Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Phelps, Wisconsin – March 12, 2022

Reporter:Phelps Snowmobile Club

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 12″-18″

Date of Report: March 12, 2022

Area Report:

The trails in Phelps are in good condition.  Not much if any new snow for quite some time.  Last grooming was done on Wednesday night as the cold front was coming through.  That made for a nice level, firm trail base.  traffic has been down and trails are great.  Not sure how long we can say that.  Now is the perfect time to get that final ride/trip in.  We will be grooming as weather allows.  Please check back for updates as the trail conditions allow.  Thank you to all that made your way through the Phelps trail system.  We hope you enjoyed yourselves and that you plan on coming back.  If out riding, please be carefull.  Trails are packed and fast but the corners are very icy.  Please slow up for the corners.  You never know who is coming from the other direction.  Stay on the trails and keep our landowners happy.  Without them, there wouldn’t be trails to ride on.

Snowmobile Information:

March 31 is the latest that trails can be open in Wisconsin.  Please check before you ride to make sure the trails are open.  Weather and trail conditions will determend when the trails will close.

Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – March 11, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6-8 inches

Date of Report: March 11, 2022

Area Report:

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Friday, 3/11/22:

It’s 12 degrees out with clearing skies this morning.
Last night we groomed 15N, 6E, and 8W.
Our trails are still in good shape, but checking with snowmobilers and other clubs, there are some poor trails in adjoining areas. The Cross Country Cruisers out of Arbor Vitae have suspended grooming and report rough conditions and the grade out of Minocqua towards Lac Du Flambeau has minimal snow coverage.
With warm temps arriving on Sunday and mid to high forties all of next week, we will probably quit grooming this weekend.
Get out and enjoy our trails while you can!

Landy Roepke, Trail Manager

Please contact us to request this year’s snowmobile map and keep an eye on our webcam to see current snowfall in Boulder Junction.

Trail Report – : Ashland County, Wisconsin – March 11, 2022

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 4-8 inches

Date of Report: March 11, 2022

Area Report:

The Snowmobile Trails in Ashland County are Open.  Groomers continue to groom after the ice storm this past weekend.  The report is the trails are in GOOD condition with a 4-8inch packed base.   Due to the ice storm, be caution on all the trails, looks out for trees and brush. Watch for machinery on Trail 21-13, south of Cayuga, trail being rebuilt by Forest Service.  Detour: Snowmobilers go South on 181-183 intersection and can get on the trail by the little stub off 181 that goes to the trail.  Watch for logging where trail crosses Mud Line on Trail 12 (out of Butternut) and CAUTION, keep an eye out for chunks of dirt and rocks.   Please stay on the trail. Lots of Ashland County snowmobile trails are on farmers land, please be respectful so we don’t loose our easement to their property.  Order your Ashland County snowmobile map today!

Trail Report – : Superior – Douglas County, Wisconsin – March 11, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 9-10

Date of Report: March 11, 2022

Area Report:

Douglas County received 2-4 inches of snow across the county this past weekend.  Most trails are in good condition.  It is starting to look a little like spring so get out and ride while you still can.

Douglas County Forestry does not maintain any trails across lakes.  If you would like information of specific trails, please contact the Snowmobile club in that area.

It is critical that we respect the landowners who allow us to utilize their property. Please Stay On The Trails.

Please share this info with anyone that you believe would be interested…our goal is to inform as many trail riders as possible.

Please check with neighboring counties to ensure the trails are open before you ride!

Click here for a link to a map of open trails

SW Quadrant –(Maintained by Cozy Corner Trails Club)
Trail 5 Groomed Last Week
Trail 5A Groomed Last Week
Trail 925 Groomed
Trail 835 Groomed
Trail 930 Groomed Last Week
Trail 9 Groomed (watch for Logging north of Cnty Road A)
Trail 935 Groomed

SE Quadrant –   (Maintained by 4 Seasons Recreational Club, Jackpine Riders, and Get-er-Done)
Trail 5 Groomed
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail north of Solon Springs) Groomed
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail south) Groomed
Trail 27B Groomed
Trail 27C Groomed
Trail 41S Groomed
Trail 41B Groomed
Trail 217 Groomed
Trail 727 Groomed
Trail 17N Groomed
Trail 7 Groomed
Trail 27 Groomed
Trail 3 Groomed
Trail 41 (WRT to the warming Shack) Groomed
(Watch for logging near Pierce Road.)
Trail 541 Groomed

Closed Trails
Trail 17S (South of Lower Eau Claire Lake) The crossing at Williamson Creek is no longer safe.

NE Quadrant – (Maintained by Brule River Riders)
Open Trails
Trail 1:  Groomed
Trail 2 (TCC): Groomed
Trail 4:  Groomed (watch for logging west of county road P) Club is Mowing west of Hawthorn
Trail 6:  Groomed
Trail 18:  Groomed
Trail 24:  Groomed
Trail B 24:  Groomed
Trail 27/27A:  Groomed
Trail 35 (WRT) Groomed
Trail 635: Groomed Last Week
Trail 235: Groomed

NW Quadrant- (Maintained by Drift Dodgers)
Gandy Dancer Trail Groomed
Saunders Grade Groomed
Wrenshall Grade Groomed
Trail 0 Groomed
Trail 28 Groomed
The Cross town connector Groomed
4/41 Groomed (Watch for Logging)
Trail 4 Groomed

Please enjoy and Ride safe!

For Further information, Pease contact the Douglas County Forestry Department at 715-378-2219 M-F 8am-4:30pm, or see our website,

Trail Report – : Cable, Wisconsin – March 11, 2022

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 5 – 6″

Date of Report: March 11, 2022

Area Report:

From the Namakagon Trail Groomers: After the ice storm we have about 85% of the trails opened and 60%groomed. Working on the rest this week. Trails are in good condition with 5 – 6″ base.

Trail Report – : Minocqua, Wisconsin – March 11, 2022


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: ice with little snow on top

Date of Report: March 11, 2022

Area Report:

Well folks, the cross country cruisers are done with grooming unless we get dumped on but 40s next week does not look good, the groomers have been out the last days but with the ice they were not able to cut the moguls so grooming did not do much. It has been a good year and we look forward to seeing you next year and thank you for supporting our snowmobile clubs. 

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – March 11, 2022

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Open

Snow Cover: Crusty icy snow

Date of Report: March 11, 2022

Area Report:

Expect ALL Conditions – Head into the woods trails

March 11, 2022 – 7:53am – 12 – High 14 – Low 7below

March weather continues.  Teens for highs today & tomorrow. SNOW Saturday afternoon. 1-2 inches.  Then the temps pop up on Monday with SNOW Monday night into Tuesday.  No totals yet.  From Wednesday forward temps pop way up.

Trails should hold their own today.  Mostly cloudy with maybe a little sun.  Only 14 for a high.  Trails are crusty in most places from the ice storm last weekend, sunny days & then deep freeze night.  Be aware that conditions this time of year change quickly & are very slippery.  Trails that are on the south side of roads will be much better than those on north side.  Trail 10E one way headed east pretty good.  Trail 10E one way heading west back to town not so good.  Trail 70W from Eagle River Inn west of Eagle River heading west is on the north side & not so good.  Both north side trails have a lot of burn through.  “The Grade” section of 13 heading into town pretty good.  It has a limestone base so the burn through just doesn’t happen there.  Through town really crusty.  Crossing not so good.  As for the rest let you know tomorrow.  Going out.

Groomer Tracking (GTS) shows no grooming over night.

Biggest complaint I have been hearing all season is about off trail riding. Folks the Clubs of Vilas County work very hard to secure easements from private landowners & folks we are losing many due to off trail riding. There is NO LEGAL OFF TRAIL RIDING ANYWHERE IN VILAS COUNTY. So PLEASE NO OFF TRAIL RIDING.

Catfish & Eagle lake trails marked & OPEN. Stay by the orange reflective barrels. Surface slush. DO NOT think the entire lake is safe.  Several sleds have gone in the water this season far from the barrels.

Get out & ride might be near the end. See the Fat Lady.  Not singing but getting ready.

See ya on the Trails !

Holly Tomlanovich
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update

News and Reports:


  • 3/12 – Mules UpNorth – 6pm-8pm – Chef Renes’ – 70W of Eagle River at the bridge – 3 miles
  • 3/16 – Vilas County Snowmobile Alliance Meeting – 6pm – PI Pub – Presque Isle – 1 northwest of Eagle River on Cty B
  • 3/17 – General member meeting at Chef Rene’s – 6:30pm – Hwy 70W of Eagle River
  • 3/26 – Groom to Ride raffle drawing – 1pm – Trackside – Hwy 45N across from the Derby Track
  • 3/26 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) – 5pm – Buckshots – Hwy 45N approx. 3 miles

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Forest County, Wisconsin – March 10, 2022


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 3″ to 5″ base

Date of Report: March 10, 2022

Area Report:

Trails are open and in fair condition, late season riding conditions with some icy spots so please use caution.

All Forest County Trails will close for the season at Noon on Monday March 14, 2022

Trail Report – : Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin – March 10, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 3-6

Date of Report: March 10, 2022

Area Report:

March 10, 2022

Hello Riders!

A quick update; crews completed brushing and were able to groom trail 9 from Hayward Power Sports to Round Lake, trail 3/5 north to Lost Land Lake Lodge, Red Deer and Reel Livin. Trail 3 north of Lost Land to Lake Namakagon is brushed and groomed. Trail 18 from Tiger Cat Flowage to Callahan Lake was cleaned up and is smooth.

The Chippewa Flowage businesses close after the first weekend in March however due to still having good snow and some riding conditions in their area some have opened back up this week through Sat. Those businesses reported to have re-opened for the weekend are; Deerfoot, Johnsons Resort and Chief Lake Lodge.

So if you are looking for one last good weekend to ride you can go north from Hayward Power Sports to Lake Namakagon on 3/5 and 3, or 3/5 to 18 to the Chippewa Flowage and ride the Flowage and then go south towards Birchwood, Winter, Loretta and hop on the Tuscobia.

Have a safe weekend!

Trail Report – : Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin – March 10, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 3-6

Date of Report: March 10, 2022

Area Report:

March 10, 2022

Hello Riders!

A quick update; crews completed brushing and were able to groom trail 9 from Hayward Power Sports to Round Lake, trail 3/5 north to Lost Land Lake Lodge, Red Deer and Reel Livin. Trail 3 north of Lost Land to Lake Namakagon is brushed and groomed. Trail 18 from Tiger Cat Flowage to Callahan Lake was cleaned up and is smooth.

The Chippewa Flowage businesses close after the first weekend in March however due to still having good snow and some riding conditions in their area some have opened back up this week through Sat. Those businesses reported to have re-opened for the weekend are; Deerfoot, Johnsons Report and Chief Lake Lodge.

So if you are looking for one last good weekend to ride you can go north from Hayward Power Sports to Lake Namakagon on 3/5 and 3, or 3/5 to 18 to the Chippewa Flowage and ride the Flowage and then go south towards Birchwood, Winter, Loretta and hop on the Tuscobia.

Have a safe weekend!