Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Ely, Minnesota – January 31, 2023

Ely, MN Chamber of Commerce

Reporter:Ely Chamber of Commerce/Explore MN Visitor Center

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 21 Inches

Date of Report: January 31, 2023

Area Report:

Ely Area Trail Conditions

January 31, 2023

Please use caution on the trails and stay to the right. There is active logging happening on a number of spots throughout the Grant-in-Aid and State Trail system. In those areas, slow down and give trucks and logging equipment space. No Motorized Vehicles other than snowmobiles are allowed on State Trails or Grant-in-Aid snowmobile trails. Continue to monitor conditions online at 


Taconite State Trail: The entire Taconite is groomed and in good condition. We were able to groom across the remaining wet/thin ice sections in the Pfeiffer Lake area today.  

Snow: 16-26 inches with a base of 1-4 inches. Groomed: Yes Condition: Good

Arrowhead State Trail: The Arrowhead is groomed and in good condition. There remains a 1-2 mile stretch of ungroomed trail south of the Buyck/VRT GIA trail, this is due to a couple of beaver ponds that have remained too thin for grooming equipment to cross. We anticipate having that segment groomed by this coming weekend. There also remain two spots on the northern end of the trail that has caused some trouble for groomers and are signed and flagged. Any other, especially caution-worthy spots, will be flagged or signed as needed.  

Along with the DNR trail conditions website, continue to monitor these clubs’ websites ( & for the most current Arrowhead State Trail conditions.

Arrowhead Trail Snow: 14-25 inches of snow with a base of 1-4 inches. Groomed: Yes Condition: Good

Putnam/Fishing Lakes Trails: The entire trail is fully groomed as of late last week, and it will be groomed again before this weekend. The Putnam has some brush hanging into the trail in a couple of spots, but the trail has improved dramatically from a week ago and is in fair condition. The Fishing Lakes trail has been groomed a bit more and is in good condition.   

Lake Vermilion Soudan Underground Mine State Park Tails: These trails are groomed and in poor to good condition. The Miner’s loop has quite a bit of brush hanging into the trail. We will be working on knocking that back.

Babbitt Birch Lake Plantation: Babbitt golf course is groomed for skate and classic skiing and is in excellent condition. The Babbitt Birch Lake Plantation is groomed for classic skiing and in excellent condition. 

Bear Head Lake State Park: Cross country ski track set on Friday, January 27th, with excellent results on the Norberg Trail, campground loops, and the Beach Trail. The winds of January may have caused snow to drift off of Bear Head Lake to the Beach Trail, so use caution. Norberg Trail winds its way through several large stands of white and Norway pines while showcasing our names sake, Bear Head Lake, and one of our designated trout lakes, Norberg. Norberg Loop is our most challenging groomed ski trail with several steep hills.

Skiing Base: 10 inches. Conditions: Good. Groomed: Excellent

Snowmobiling conditions: Excellent. Groomed Yes.  Base: 8 inches. 

Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – February 1, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 8-10 inches

Date of Report: February 1, 2023

Area Report:

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Wednesday, 2/1/23

At 8:00 a.m. it’s -7 degrees out with sunny skies with a chance of light snow tonight.

Yesterday we did some maintenance on our drags and groomed 2W/8W out to the 2W8W intersection and 15S. These have been our moist troublesome trails this year due to the highest traffic.

We will resume our normal grooming schedule early tomorrow morning and with continued cold temps, our trails will be in good to very good condition leading up to the weekend.

Look for an updated report on Friday, February 3.

Landy Roepke
BJSC Trail Manager

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – February 1, 2023

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10+

Date of Report: February 1, 2023

Area Report:

There has been a recent dusting of snow across the county. Area Clubs & County Staff are continuing to maintain a close eye on trails and their conditions. All of the clubs are reporting the trails to be in great condition for riding. Cooler temps & more snow is in the forecast so the trail base should harden back up and create great riding for the remainder of the season. Please remember to ride with caution and stay on designated trail surfaces. Clubs are out grooming and maintaining the trails on a regular basis so please use caution when you encounter grooming equipment

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – February 1, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: Plenty of SNOW cover hard ice base

Date of Report: February 1, 2023

Area Report:

February 1, 2023 5:35=7am – 4 below – High 16

Good to Very Good

Very little change to trail conditions.  The below zero temps have firmed up some of the loose SNOW on top of the ice base. SNOW is deep so won’t be much change.  Might be a little SNOW late tonight or very early tomorrow.  Less than an inch.  Next be chance for new SNOW is Monday.  Temps will be back up in the 20’s starting Saturday going forward.  Single digits to teens at night.  Dress warm if you’re riding.

With the cold temps trails will continue to be “fast” meaning icy everywhere, especially in the corners.  A few blow outs in the corners so slow down as you ride.  Even with the traffic down due to the cold temps please remember to RIDE RIGHT.

Last night groomers were out doing spot grooming.  From the groomer barn behind Holiday North on Hwy 45N they headed north on 10W/13N to Conover connect.  Also grooming 3N aka Manske Swamp & 17N to the 3N intersection.  Also heading south through town on 10/13 to 70W/13 that heads west behind the Dairy Queen all the way to the St. Germain connect at 70W/Wood Duck Lane

Trail 10E has a one-way section that starts at Taylor Lake Rd.  When riding & head east past the ERRA Sports Arena you ride on the south side of Hwy 70E.  This goes all the way to the gas station.  When riding & heading west from the gas station you ride on the north side of Hwy 70E.  All road crossings have signs that say DO NOT ENTER – if you are going the wrong way.  Please be aware & do not go the wrong way on these trails.

Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are marked.  Please stay by the orange reflective barrels. Surface is very hard.  Found it slippery in spots. Remember not all lakes are safe. 

NOTE: Off of Trail 70W after entering St. Germain is a trail locals call “The Goat” trail.  It is a Club Trail that starts at TIN 287 to TIN 288 that is still CLOSED.  It is clearly marked as CLOSED with fencing & signs.  Please do not ride through this area from either direction. DO NOT RIDE ON HWY 70 as this is not legal.

Last, off trail riding is a big problem.  PLEASE STAY ON THE TRAIL & Take the Snowmobilers Pledge.


Keep DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE!!  Slow down & Ride Safe!

Heading to the Groomer Show today so no riding!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates

News and Reports:

SNO-EAGLES EVENTS  – Wednesday & Thursday Club Rides – 9:30am to 3pm – Meet in town on Trail 10/13 by the Historic Railroad Depot

February 1 & 2 Arrowhead Groomers Show – 9am – St. Germain
February 2 – Snowmobile Recreation Council meetings 8:30am – St Germain Community Ctr
February 7 – Board of Directors meeting – 6pm – HQ Snowmobile Museum – Hwy 45N
February 10-12 – Pond Hockey – LOCATION CHANGE – WCDC Derby Track – Hwy 45N – Trail 10W/13N
February 12-15 – Weekday Away Ride to Mercer
February 16 – General Members meeting – Sweetwater 6pm – Hwy 45N
February 24-26 – World Series of Snowmobiling – WCDC Derby Track
February 25 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) Braywood Restaurant – 5pm – Catfish Lk Rd off Hwy 45S

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App Excellent GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Also has updates on trail closures.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours.  Great tool.
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Neillsville, Wisconsin – January 31, 2023

Reporter:Neillsville Granton Trailbusters

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6-8″

Date of Report: January 31, 2023

Area Report:

The Neillsville-Granton Trailbusters trail system is currently rated in Good condition.  Caution should be used at the ice crossing located on trail K between Neillsville and Loyal.  Be advised riding off the marked trails is trespassing and could lead to trail closures.

Snowmobile Information:

Our club has been active for 35 years now.  We started out as a small club in 1988 named The Neillsville Rec Riders, designing ATV routes that accessed the Clark County Forest Trail System, via roads.  We then created our first cross county un-groomed snowmobile and winter ATV trail system from Neillsville to Granton.  In 1993 we purchased a used Bombardier groomer to start grooming our trail for snowmobiling.  In 1996 we expanded our snowmobile and winter ATV trail system from Neillsville to the Clark County Forest Trail near Hatfield. 

    In 1997 we added a tractor and new drag to our grooming fleet to keep up with the grooming schedule.  In 1999 we further expanded our growing trail system with a snowmobile trail running from Granton to Sherwood.  In 2001 we made a big achievement in trail devolpement by creating a snowmobile trail from Neillsville to Loyal, giving us a total of 56 miles in groomed snowmobile trails across private lands.   In 2002 we had to add a second tractor and drag to keep up with the high grooming demand.  After receiving heavy, drifting snows during the ’06-’08 seasons while continuing to get stuck with our tractors, we felt the need to add a newer tracked groomer to our fleet.

  We purchased a Piston Bully trailer groomer to keep up with the demanding trail grooming where our tractors fell short, in deep snow and eliminated 1 tractor and drag!  We groom our trails 20′ wide where ever possible and they are the best marked in the county, you won’t get lost on our trail system!   In 2010, we had to cease the operation of winter ATV use on all of our snowmobile trails, due to increasing abuse from disrespectful ATV’ers creating problems on private lands. Moving forward in 2011 we strive to keep up with the best snowmobile trails in the county and that is out main focus moving on.  Upgrading in 2017 we purchased a 2007 Prinoth BR180 tracked groomer adding two tracked machines to our fleet.  In 2021 with the need for a newer, larger, more durable tracked machine we decided to sell our 1988 Piston Bully and 2007 Prinoth and purchased a 2008 Piston Bully Trail Bully that could handle the job both older machines were doing.

 The Clark County Forest ATV and Snowmobile Trails are maintained by the Parks and Forest Department as well as the 9 other clubs that maintain the rest of the trails in Clark County.  Our club would not be where it is today without the help and permission of the 89 landowners who allow us to cross their lands.  With out them we would have no trails.  All of our members that help out, donate their time and it is much appreciated when we get compliments on how well of a job we have done.

Trail Report – : Ashland County, Wisconsin – January 31, 2023

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 8-12

Date of Report: January 31, 2023

Area Report:

Snowmobile Report – January 31, 2023
All trails are in EXCELLENT conditions.  We’ve got SNOW and cold temps to make the ride great!  Groomers are all out grooming the trails. Enjoy the trails and be safe.

If you would like to receive an Ashland County Snowmobile map, let us know and we will mail one out to you! Call us at 715/682-2500 or email us

News and Reports:



Snowmobile Information:

Please stay on the trail.  A lot of Ashland County snowmobile trails are on farmers land, please be respectful so we don’t lose our easement to their property.

Snowmobiles may not be modified, or operated, to amplify or otherwise increase the total vehicle noise above the originally manufactured snowmobile noise level.

As always please follow the snowmobile trail rules and regulations.  As always operate with everyone’s safety in mind and report any hazardous trail issues that are observed to the Ashland County Sheriff’s Department (715-682-7023 opt 1) so that it can be forwarded to the appropriate service.

The Tri-County Corridor is open from Superior to Ashland. There are still several areas on the eastern end that require attention but all known hazards have been identified and marked. Use caution when approaching ribbons, barricades, and cones.

Important reminders: There is no snowmobiling allowed from Ashland to Bad River/Odanah as snowmobiling is not permitted on reservation land.  However, snowmobiling is allowed from Bad River east to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Trail Report – : Lake Gogebic | Bergland, Michigan – January 31, 2023

Reporter:AJ’s Walleye Lodge

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: Good

Date of Report: January 31, 2023

Area Report:

Little chilly out this morning!   All Lake Gogebic Area Trails have been hit and are in good to excelleint condition.  The cold is really helping everything set up nicely. 1 South is still partially closed for logging and will update as information becomes available.   Trails are flat and fast snow paved highways.  Get out and ride!  We’re getting to that point in the season where conditions are as good as it gets!!

Trail Report – : Hurley, Wisconsin – January 31, 2023

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 12-16

Date of Report: January 31, 2023

Snowmobile Information:

It’s a crispy 17 below zero this morning in most of the big snow country and on White Thunder Rider trails. Needless to say the work of our volunteers is completely cemented in, and trails are EXCELLENT at this time. Please dress warm, ride in groups, ride right, and stay safe!

Trail Report – : Tomahawk, Wisconsin – January 31, 2023

Reporter:Tomahawk Chamber of Commerce

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 4+

Date of Report: January 31, 2023

Area Report:


LINCOLN COUNTY: All Zones open.


  • Trail 86 from Intersection #25 to the Taylor County Line.
  • Corridor 21 from Hwy M north of Homestead Road to the Taylor County Line.
  • Trail 10 from the intersection with Trail 10A to the intersection of Hwy 8 and Hwy CC. The reroute for the closed segment of Trail 10 is Old Eight Rd, which is a Snowmobile Route.

Groomers are out and trails are in good condition. Watch for rough and icy stretches, especially over roads and at corners. Please use caution while traveling in these extremely cold temperatures. Continue to keep to marked to trails on waterways.

ATVs are only allowed on trails when temperatures are below 28F. No UTVs.

ONEIDA COUNTY: All trails in the Oneida County Funded Snowmobile Trail System are open in good condition. Watch for rough and icy stretches, especially over roads and at corners. Please use caution while traveling in these extremely cold temperatures. For your safety, always stay on marked trails over lakes and rivers.

As always, the Oneida County Forestry, Land, & Recreation Department reminds riders to stay on marked trails. Off trail riding is trespassing and could result in closure or loss of trails and citations and fines for those who participate.

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – January 31, 2023

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10+

Date of Report: January 31, 2023

Area Report:

There has been a recent dusting of snow across the county. Area Clubs & County Staff are continuing to maintain a close eye on trails and their conditions. All of the clubs are reporting the trails to be in great condition for riding. Cooler temps & more snow is in the forecast so the trail base should harden back up and create great riding for the remainder of the season. Please remember to ride with caution and stay on designated trail surfaces. Clubs are out grooming and maintaining the trails on a regular basis so please use caution when you encounter grooming equipment.