Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 3-6 inches snow
Date of Report: December 31, 2018
Area Report:
Hello Riders! Some updates:
BIG ROUND LAKE is completely staked. There is a bit of a re-route to take you on a bit of a safer route around the heave so stay on the marked trail. ***CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH, WATCH FOR HEAVES! ROUND AND LCO REPORTS TO HAVE LARGE HEAVE (THESE ARE MARKED) BUT THERE MAY BE OTHERS ON OTHER LAKES.
Trail 9 and 5 near the Seeley Hills has been groomed.
Trail 217 southeast of Douglas County and 17 from The Cabin Store to Clearwater Resort is groomed and OPEN
Lake Chetac near Birchwood ARE marked. Trails in that area are reported to be snow covered but need more snow.
Reports from many are trails in the central part of the county and to the north are ACTUALLY QUITE GOOD… FAIR TO GOOD! We did receive about an inch of snow last night, every bit counts!! And we do have snow in the forecast for today. Will update when that number is final.
If you have a trail concern or update please visit and on the left is “Report a Trail Issue” and that will get sent straight through the proper channels. Members and volunteers can’t always be everywhere so your eyes are a great resource and we welcome any input!
Surrounding counties: Bayfield is OPEN. Price is OPEN. Ashland is PARTIALLY OPEN. Washburn, Barron and Rusk is CLOSED
Thank you to all members and volunteers for getting out there and grooming, signing, doing all trail work!! Couldn’t happen without you!