Reporter:Hodag SnoTrails
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: Lots of snow in the woods
Date of Report: February 5, 2020
Area Report:
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: Lots of snow in the woods
Date of Report: February 5, 2020
Area Report:
Trails have recovered nicely from the heavy usage and warm weather last weekend. The full force of groomers have been out nightly since Monday, repairing the trail base and flattening the trails. It was -12 on Wednesday morning, so the trails will tighten up good with the groomer activity.
Without the fresh snow to cover the road crossings, they are getting snirty and the road routes are showing the pavement. The trail routes are all in good to excellent shape.
There is slush on the lakes, so stay close to the barrels or other markings.
It doesn’t get much better than this out there. Get out and ride.