Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada

Reporter Areas

Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin


Trail Conditions: Poor

Snow Cover: 0-5

Date of Report: February 24, 2025

Area Report:

Due to the warmer temperatures this week, grooming operations have stopped for the remainder of this season. Technically the Sawyer County trails never close, however they do eventually become unrideable. We will report any additional updates as they become available. Thank you!

Snowmobiling Information

You can check the weather conditions at
Any questions please email

Almost every snowmobiler in the Midwest is aware of the fantastic winter playground found near the Hayward area of Sawyer County and the Cable area of Southern Bayfield County. Hundreds of miles of wilderness trails provide tours through this area’s natural beauty, beckoning riders to return year after year.

The Hayward Lakes region with its rolling hills, hardwood forests, tall pine stands and pristine lakes serves as the hub of the Sawyer County trail system. A journey south from Hayward on Trail 31 takes riders across the frozen Lac Court Oreilles and along Sand Lake before joining the Tuscobia State Trail just east of Birchwood.

This well-known Tuscobia State Trail is also listed as Corridor 10 on the maps. It crosses Sawyer County from east to west passing through Draper, Loretta, Winter and Radisson, as it makes its journey across northern Wisconsin stretching from Michigan to Minnesota.

Traveling southeast from Hayward, snowmobilers are treated to a tour of the undeveloped Lake Chippewa Flowage, Wisconsin’s largest wilderness lake. This focal point of Sawyer County was created in 1923 by a power company dam and has more than 17,000 acres of water with 140 islands and more than 200 miles of natural shoreline.

Trails east of Hayward meander their way towards Clam Lake. Along the way a favorite place to take a break is at the Ghost Hill Scenic Overlook located on a short spur trail off Trail 21 north of Ghost Lake. Don’t forget your camera to take those memorable trip photos.

Trails lead in all directions in this scenic Chequamegon National Forest region offering unlimited choices. When staying in this area, snowmobiles are the only transportation you will need since almost everything is accessible via snowmobile. Excellent lodging with roaring fireplaces and great food can be found trailside through out this region.

Grant County – Kieler/Dickeyville, Wisconsin

Snowmobiling Information

The Kieler & Dickeyville area is the gateway where Iowa, Illinois & Wisconsin all meet & enter into Grant County’s over 300 miles of trails. From here, connections can lead to Wisconsins 25,000+ mile trail system.

Our local trail system offers the unique experience of crossing varied terrain through some very beautiful farmland. Starting in either town will send you across rolling fields, across several creeks & through many wooded areas where you can occasionally spot deer & other wildlife. Many of the hills & valleys offer scenery worth stopping to snap a few pictures but with plenty of areas that appeal to both the leisure rider as well as those that want to have smooth trails for a quicker pace. Whichever path you choose, you are sure to find well-marked & carefully groomed trails that connect you to other local communities & counties. With many options for eating & fuel, you are sure to love your time spent in the area. Our local clubs are more than happy to help you with locations to park your vehicles for the day or weekend & point you in the direction of some great riding.

Forest County, Wisconsin


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 3-5

Date of Report: March 14, 2022

Area Report:

All Forest County Trails are closed 

Snowmobiling Information

Trail Information

Forest County has over 400 miles of state-funded snowmobile trails. These trails are very well maintained and signed by 5 area snowmobile clubs; The 100 Mile Snow Safari, Blackbear Sportsmen’s Club, Lumberjack Memorial Trails (LMT), Three Lakes/Brule Trails, Tombstone/Pickerel Trails. We are the heart of the Nicolet National Forest as well as home to thousands of acres of County, State and Industrial forest lands. With 92% of the land base being forested, the trails take you through endless miles of pristine forests. Please be respectful and responsible on both public and private property so that we may continue to have these trails.

We represent the communities of Alvin, Argonne, Armstrong Creek, Blackwell, Carter, Cavour, Crandon, Hiles, Laona, Mole Lake, Nelma, Newald, Popple River, and Wabeno.

There are two casinos in Forest County. In the south east part of the county, in Carter, there is the Potawatomi Casino and Hotel. In the south west corner, in Mole Lake, there is the Mole Lake Casino and Lodge.

Detailed trail maps are available at by contacting the Forest County Advertising Department at 1-866-722-7292 or at area businesses.

Florence County, Wisconsin


Trail Conditions: Not Ridable

Snow Cover: almost gone

Date of Report: February 27, 2025

Area Report:

For the 2024-2025 season, the entire Florence County Snowmobile system will be closed effective February 28th at 12:01 AM.  ATV/UTV trails will remain open and the 28-degree rule does not apply.  Please refer to current Blue Ox Trail Riders map for proper trail designations. Red trails are SNOWMOBILE ONLY trails and not open to ATV-UTV’s.

A special THANK YOU goes out to the Florence County Blue Ox Trail Riders and all the volunteers that have worked together to provide you with another enjoyable season.

Questions or concerns may be directed to the Florence County Forestry and Parks Department at (715) 528-3207 x1704.  For more trail information, please visit our website at

Snowmobiling Information

Click Here to order a Florence County, WI snowmobile trail map.
(Please include your Name, Address, City, State and Zip with your map request.)


The Florence County Snowmobile Club (Blue Ox Trail System) was established in the late 1960s by four men: Tony DeMuri, Paul McCraw, Elmer Washburn and Chucky Kinnear.

In 2010 the Florence County ATV Club disbanded and joined forces with the Florence County Snowmobile Club to form a “new” club called THE FLORENCE COUNTY BLUE OX TRAIL-RIDERS. We feel this gives us the advantage of keeping the trails in the best shape for our riders both winter and summer. We are proud of our trails and invite all of you to come see if it is true that our trails are the best kept secret of the north!

The trail system today includes 140 miles of funded trails and approximately 180 total miles of trail. This system includes all of the trails in Florence County and are maintained by the Florence County Snowmobile Club. The club works hand in hand with Florence County, State of Wisconsin, Federal Government and private landowners in providing what we believe is one of the best trail systems in the state.

The members of the club are all unpaid volunteers and are responsible for grooming, brushing, signing and re-routes as well as all maintenance on the grooming equipment. The Florence County Snowmobile Club owns and operates 4 groomers which we use to maintain all of the snowmobile trails in Florence County. We have 4 trail coordinators that set up their own grooming schedules in their area of the county. This means that at any one time, there could be as many as 4 groomers on the trail, so please ride safely and watch out for the groomers!

The volunteers work very hard to provide and maintain this trail system so please let them know that you appreciate their effort. There would not be any trails in Wisconsin if it was not for the volunteers, and they are essential to the continued success of snowmobiling in the state. Also, about 50% of the trail system in Florence County crosses private landowner’s property. Please respect their property and stay on the trail. As president, I cannot tell you how many times each winter I have to explain and apologize for the actions of irresponsible snowmobilers.

The Wild Rivers Interpretive Center, located on the snowmobile trailhead, offers free over night parking in the lower parking lot. The Wild Rivers Interpretive Center is located at the intersection of US 2 and Hwy 101/70.

Drive safe and Responsibly. If you are not a member of the club, you should join one today. “United we Trail – Divided we Fail”.

Conover, Wisconsin


Trail Conditions: Not Ridable

Snow Cover: Thin

Date of Report: March 10, 2025

Area Report:

Vilas County trails will close at 8am on Tuesday March 11th. This is a temporary closure, if we do get cold again and a big drop of snow, we could reopen again. But we are nearing the end of the season on March 31st. 

All 11 clubs in Vilas did an amazing job getting the trails cleared of trees and panned out for one last ride last week. 

News and Reports:

To see where the Groomer is at, check out  Groomer Tracker  Half the cost of the app comes back to Conover Sno-Buddies to support grooming operations. 

Snowmobile Information:

Conover Sno-Buddies Events

Mar 11th – General Membership Meeting at Bauer’s Dam @ 5:30pm

Mar 15th – Groom-to-Ride Raffle Drawing & Party @ 1:00pm at Track Side

Mar 17th – St. Paddy’s Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner @ Club 45 – 4:00pm to 8:00pm

May 25th – Log Cabin Fundraiser – 3:00-7:00pm at Log Cabin. 

Aug 9th – Roadside Brat Fry & Bake Sale – 8:00am to 2:00pm at Jensen-Akins Hardware

Aug 31st – Brats & Beer Fundraiser – 11:00am – 4:00pm at Burnt Bridge Tavern

Oct 18th – Trail Brushing and Kick Off Party. Meet at Groomer barn at 9:00am.  After brushing, enjoy lunch at Conover Recreation Center (Right next to groomer barn)

Snowmobiling Information

You can find detailed trail maps here for Vilas County Trails. You can get all the information about regulations and registration from Wisconsin DNR. Safety should be your first priority know all the safety measures by clicking Wisconsin DNR.
To see where the Groomer is at, check out  Groomer Tracker  Half the cost of the app comes back to Conover Sno-Buddies to support grooming operations. 

Discover the exhilaration of a winter wonderland! There are over 70 miles of groomed snowmobile trails in Conover alone, that link up to a network of over 500 miles of trails in Vilas County. 80 miles of X-country skiing trails abound in the Nicolet National Forest.

Anyone can easily travel North into the Upper Penninsula of Michigan, or head South to watch the World Championship Snowmobile Derby. We invite everyone to join us for what is nationally recognized as some of the finest snowmobiling in the Midwest !!!

If you are going snowmobiling for a fun-filled and exciting winter adventure, then make sure to mark Conover in Wisconsin as a must-stop location. It has more than 70 miles of well-groomed and maintained snowmobile trails. While you may think that it does not sound like a lot that is not the case. These trials link you up and give you access to the 500 miles of trails that you can find in Vilas County. And if you want a little skiing action as well Conover links you with the 80 miles of skiing trails that are located in the Nicolet National forest as well. While the snowmobiling options in Conover specifically are more than adequate themselves but the main selling point of planning a snowmobiling trip to Conover is the convenience and freedom that it is going to offer you. It is going to put you in the ideal location from where you can ride your snowmobile to hundreds of adjoining trials. It is the perfect intersection for some of the country’s best trails. If you want to you can head north towards the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where you can indulge in all the winter fun that your heart desires. You can go to Lake Superior; you can take a trip to the Eben Ice Caves or you can visit the breathtaking Keweenaw. It is all up to you. If you head down towards the south from Conover, you can see the World Championship Snowmobile Derby which is hosted in Eagle River. Conover is a great spot for a winter vacation if you want to keep your options open. There is also the Conover-Phelps Trail that you need to know about. It connects both these communities and makes for a stunning snowmobile trail in the winters. It passes through wetlands and woodlands making for a very scenic ride. Towards its west end, this trail leads you towards the Conover Community Park which means that you get to experience 3 water crossings just in the first half. If you follow this route to the end it takes you to Song Hill Lane. There are plans to expand this trail all the way along County Highway K towards the downtown of Phelps. When this trial is complete it will be a total of 11 miles in length. All in all, Conover is a great spot for a snowmobiling vacation not only because of the easy access it provides to adjoining towns and trials but also because it a rich land full of lakes, rivers, and forests. The variety of landscape that it has to offer makes for a memorable snowmobiling experience in the winters.

Clark County, Wisconsin

Snowmobiling Information

Click Here to order a Clark County, WI snowmobile trail map.
(Please include your Name, Address, City, State and Zip with your map request.)

Clark County is where the Northwoods Begins! Clark County offers a wide variety of scenic riding from farm fields to tight woods sections. There is 350+ miles of winter snowmobile trails to enjoy with nine seperate clubs maintaining them. Enjoy the benifits of riding without all the snowmobile traffic like the northern counties are known for.

The Neillsville-Granton area is on the southern edge of Clark County and is located off US Hwy 10 and State Hwy 73. Neillsville offers food, gas, lodging, entertainment as well as the Vietnam Veterens Memorial. You will find the trail leads right up to the doors of many businesses that offer amendities to snowmobilers. Located in the central part of the state, Neillsville can be reach from all borders of the state in 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 hours.

The Neillsville-Granton Trailbusters, who groom 62+ miles of trails around the area offer some of the nicest, most well groomed trails around. We have two groomers that run on a continues schedule while conditions permit. Trails are well marked around the Neillsville-Granton area, so you wont have to worry about getting lost. For the most up-to-date trail conditions around the area log onto our website to view current trailconditions as well as trail cam pictures.

Cable, Wisconsin

Trail Conditions: No Snow

Snow Cover: Less than 1 inch

Date of Report: January 1, 2024

Snowmobiling Information

Click Here to order a Cable, WI snowmobile trail map.
(Please include your Name, Address, City, State and Zip with your map request.)

Click Here to view the Webcam

Almost every snowmobiler in the Midwest is aware of the fantastic winter playground found near the Cable Area of Southern Bayfield County. Hundreds of miles of wilderness trails provide tours through this area’s natural beauty, beckoning riders to return year after year. 

The Cable Area welcomes winter snow enthusiasts to a winter paradise. A special treat for riders can be found on Trail 63, which travels north through Cable, Drummond and Grandview as it continues on toward Mason. Along this trail, riders will cross three refurbished railroad trestles, the 200 foot Namakagon River Bridge, the 585 foot 18 Mile Creek Bridge, and the 325 foot White River Ramblers Snowmobile Bridge, each providing their own stunning views.


Trail 7 traveling east out of Cable brings riders to the scenic Lake Namakagon, the 10th largest natural lake in Wisconsin. From here a trek south on Trail 8 provides an excellent opportunity to view all the natural beauty of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest as riders travel along the Rock Lake Semi-Primitive Area. With almost a million acres, the National Forest offers the best in Midwest snowmobiling without the crowds of more widely known destinations!

Trails lead in all directions in this scenic National Forest region, offering unlimited choices. When staying in this area, snowmobiles are the only transportation you will need because almost everything is accessible via our trail system. Excellent lodging with roaring fireplaces and great food can be found trailside throughout this area.

The Cable Area is your premier snowmobile destination for Northern Wisconsin. We offer miles and miles of “smooth as a baby’s behind” trails and the friendliest lodging, dining, and entertaining establishments in the state. Many folks tell us that we have the best trails they’ve ever ridden on! The Cable Area also makes an excellent jump-off point to some other great riding areas including Hurley, the UP, over into Minnesota, and, of course, the rest of Bayfield County. This winter, come join us in the Cable Area of Northwest Wisconsin – find your winter hotspot!


Boulder Junction, Wisconsin


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 0-2″ (very little coverage)

Date of Report: March 11, 2025

Area Report:

Temporary closure of the Vilas County Trail system went into effect Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 8am. Full press release here.

Visit for all previous trail reports. 

Snowmobiling Information

Click Here to order a Boulder Junction, WI snowmobile trail map.
(Please include your Name, Address, City, State and Zip with your map request.)

The snowmobiling is outstanding in the Musky Capital of the World®. Explore hundreds of miles of well-groomed trails and enjoy outstanding woodland scenery. Local restaurants, lodging properties and retailers have been catering to snowmobilers for decades. When the snow flies, Boulder Junction is the place to be!    


Boulder Junction is surrounded by 130 miles of local trails which connect with thousands of miles of trails running throughout northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The dedicated, hardworking Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club keeps area trails in fantastic condition throughout the season.




When there isn’t snow on the ground, vacationers come from across the Midwest to boat, paddle and swim the area’s 194 crystal clear lakes. The fishing for musky, walleye, bass and panfish is second to none. And Boulder Junction’s biking and hiking trail system is among the best in Wisconsin, offering both paved and unpaved trails. Simply put, Boulder Junction is the classic Northwoods vacation destination.



Black River Falls – Jackson County, Wisconsin

Snowmobiling Information

Jackson County has over 300 miles of groomed snowmobile trails which connect to 500 miles of trails in surrounding counties. Connections can be made to every trail in the state.

Our trails offer the unique experience of varied terrain. On the west side of the county the trails wind through forest and agricultural land. The rolling landscape is quite steep in places which is characteristic of the Coulee country of western Jackson County and certainly adds to the challenge. In eastern Jackson County the trails meander through heavily wooded areas and a gentler, more level grade. Choose your path; the scenery is excellent and you will be sure to find well maintained trails which are groomed frequently, including weekends.

Bayfield, Wisconsin

Snowmobiling Information

Northern Bayfield County is a beautiful area that provides a terrific riding opportunity in uninhabited and non developed national and state forests. The area is uncrowded and in the middle of the Bayfield Peninsula away from the small communities located on the shores of Lake Superior. Yet the area is easily accessed from these communities.

There is an extensive state trial system maintained and groomed with newly acquired groomers by the area clubs. The trails are a combinations of trails and designated forest roads almost exclusively through the woods and areas where logging has taken place. The trails are void of riding ditches and lakes.

There are hundreds of miles of marked forest roads that provide another option. They are unimproved roads and are usually not maintained nor see vehicles in the Winter. The forest roads are not groomed but they provide an opportunity to break powder and also for one to “ride” their sled no matter the conditions. Be aware that the forest roads do not include stop and curve signs and there are many unmarked intersections.

One of the other benefits of riding in this area is that it receives far less volume of sled traffic compared to the more common riding destinations. There are just two places where one can get gas, food and beverages. That in itself helps make the trails safer.

Northern Bayfield County – It doesn’t get any better than this!