Snowmobiling Information
Manitowoc County is a great place for your next winter getaway. It features wonderful family attractions, restaurants, shopping, all sorts of outdoor fun and money-saving vacation options.
Find your fun in many forms: snowmobiling, snowboarding, cross country skiing, indoor ice skating, snowshoeing, and winter camping. Manitowoc is the home of 348 miles of state snowmobile trails including river trails which are maintained and groomed by local snowmobile clubs. Point Beach State Forest grooms 11 miles of beautiful cross country ski trails. There is space for winter camping as well. There are a number of lodges to host you and your friends. Warm yourselves up by the fire after a day of adventure. Other cross country trails can be found in Manitowoc’s Henry Schuette Park and Silver Creek Park, Camp Sinawa near Valders, Collins Marsh Wildlife Area, and more.