thursday. The trails should be in good shape for one more weekend.


Drummond Sno-Jacks: Hell hit the trails with that ice storm. Today, Tuesday, March 8, 2022 we are chain sawing our way to Mason and Trail 4…with trails to 63 south opened up and trails 6 & 7 going to Barnes opened up, tonight grooming operations will get back on track…should be in good shape by Thursday throughout Drummond area.


Iron River: Trail 1 north to Port Wing is in excellent shape and was groomed yesterday.


Washburn Valhallers: Washburn area trails remain in excellent condition.  Everything is being groomed up for a nice weekend.  It’s supposed to get colder all week so we expect the base to remain solid with possibly a few icy spots.  Riders should use caution in low spots and corners where water may have developed and then froze. Trails in the north are still in excellent shape. We are still grooming two shifts a day. 


South Shore: The groomer out of Herbster is back up running and all south shore trails will be groomed by Wednesday and are in very good shape for the weekend!

Trail Report – : Superior – Douglas County, Wisconsin – March 8, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10-15

Date of Report: March 8, 2022

Area Report:

Douglas County received 2-4 inches snow across the county this past weekend.  Most trails are in good condition.  It is starting to look a little like spring so get out and ride while you still can.

Douglas County Forestry does not maintain any trails across lakes.  If you would like information of specific trails please contact the Snowmobile club in that area.

It is critical that we respect the landowners who allow us to utilize their property. Please Stay On The Trails.

Please share this info with anyone that you believe would be interested…our goal is to inform as many trail riders as possible.

Please check with neighboring counties to ensure the trails are open before you ride!

Click here for a map of open trails

SW Quadrant –(Maintained by Cozy Corner Trails Club)
Trail 5 Groomed Last Week
Trail 5A Groomed Last Week
Trail 925 Groomed Last Week
Trail 835 Groomed Last Week
Trail 930 Groomed Last Week
Trail 9 Groomed Last Week (watch for Logging north of Cnty Road A)
Trail 935 Groomed Last Week

SE Quadrant –   (Maintained by 4 Seasons Recreational Club, Jackpine Riders, and Get-er-Done)
Trail 5 Groomed Last Week
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail north of Solon Springs) Groomed Last Week
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail south) Groomed south to trail 7
Trail 27B Groomed
Trail 27C Groomed Last Week
Trail 41S Groomed
Trail 41B Groomed
Trail 217 Groomed
Trail 727 Groomed Last Week
Trail 17N Groomed Last Week
Trail 7 Groomed
Trail 27 Groomed
Trail 3 Groomed
Trail 41 (WRT to the warming Shack) Groomed Last Week
(Watch for logging near Pierce Road.)
Trail 541 Groomed Last Week
Trail 17S (South of Lower Eau Claire Lake) Closed.  The Crossing at Williamson Creek is no longer safe to cross.  The gates will be closed.
(Watch for logging across the county line)

NE Quadrant – (Maintained by Brule River Riders)
Open Trails:
Trail 1:  Groomed Last Week
Trail 2 (TCC): Groomed
Trail 4:  Groomed (watch for logging west of county road P)
Trail 6:  Groomed
Trail 18:  Groomed
Trail 24:  Groomed
Trail B 24:  Groomed
Trail 27/27A:  Groomed
Trail 35 (WRT) Groomed Last Week
Trail 635: Groomed Last Week
Trail 235: Groomed

NW Quadrant- (Maintained by Drift Dodgers)
Gandy Dancer Trail Groomed Last Week
Saunders Grade Groomed Last Week
Wrenshall Grade Groomed Last Week
Trail 0 Groomed Last Week
Trail 28 Groomed Last Week
The Cross town connector Groomed Last Week
4/41 Groomed Last Week (Watch for Logging)
Trail 4 Groomed Last Week

Please enjoy and Ride safe!

For Further information, Pease contact the Douglas County Forestry Department at 715-378-2219 or see our website,

Trail Report – : Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin – March 8, 2022


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 3-5

Date of Report: March 8, 2022

Area Report:

Hello Riders!

This may be one of the last snowmobile trail update as we near the end of the season.

We had a very bad ice storm that hit our region this weekend which included freezing rain, ice, and a couple inches of wet snow on top.  This heavy ice and snow caused many trees to break and branches to snap as well very low hanging trees and branches. Additionally, the rain on top of the newer snow that we had received the week prior made things slushy out in the open and roads icy.

The temperatures this week have not been warm enough to melt the heavy ice off the trees to allow them to start lifting and there is a lot of debris down on the trails.  This combination makes trails impassable for a groomer.  The low-hanging, ice-covered branches could break windshields, lights, and other components on groomers and the large branches down could damage drags if they were caught in them. 

So, with that said the groomers in the northern part of the county (from the Chippewa Flowage to the Bayfield Co line) will not be out again this season as crews continue to move along trails chain sawing and cleaning up. This will take time as we move into spring, as it has been a very slow-moving process with the amount of debris.

The GOOD NEWS! For those of you are looking for one last weekend to ride, the southern part of the county (south on the Chippewa Flowage) did not get as much of the storm damage.   There may be some down branches but not bad and the 2-3″ of fresh snow was helpful!  They have good conditions and have been out grooming! The Flambeau is out grooming today and tonight and the Tuscobia has been groomed.  The Tuscobia east to Price County was groomed and is excellent! 5 south is being groomed now, please note there is some logging off this trail. If you are looking for a good ride this weekend, please visit the southern part of Sawyer County!

As mentioned, the rain made the fresh snow slushy in spots, most of the wooded trails stayed protected from that rain, but the lakes did get a lot of slushy spots. Now that the temperatures have been cold again and will be through the weekend the lakes did harden back up and will continue to harden so you can ride but please be cautious of ruts created from the slush and refreeze.

So, in conclusion, the northern area you can ride but do know you will have to move in and out of down debris and low hanging branches and they have not groomed. Is passable on a sled but be cautious. The southern area will be great riding!

A HUGE, HUGE thank you to the crews who have been out clearing and chain sawing! Thank you for rolling up your sleeves and getting to work so quickly!

Trail Report – : Superior – Douglas County, Wisconsin – March 8, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10-15

Date of Report: March 8, 2022

Area Report:

Douglas County received 2-4 inches snow across the county this past weekend.  Most trails are in good condition.  It is starting to look a little like spring so get out and ride while you still can.

Douglas County Forestry does not maintain any trails across lakes.  If you would like information of specific trails please contact the Snowmobile club in that area.

It is critical that we respect the landowners who allow us to utilize their property. Please Stay On The Trails.

Please share this info with anyone that you believe would be interested…our goal is to inform as many trail riders as possible.

Please check with neighboring counties to ensure the trails are open before you ride!

Click here for a map of open trails

SW Quadrant –(Maintained by Cozy Corner Trails Club)
Trail 5 Groomed Last Week
Trail 5A Groomed Last Week
Trail 925 Groomed Last Week
Trail 835 Groomed Last Week
Trail 930 Groomed Last Week
Trail 9 Groomed Last Week (watch for Logging north of Cnty Road A)
Trail 935 Groomed Last Week


SE Quadrant –   (Maintained by 4 Seasons Recreational Club, Jackpine Riders, and Get-er-Done)
Trail 5 Groomed Last Week
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail north of Solon Springs) Groomed Last Week
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail south) Groomed south to trail 7
Trail 27B Groomed
Trail 27C Groomed Last Week
Trail 41S Groomed
Trail 41B Groomed
Trail 217 Groomed
Trail 727 Groomed Last Week
Trail 17N Groomed Last Week
Trail 7 Groomed
Trail 27 Groomed
Trail 3 Groomed
Trail 41 (WRT to the warming Shack) Groomed Last Week
(Watch for logging near Pierce Road.)
Trail 541 Groomed Last Week
Trail 17S (South of Lower Eau Claire Lake) Groomed
(Watch for logging across the county line)

NE Quadrant – (
Maintained by Brule River Riders)
Open Trails:
Trail 1:  Groomed Last Week
Trail 2 (TCC): Groomed
Trail 4:  Groomed (watch for logging west of county road P)
Trail 6:  Groomed
Trail 18:  Groomed
Trail 24:  Groomed
Trail B 24:  Groomed
Trail 27/27A:  Groomed
Trail 35 (WRT) Groomed Last Week
Trail 635: Groomed Last Week
Trail 235: Groomed

NW Quadrant- (Maintained by Drift Dodgers)
Gandy Dancer Trail Groomed Last Week
Saunders Grade Groomed Last Week
Wrenshall Grade Groomed Last Week
Trail 0 Groomed Last Week
Trail 28 Groomed Last Week
The Cross town connector Groomed Last Week
4/41 Groomed Last Week (Watch for Logging)
Trail 4 Groomed Last Week

Please enjoy and Ride safe!

For Further information, Pease contact the Douglas County Forestry Department at 715-378-2219 or see our website,

Trail Report – : Crivitz, Wisconsin – March 8, 2022


Trail Conditions: Open

Snow Cover: Spring Riding

Date of Report: March 8, 2022

Area Report:

Good spring riding north of Brandywine Lane in Silver Cliff.

Trails south of Brandywine Lane in Silver Cliff are very marginal riding with dirt showing in areas.  

Please check our website or Facebook page for daily updates.